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Barack Hussein Obama is the Final Antichrist

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
who is he?

Hahahahaha. I doubt you watch Fox News, so you wouldn't know, but some of the politically far-right people on Fox News (and just some right-wing people in general) demand the US President Barack Hussein Obama be referred to as Hussein because they want to emphasize that he's Muslim. Why? In their minds, Hussein = Muslim. These people hate anything that isn't Christian. I'm talking about people like Ann Coulter.
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Veteran Member
Hahahahaha. I doubt you watch Fox News, so you wouldn't know, but some of the politically far-right people on Fox News (and just some right-wing people in general) demand the US President Barack Hussein Obama be referred to as Hussein because they want to emphasize that he's Muslim. Why? In their minds, Hussein = Muslim. These people hate anything that isn't Christian. I'm talking about people like Ann Coulter.

of course! his name is Hussein. sorry, i don't know how i forgot that.

i don't know who Ann Coulter is. i am only familiar with names of major characters....like Hussein :p


Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
of course! his name is Hussein. sorry, i don't know how i forgot that.

i don't know who Ann Coulter is. i am only familiar with names of major characters....like Hussein :p

I would send you a YouTube link, but I like you and wouldn't want you to lose your lunch in the inevitable spew of vomit once you hear what she has to say lol.


Hello All. Just like to say that there is One Main Antichrist and at Least One Human Antichrist......Obama Is NOT amongst the Human Antichrists. :no:

The Main Antichrist is Lucifer, the fallen archangel...also known as Satan and the devil! :yes:


Well-Known Member
Hello All. Just like to say that there is One Main Antichrist and at Least One Human Antichrist......Obama Is NOT amongst the Human Antichrists. :no:

The Main Antichrist is Lucifer, the fallen archangel...also known as Satan and the devil! :yes:

Well now we're getting somewhere.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I am tad late to say this but... this thread has given me a bad vibe. People can have a choice in opinion. I don't think we should all dog on FFH for feeling a certain way and for posting something that is different. I think this post was quite interesting if you ask me. :shrug: I'd feel quite deceived by some of you quite honestly. Maybe that's not right of me to say but... remember... that's only my opinion.
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Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
One of my good friends also believes that Obama is the anti-christ. I told her that that was wonderful. I embrace the breaking away from mind-numbing follow the leader to bliss style anything.
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One of my good friends also believes that Obama is the anti-christ. I told her that that was wonderful. I embrace the breaking away from mind-numbing follow the leader to bliss style anything.

Tongue in Cheek Tigeress...oh i am scared by the way...:D

Obama antichrist...o come on...he a sheep in wolf's clothing?...in my Vast experience of antichrists he is the Last one in the world I would suspect...ha ha best cover for an antichrist though right...but problem is The Human Antichrist has done such a good cover-up that although everyone NEW he was the antichrist now hardly anyone does:confused:

Wow Wow how can you explain that except that HE IS....:help:

But Obama is a Pussycat who has been parachuted into the End of the World scenario and he is still caught in the Headlights!!:yes:

As regards getting at people...I am not getting at anyone:rolleyes:but :shouta WAKE UP CALL to all the :sleep:

Greetings to all on this Forum thread. Shalom brothers and sisters of the world. I'm a brother2:cool:


Veteran Member
I just had THE MOST intense dream I've ever had in my life.

I was protesting at an Obama event.

I got his attention and he SERIOUSLY pondered what he was doing, which was the requirement of EVERY person in the U.S. to attach to themselves a WIRELESS robotic device that would TRACK every movement of every person in the U.S., within feet, not miles. It was a VERY PRECISE indicator of movement. ALL MOVEMENT WAS TRACKED AND RECORDED, including ALL BUYING AND SELLING.

At first it will be VOLUNTARY, then it will be MANDATORY, or you will be threatened with imprisonment. Most will comply of course, rather than be thrown into prison.

I was sooo irate about this NEW wireless tracking program, ESPECIALLY the COST and so I confronted OBAMA about it, but most could care less about it and were going along with this plan, for their OWN FALSE "safety and security".

So at the NEXT OBAMA EVENT I protested LOUDLY in FRONT of OBAMA and his faollowers. so that they could ALL HERE. They all heard me INCLUDING OBAMA and I was able to get close enought to him, AFTER the event, to TALK and WALK with him FACE TO FACE, as he MOVED to ANOTHER location, where he KNEELT down and PRAYED with his FOLLOWERS. I did the same, thnking he had remorse for what he had done thus far in his Presidency at that point, which was to make it MANDATORY for EVERYONE in the U.S. to take upon themselves this WIRELESS ROBITIC device, which had a NUMBER attached to EVERY individual, a TRACKING NUMBER. I knelt down with OBAMA and his followers, thinking they were feeling REMORSE for what they were about to do, then I QUICKLY realized they were PRAYING to ANOTHER being, so I awoke, REALIZING they were NOT praying to GOD, but to SOME OTHER BEING...

I'm outta here folks, have at it, OBAMA does NOT have the answers to this world's problems, GOD has the SOLUTIONS to all human SUFFERING, NOT OBAMA.

Those LEFT BEHIND WILL BE FACED WITH a TRACKING DEVICE that they will VOLUNTARILY have to COMPLY with or be thrown into prison.

Obama even JOKINGLY referred to himself as the ANTICHRIST and said jokingly, "without my new program you won't be able to buy or sell". He JOKED about it referrring to HIMSELF as the antichrist, so that people would ease their fears about him, who he REALLY was and what his TRACKING WIRELESS PROGRAM was all about in REALITY.

He JOKED about being the antichrist and that no man could buy or sell without his NEW WIRELESS TRACKING PROGRAM.

Jokes ("fun and games") will be the way that OBAMA will get people to accept him and his new program.

He himself will play it down and make it seem NORMAL. He himself will joke about it, make fun of it, and go about his business, trying to make light of it, so people will not panic about it or feel uneasy about it.

He will LULL you all into thinking it's HARMLESS but it's NOT, it's a way of ENSLAVING ALL, to his way of thinking, by removing all distinctions between rich and poor, black and white, etc.

There will be NO RICH men under his program/leadership. All money from the rich will be taken away. I clearly knew that in the dream and spoke to a rich person about that VERY fact and prophesied over him that all his money would be taken away in TWO YEARS.

This wireless tracking program will cost about 30 percent of the NATIONAL budget, that was also in the dream. I confronted OBAMA about this FACE TO FACE as we walked and talked/discussed his new WIRELESS TRACKING PROGRAM.

That was the LAST thing I talked to him about, was the cost, before he knelt down and prayed with his followers. I thought it was in REMORSE for what he was about to do, but it was NOT, it was to pray to HIS GOD, not THE GOD of the UNIVERSE.

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Active Member
I just had THE MOST intense dream I've ever had in my life.

I was protesting at an Obama event.

I got his attention and he SERIOUSLY pondered what he was doing, which was the requirement of EVERY person in the U.S. to attach to themselves a WIRELESS robotic device that would TRACK every movement of every person in the U.S., within feet, not miles. It was a VERY PRECISE indicator of movement. ALL MOVEMENT WAS TRACKED AND RECORDED, including ALL BUYING AND SELLING.

At first it will be VOLUNTARY, then it will be MANDATORY, or you will be threatened with imprisonment. Most will comply of course, rather than be thrown into prison.

I was sooo irate about this NEW wireless tracking program, ESPECIALLY the COST and so I confronted OBAMA about it, but most could care less about it and were going along with this plan, for their OWN FALSE "safety and security".

So at the NEXT OBAMA EVENT I protested LOUDLY in FRONT of OBAMA, his daughter and his faollowers. so that they could ALL HERE. They all heard me INCLUDING OBAMA and I was able to get close enought to him, AFTER the event, to TALK and WALK with him FACE TO FACE, as he MOVED to ANOTHER location, where he KNEELT down and PRAYED with his FOLLOWERS. I did the same, thnking he had remorse for what he had done thus far in his Presidency at that point, which was to make it MANDATORY for EVERYONE in the U.S. to take upon themselves this WIRELESS ROBITIC device, which had a NUMBER attached to EVERY individual, a TRACKING NUMBER. I knelt down with OBAMA and his followers, thinking they were feeling REMORSE for what they were about to do, then I QUICKLY realized they were PRAYING to ANOTHER being, so I awoke, REALIZING they were NOT praying to GOD, but to SOME OTHER BEING...

I'm outta here folks, have at it, OBAMA does NOT have the answers to this world's problems, GOD has the SOLUTIONS to all human SUFFERING, NOT OBAMA.

Those LEFT BEHIND WILL BE FACED WITH a TRACKING DEVICE that they will VOLUNTARILY have to COMPLY with or be thrown into prison.

Obama even JOKINGLY referred to himself as the ANTICHRIST and said jokingly, "without my new program you won't be able to buy or sell". He JOKED about it referrring to HIMSELF as the antichrist, so that people would ease their fears about him, who he REALLY was and what his TRACKING WIRELESS PROGRAM was all about in REALITY.

He JOKED about being the antichrist and that no man could buy or sell without his NEW WIRELESS TRACKING PROGRAM.

Jokes ("fun and games") will be the way that OBAMA will get people to accept him and his new program.

He himself will play it down and make it seem NORMAL. He himself will joke about it, make fun of it, and go about his business, trying to make light of it, so people will not panic about it or feel uneasy about it.

He will LULL you all into thinking it's HARMLESS but it's NOT, it's a way of ENSLAVING ALL, to his way of thinking, by removing all distinctions between rich and poor, black and white, etc.

There will be NO RICH men under his program/leadership. All money from the rich will be taken away. I clearly knew that in the dream and spoke to a rich person about that VERY fact and prophesied over him that all his money would be taken away in TWO YEARS.

This wireless tracking program will cost about 30 percent of the NATIONAL budget, that was also in the dream. I confronted OBAMA about this FACE TO FACE as we walked and talked/discussed his new WIRELESS TRACKING PROGRAM.

That was the LAST thing I talked to him about, was the cost, before he knelt down and prayed with his followers. I thought it was in REMORSE for what he was about to do, but it was NOT, it was to pray to HIS GOD, not THE GOD of the UNIVERSE.


Obama's daughter will be actively involved with OBAMA as he travels around speaking to people. Obama's daughter will help to ease people's fears, but not for the right reasons.

to me that sound more like the kind of thing GW Bush would have implememted as the next step of the patriot act.

i dont know why people hate obama, is it just because hes a liberal or what?. but if you really dont want him the UK will gladly take him - i mean have you seen the two twats who are in charge around here?


Veteran Member
to me that sound more like the kind of thing GW Bush would have implememted as the next step of the patriot act.

i dont know why people hate obama, is it just because hes a liberal or what?. but if you really dont want him the UK will gladly take him - i mean have you seen the who are in charge around here?
In my dream I did not hate him, but rather, WARNED him (asked him questions that made him SEROUSLY ponder about what he was doing).

He didn't listen.

I thought at first he was going to change his mind, when he knelt down to pray with his followers, in the dream, which I did also, then quickly realized he was praying to someone OTHER than the God of this universe.

I quickly awoke at 7 am this morning and wrote this all down here on this thread.

God has CHOSEN OBAMA to lead this nation in JUDGEMENT, for it's forsaking what we were called to do, as a NATION, which is to be an EXAMPLE to the world, in RIGHTEOUSNESS, in all things, which we HAVE NOT DONE.
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Veteran Member
After I got Obama's attention, by protesting his WIRELESS TRACKING PROGRAM, we talked face to face CALMLY as we walked. as one friend to another would. I asked him how much of the NATIONAL budget his WIRELESS TRACKING PROGRAM would cost, he could not answer me, he didn't know, but I knew it would cost about 30 percent of the NATIONAL budget and would be a COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY not to mention WASTED LIVES.

He pondered what I said and it seemed as if he had remorse and would change his mind, I quickly realized otherwise, when he and his followers all knelt down to pray, but NOT TO GOD, but to SOME OTHER GOD and I awoke.
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Active Member
In my dream I did not hate him, but rather, WARNED him (asked him questions that made him SEROUSLY ponder about what he was doing).

He didn't listen.

I thought at first he was going to change his mind, when he knelt down to pray with his followers, in the dream, which I did also, then quickly realized he was praying to someone OTHER than the God of this universe.

that may just be because that is one of the most terrifying things your mind could come up with. to you being led down the path to damnation by another 'serpent' would scare you. but to me thats nothing as i dont believe.

God has CHOSEN OBAMA to lead this nation in JUDGEMENT, for it's forsaking what we were called to do, as a NATION, which is to be an EXAMPLE to the world, in RIGHTEOUSNESS, in all things, which we HAVE NOT DONE.[/quote]

got to give the man time to fix bush's mess. if we give him enough time and support he may fix everthing that you have fears about, but to always dismiss what he says out of hand will only hinder the efforts to rebuild. im not saying dont question, i mean not asking questions is what lead to hitler so its important we do that but as long as he is doing the right thing he deserves support


Veteran Member
that may just be because that is one of the most terrifying things your mind could come up with. to you being led down the path to damnation by another 'serpent' would scare you. but to me thats nothing as i dont believe.

got to give the man time to fix bush's mess. if we give him enough time and support he may fix everthing that you have fears about, but to always dismiss what he says out of hand will only hinder the efforts to rebuild. im not saying dont question, i mean not asking questions is what lead to hitler so its important we do that but as long as he is doing the right thing he deserves support
That's just it, I tried to warn OBAMA and his followers, some listened, INCLUDING OBAMA, but MOST knelt down and prayed WITH OBAMA to a FALSE GOD !!!



Active Member
That's just it, I tried to warn OBAMA and his followers, some listened, INCLUDING OBAMA, but MOST knelt down and prayed WITH OBAMA to a FALSE GOD !!!


thats something i never understood. theres no such thing as false hope, just hope in the wrong thing. hope in world peace is probably a false hope as human nature will never allow it, but we still hope away anyway


Veteran Member
May God bless all here....some Nightmare MMH and THAT is all it is...a NIGHTMARE.

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Salvation Mam! He is our only Safety and Salvation.:)

The End is Nigh...even 'mary' told us that in the visions of fatima :yes:??

With all Respect though Mary is dead and buried and awaiting resurection when her son wakes up the Sleeping:sleep:
Give President Obama a Chance or 2 he is one of the Good Guys!!:slap:

Shalom. May God bless all here. brother2:grill:
Mary is very much alive and wants us to pray for OBAMA.

Pray for our enemies, those who use us for their OWN gain.
mary queen of peace, I am new here at this forum and have seen there is much good debate here and many interesting posts, what bible do you read from?
I am curious as to where does Mary say for us to pray? Where did you find that information?
My bible does say that Mary said to the servants to do what Jesus said when he was changing the water into wine.


Veteran Member
mary queen of peace, I am new here at this forum and have seen there is much good debate here and many interesting posts, what bible do you read from?
I am curious as to where does Mary say for us to pray? Where did you find that information?
My bible does say that Mary said to the servants to do what Jesus said when he was changing the water into wine.
A Catholic Priest, named John Mariani, sent me this message, given to him by Mary. John asked me to post this message on Youtube for him.

In this message Mary asked the people of the U.S. to pray for our President and for our leaders.

"I CALL YOU AGAIN AMERICA" Mary's Message to John Mariani, July 21, 2009

Mary's Message to John Mariani

July 21, 2009

The voice of the Virgin Mary.

John I am coming to you tonight to give a warning to this nation . I told you a few months ago that there could be another attack on this nation . Time is working against this nation . The snake has taken over so many souls in this country there is not enough faith . Stop abortion , stop adultery and have purity of the mind and the heart . I also ask you to pray for your leaders. For the President so that they may open up their hearts . God wants to help this nation but the people do not seek , they do not ask , it is not God that has turned his face , but it is the country that has turned from Him. It is the country's choice whether they want to shield themselves with the armor plate of God or not . I want to help this nation , I want to put this nation under my mantle but first they must be sure that my Son is the Lord and Savior . If they are to pray they must not do it by their mouth but with an open heart. then the Lord will send this Nation peace . If none of this is done this nation will enter a worse crisis. To prevent this I ask that this nation be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart.

Mary's Messages From Medjugorje
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