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Barack Hussein Obama is the Final Antichrist


Well-Known Member
It don't matter if you're black or white

YouTube - Michael Jackson - Black or White

I took my baby
On a Saturday bang
Boy is that girl with you
Yes we're one and the same

Now I believe in miracles
And a miracle
Has happened tonight
If you're thinkin'
About my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white

They print my message
In the Saturday Sun
I had tell them
I ain't second to none

And I told about equality
And it's true
Either you're wrong
Or you're right
If you're thinkin'
About my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white

I am tired of this devil
I am tired of this devil
I am tired of this stuff
I am tired of this business
Sew when the
Going gets rough
I ain't scared of your brother
I ain't scared of no sheets
I ain's scared of nobody
Girl when the goin' gets mean

For gangs, clubs, and nations
Causing grief in human relations
It's a turf war
On a global scale
I'd rather hear both sides of the tale
See, it's not about races
Just places, faces
Where your blood comes from
Is where your space is
I've seen the bright get duller
I'm not going to spend
My life being a color

Don't tell me you agree with me
When I saw you
Kickin' dirt in my eye
You're thinkin'about my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white

I said
If you're thinkin' about my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white
I said
If you're thinkin' of being my brother
It don't matter if you're
Black or white


Well-Known Member
The revelation below is from this YouTube channel. Lastrumpet08 I've read all 200 plus revelations on this YouTube channel.

This is Jesus Christ speaking, in this revelation, and in ALL her revelations.

Prophecy: Reveal the Antichrist

Text quoted from the video.

"Do not think that the Antichrist is a friendly man, do not let him mislead you, he is an evil man from the beginning, lawless, an enemy of the Truth. He is already at work, in your midst, ready to reveal himself to the world at the appointed time. He will deceive many more, they will follow and worship him, because they do not follow Me, hear My voice or heed My warnings.

The Antichrist will CHANGE many things and will be in control of the world. He is an evil man. Wickedness will increase under his reign. He will change the rules to suit his wicked schemes. he will bring in the mark of the beast, no buying or selling without his mark 666 it will be on everything. Those who are not willing to take his mark or worship him for My Name's sake will be persecuted and martyred.

He is against Me, blasphemes My holy Name already and denies Me. He hates Me first and will hate many more. He is working for his father satan. A murderer, liar, deceiver and he will destroy many. He has great authority and will deceive many more through his appearance. He will do more great signs, false wonders therefore many more will follow after him and worship him, a creature, and not Me his Creator. I will give them over to become deveived by him, because they do not love Me the Truth.

Do not fear! I am in control, he can only do what I permit. Everything is written up from the foundation of the earth, all is in My plan, nothing is out of My control. All that was written will come in fufillment at My appointed time. It will be in My plan and My will be done.

The one who follows and stays with Me, will not be in darkness. I will reveal new things to those who ask of Me. I am the Beginning and the End who knows everything and nothing is out of My control. Take heed now, the Antichrist is indeed Obama, not a friend, but full of evil. Do not let him deceive you through his appearance. He has already deceived many. They have denied Me already and followed after him, a man, because they did not inquire of Me. I will also deny them if they do not repent and ask forgiveness in time. I know every one and I will pour out the fury of My wrath on them on that day.

Prepare yourself, I am coming, repent and be ready to be found worthy for Me.

TAKE HEED and DO NOT TAKE HIS MARK or WORSHIP HIM, then you will be condemned forever and ever."

The lady who receives these revelations, from Jesus Christ, just emailed me back. I just sent her an email and thanked her and asked her where she's from. This is the email she just sent me in response.

"Hello Michael

You are welcome and all the glory just goes to Jesus who cares for us and loves us. I am from South Africa but currently in the USA in Baltimore MD with my son and daughter in law. You must keep well and Jesus bless and keep you safe till He comes.


Revelation 14
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Revelation 16
2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

Lithium is the power source contained in the VERICHIP implants, which slowly leaks out into the body and poisons it. The heat that escapes the body from the forehead and the back of the hand combined with the lithium, powers the Verichip implants.


Is Verichip the Mark ?

RFID VeriChip Story on CBS 46, with Katherine Albrecht

The beast, Antichrist: Revelation 13

Is OBAMA the ANTICHRIST? - 12 of 19 characteristics are met!

It will be easy to spot the final antichrist, because he will push the www.VerichipCorp.com system or something similar to it, like www.MonDex.com


Will you be paying with VISA (VERICHIP) or MATERCARD (MONDEX) today ???

MON (right) DEX (hand)
The Verichip was created by Digital Angel

Kissinger: Obama Primed to Create "New World Order" \

Kissinger talking about Obama and the New World Order

Barack Obama's New World Order

When we want to understand what the scriptures say we must go to the Holy Bible.
According to what the scriptures say, there is NO, THE antichrist. The term antichrist means someone against Christ, or do not believe that Jesus is the Christ of God. The term antichrist is only mentioned 5 times in the Bible, 1John 2:18,22, 4:3, 2John 7.
As can be seen by the scriptures there were many antichrists,
even in the first century. There are many antichrists now!! Obama may turn out to be one, but not THE antichrist.


Well-Known Member
When we want to understand what the scriptures say we must go to the Holy Bible.
According to what the scriptures say, there is NO, THE antichrist. The term antichrist means someone against Christ, or do not believe that Jesus is the Christ of God. The term antichrist is only mentioned 5 times in the Bible, 1John 2:18,22, 4:3, 2John 7.
As can be seen by the scriptures there were many antichrists,
even in the first century. There are many antichrists now!! Obama may turn out to be one, but not THE antichrist.

If that is so, then what is Paul talking about in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2?
Paul writes that this Man of Sin (sometimes translated son of perdition) will possess a number of characteristics. These include "sitting in the temple", opposing himself against anything that is worshiped, claiming divine authority,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antichrist#cite_note-11working all kinds of counterfeit miracles and signs,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antichrist#cite_note-12and doing all kinds of evil. It is true that the bible talked about many anti christ but the one being described by Paul and in the Book of revelations is "a man" (or a person). But personally, I do not believe that it is Obama.


Well-Known Member
The President came to my university today, and while I didn't get a chance to get a ticket (no way am I sitting in a line for 3 hours to get a ticket to a campaign speech) I did get to see the scene outside of the building where he spoke.

I can assure you, if anyone is deserving the anti-Christ label when it comes to politics, it was the protestors outside.


Why does everyone use the mistaken title "Antichrist" to refer to the "Beast" of Revelation? Mass media having an effect on Christians? :D
whosoever believes Obama is the anti-Christ is a total idiot they do not read the bible and if so are too stupid to interpret it right there is only 1! anti-Christ no more no less
i stand corrected...there is more then one anti-christ but there is ONLY one big one that has any influence on the actual world not what ppl say as anti-christ(s) those anti-christ are not important because they have pretty much no influence so therefor any anti-christ should b ignored except for THE anti-christ which is profiled in revelations