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Belief in God, is not what God wants!


Well-Known Member
Far too many people try to speak for God, and thats part and parcel to the problems in religion. I don't know why God does not now speak for himself, but the bible is his only word we have. Outside of personal revelation, that book is all we have, even though even it has been tampered with. Yet the more I study that book, the more I begin to realize that God does NOT want humanity to now believe in him. He does not. God is not concerned with belief in him, because he knows he can alter the belief of any human in an instant, thats nothing for him to do.

But religion has muddied the waters of what God is really after in humanity, they have taken the cause of God and ran it into the ground, because of their misunderstanding.

Jesus said something of unique intrest in John 6:65;" For this reason I have said to you, that no man can come to me, unless it has been granted him from the Father." Interesting and astounding, nobody can come to God of their own will. This is what Jesus meant, we are not allowed access to even Christ, unless God first " Grants it!" This goes against the grain of religion teaching that we are in the age of " Whosoever will, let them come." You just can't pray up an aduience with God, you just have been taught that you can.

The reason why God " Grants an audience", is because the vast majority of humanity is not now being given an audience! Thats not whats on Gods mind, he's ignoring much of humanity, and what they are doing. Because nothing is going on , on earth, that is against his will for now.

We cannot approach God, know him, understand him, or even believe in him, unless he grants it. So what he is now granting, is unbelief, confusion and Darkness.

Belief in him, incredibilly as it may sound, is not what he wants for humanity now!

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
You do realize that in telling us what God wants, you're speaking for God, right?

I do not speak for God, I don't know him, I speak for myself. These are my own views.

That being said, and I anticipated the Atheist mind to jump on that, the new topic at hand;

Belief is not what God is inspiring in humanity now, in fact, God is not even trying to inspire humanity toward him now. Listen, if God wanted to change this planets beliefs, he could do so worldwide in mere seconds! That would be nothing for him to do, hes got that kind of power. Nothing can occur, that he does not want to occur. And if it has not occured, like worldwide belief in him, its because he does not want that for now.

And let me continue on that.



Well-Known Member
Again Jesus in John 6:44;" No one can come to me, unless the Father who sent me draws him." Here again the concept of comming to Jesus of your own free will is blow away by Jesus own words! NOBODY can come to Jesus of their own decision, nobody! They can physologically seduce themselves to do it and believe it got done, and then live in that pacification all of their lives. But Jesus said no human will can come to him of their own choice, the Father must first choose.

And strangely, God has done very, very little of calling people to him, with the exception of the late prophets and apostles.

And I want to get into that.



Official Party Crasher
I would agree that religion and GOD are two different things and right now we are creating our own religion in this discussion. All religion is an attempt to understand or explain GOD, which I do not believe is possible.

BUT I do believe it is possible to have a relationship with GOD. It is more on a personal basis and any attempt to explain this to another person would make it religion. Add some creeds and dogma and you get organized religion :)

So I don't take religion as seriously as religious people do. I believe in GOD, just not a very big believer in religion.

Your attempt here is imo just another attempt to explain god which = more religion.

Nothing wrong with that, just saying.


Well-Known Member
I would agree that religion and GOD are two different things and right now we are creating our own religion in this discussion. All religion is an attempt to understand or explain GOD, which I do not believe is possible.

BUT I do believe it is possible to have a relationship with GOD. It is more on a personal basis and any attempt to explain this to another person would make it religion. Add some creeds and dogma and you get organized religion :)

So I don't take religion as seriously as religious people do. I believe in GOD, just not a very big believer in religion.

Your attempt here is imo just another attempt to explain god which = more religion.

Nothing wrong with that, just saying.

Well I agree with you, how can I not. Religion is mans effort to reach God, or explain him, and I am trying to explain him, which does, to a point, equal religion, defined as you did it. I can't help that, although I am not a religious man, nor do I support any religion, and I am not starting my own. I just like God, although I do not know him. And I grow tired of him being misrepresented.

God is not trying to convert this world at this time, and he has not called out any churchs, and this according to his own written word. Its in the bible, one just has to dig for it. Religion has built itself on its own Adequatacy, not Gods, but they present themselves as being endorsed by God, which he has not. 2Corinth. 3:5;" Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as comming from ourselves, but our adequacy is FROM God!" A church set up by God will be complettely adequate in all things, there is no church like that now.

Because God is not interested in the beliefs of men.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Because God is not interested in the beliefs of men.

And I want to go into that.


Let me give what I think is the most accurate discription of Gods view of humans right now in the bible; Isaiah 40:15,17;" Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are reguarded as a speck of dust on a scale. All the nations are as nothing before him, they are reguarded " BY HIM", as LESS than nothing and meaningless." This is how God views humanity, our views, our opinions, our rebellion, all of these are reguarded by God as Less than nothing and meaningless.

Our belief in him, or our unbelief in him is considered less than nothing by him. I mean a believer can believe in God with all their heart, be seriously sincere, but God considers that as less than nothing. An unbeliever can totally reject the notion of a God, God considers that as a speck of dust on the scales that he controls complettely. The affiars of men are complettely useless to God, he can intervene and bring meaning anytime he so chooses.

Thats why I am attracted to God, religion does not control him, Atheism does not threaten him, nothing is out of his reach, and he controls all things.

And is taking his sweet time with things. He must be a very patient individual. And he has not released either his Spirit or his awesome will to bring belief in him to humanity.

And I want to get into that.



Well-Known Member

And is taking his sweet time with things. He must be a very patient individual. And he has not released either his Spirit or his awesome will to bring belief in him to humanity.

And I want to get into that.


As I consider God, as unworthy as I am to do as such, I look at the things he has already done, in hopes of understanding him somewhat. He creates this awesome Universe, and then Primordal humans with no Consciousness. Then he brings the advent of Consciousness to mankind, then just allows them to live as they please. He uses the nation of Israel as an example of human rebellion, injects evil into our atmosphere, and then sends his only Son to be killed by men.

Allows religion to spoil his reputation, and just literally leaves humanity to itself, saying nothing at all over all these years! Strange, really strange. Hard to figure, its just dumfounding to me at more times than not. Its because God does not want it understood, that is the only reasonable conclusion I can see. He does not want the belief, he is not after the praise or reconition.

And you know, when a being as powerful as God behaves in this manner, it stirs the emotions of humans into all kinds of directions. And I am sure he knows that. God, the King of Life and Consciousness, what awesome responsibilitys he must hold. And I am so curious about him, to know his true nature. I speculate so much about him, but really never being sure of myself. This egnimatic being.

So I want to go into the mind of this God, as I consider him. His ways, his motives, and tract his intent as best I can.



Resident Lycanthrope
My Gods and Goddesses speak to me. I speak back to Them. I go to Them with my problems. They help me. I do things in Their honor for the sake of pleasing Them. I love Them. They love me back. Maybe you just haven't found the right God yet.


Well-Known Member
My Gods and Goddesses speak to me. I speak back to Them. I go to Them with my problems. They help me. I do things in Their honor for the sake of pleasing Them. I love Them. They love me back. Maybe you just haven't found the right God yet.

The God I believe in helps me, thats for sure, I hold no doubt about that. But he does not speak to me, I have never seen him, and he is hated by many. I believe he Loves everyone, and created everyone, but has ways I just don't comprehend. Like belief, he does not care who believes in him, he couldcareless. He , in fact, inspires more humans to not believe in him than he does.

And I want to touch on that too.



Well-Known Member
The God I believe in helps me, thats for sure, I hold no doubt about that. But he does not speak to me, I have never seen him, and he is hated by many. I believe he Loves everyone, and created everyone, but has ways I just don't comprehend. Like belief, he does not care who believes in him, he couldcareless. He , in fact, inspires more humans to not believe in him than he does.

And I want to touch on that too.


Unbelief is under Gods control, just as belief is, he controls ALL things, both good and evil. THAT needs to be correctly understood. God is controling all traffic in human consciousness, such is his to do. He must do it, he must. I often pity even God himself, such enormous responsibility, such raw weight, such incredible levels of reality, to be directly responsible for billions of beings.

Only a God could handle such a thing, Reality itself is just another proof of God.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
I always thought that belief in God was the paramount feature of the Abrahamic religions. Something about 'Thou shalt love the Lord God with all thy heart and with all thy soul...' ?


Well-Known Member
I always thought that belief in God was the paramount feature of the Abrahamic religions. Something about 'Thou shalt love the Lord God with all thy heart and with all thy soul...' ?

Well yes, of the Abrahamic religions, but those religions do not control Salvation, God does.



Well-Known Member

I don't know why God does not now speak for himself, but the bible is his only word we have.

On the contrary, there are many, many books of scripture out there--around 200 just in the Baha'i Faith alone!

So the Bible is HARDLY the only one!

Peace, :)



Well-Known Member

mikiel said:
I don't know why God does not now speak for himself, but the Bible is his only word we have.

But what is the Bible? Who knows what books belong in the Bible? The books of the New Testament were voted on by Eusebius and some other church leaders under the auspices and approval of Emperor Constantine. How can a vote, taken hundreds of years after the time of Jesus, have decided what writings should be in the Bible? Why doesn't the Gospel of Thomas belong in the Bible? Why don't some other books belong in the Bible?

It is well-established that the Bible contains many errors and interpolations (revisions).

The New Testament says that Jesus performed many miracles in Jerusalem, throughout all of Galilee, and throughout all of Syria, and that he performed many other miracles that were not recorded. If that happened, Jesus' miracles would have been unprecedented in human history, and he would have become a media sensation thorughout the Middle East and beyond, but what non-biblical, first century evidence indicates that that was the case?


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I find it amusing when people tell each other what I want. I created your species one night when I was drunk and bored, but you people have ended up providing me with countless hours of absurd entertainment.


Well-Known Member

On the contrary, there are many, many books of scripture out there--around 200 just in the Baha'i Faith alone!

So the Bible is HARDLY the only one!

Peace, :)


Well I agree and didnot mean to belittle other books, what I should have said is that I accept the bible as being the book for me.



Well-Known Member
In Galations 4:9, " But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God." Here the author corrects himself and shifts the gears from us knowing God, to rather being Known BY HIM! I think that is the correct way that it happens, God has to pay attention to the individual in order for them to then Know him.

Being Known by God. Powerful adjustment that this writer makes, he sets the direction straight. If Gods wants a human to know him, then God must make that adjustment from the human not knowing, to them then becomming aware of him in Truth. Their eyes " Must be enlightened", Eph. 1: 18. We cannot call ourselves, we cannot come to God out of our desire and belief, God must move first, or there will be nothing there of significance toward the real truths of God.

In Eph. 2:8, " For by Grace you are saved through Faith, and that Faith is NOT of YOURSELVES, it is a gift FROM God! Those who do not have Faith in God, God does NOT want them to have Faith in him, or he would give it to them.

And I want to continue on that.



Well-Known Member
Not of ourselves, its the gift of God! One of the most powerful statements in the bible, this whole issue of human Life and our future, is not of ourselves, yet we think it is. We think we are on our own. We think we created ourselves, are responsible for ourselves, and will die because of ourselves. Humans ultimately think we created the ball and hold the ball in our hands.

Not of ourselves! Its the gift of God!

You see, this is what happens when God holds back revelation from humans, we reveal ourselves, we begin to think for ourselves. That God is a myth and a myth we no longer need. That is exactly how God wants humanity to think.

And I want to get into why.
