I appreciate that. But that is what morality you think morality does. Not a definition of what it is.
EDIT: I take that back. It is a definition of what it is. It just need ssome firming up.
I think morality is humanities strongest foundation, it makes us more than an animal, that does not have the choices we have.
We can choose to be good to all people.
As your depiction of God has several immoral pillars in his foundation, even if I believed that being existed, I would not agree
I see you are free to see that is the case. I see that an all knowing God, knows what is best for us, even if we are yet to understand why.
Faith gives me the ability to submit to a given law, even when I am yet to fully understand why. In doing this, I have found that over time, the wisdom of the Law is shown in many ways I had not yet considered.
We are told, this is the way of God since time began, and this will not change. This is what enables us to grow morally. God sets the standard and how we react to it either builds civilization, or if we neglect it, brings civilization down.
Regards Tony