Active Member
Nobody has authority over the subject, everybody can argue what they want, or believe what they want. In the end, the religion is right there for anybody who wants to study it and find with honesty what it does really say, which in the majority of situations, is pretty clear.
What i was saying, is that scholars are no different than anybody else. Some of them are stupid, bad, ignorant whatever you want, they are people occupying a job, some of them are good and some of them are not.
That is all very modern and "moderate" and tolerant etc, etc, etc. But just like your Christian cousins you insist this is a supernatural communication, perfect in every way, w/o error or possibility of error, the direct Word of God, to alter one comma is unacceptable.
But any 2 people reading it can reach different conclusions about what it means.
What is wrong with this picture? The initial assumption. There is NOTHING supernatural about it or the Christian version.
Its a MYTH made up by humans to provide a weapon to control their fellows. It is nothing but a POLITICAL weapon. And a hateful intolerant one at that.