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Belief in God, is not what God wants!


Well-Known Member
In Phil. 3:21, listen to the " Range of Jesus Power;" Who will transform the body of our humble state into " Conformity" with the body of his Glory, by the Exertion of " The Power that he has even to SUBJECT ALL THINGS " to Himself!" Can you see that! Jesus has the power to Conform, or bring into harmony with himself and God, ALL things including human unbelievers!

He has the Power, why isn't he using it? Because the Father is NOT now calling humanity to himself, he's leaving us in the Darkness! Belief in him is not what he now wants!

And I want to continue on that.



Reality First!
Premium Member

I too am fascinated that you know the mind of 'God' so well. And the mind of Jesus too. Where would you have gotten all that information? Does 'God' talk to you? So many people know the mind of 'God', but they can't agree. Why is it people all have a different conception of 'God' to the point that new sects and religions evolve constantly, that religion and superstition are constantly changing?

Are you aware that 'God' is watching his pederast priests and ministers carry out their debaucheries while the young victims receive no answers to their prayers? What kind of a 'God' are we talking about here? Can't 'God' control his earthly servants?

Seems like establishing a reality for 'God' might be the first thing you could do for us.

Tell me about the 'isness' of 'God', what kind of being is 'God'? I'm told a 'God' walked and talked with Adam and Eve, so 'God' had a material being once. But others tell me 'God' is immaterial, that 'He' has no being, or that 'He' both has a being and has not a being. And what of the 'Holy Spirit', what could that be?

The concept of 'God' is both incoherent and contradictory from what I read, why is that?

So how do you know?


Well-Known Member

I too am fascinated that you know the mind of 'God' so well. And the mind of Jesus too. Where would you have gotten all that information? Does 'God' talk to you?Quote

I do not know the mind of God well, I don't know God and he has never spoke to me. The information I share, is my own thinking, period. My own views.

So many people know the mind of 'God', but they can't agree. Why is it people all have a different conception of 'God' to the point that new sects and religions evolve constantly, that religion and superstition are constantly changing?Quote

People have different views of God, because they do not know God. Religion is just mans EFFORT to know God, thats all it is. Efforts are always changing when they fail or are incomplette.

Are you aware that 'God' is watching his pederast priests and ministers carry out their debaucheries while the young victims receive no answers to their prayers? What kind of a 'God' are we talking about here? Can't 'God' control his earthly servants? Quote

God has no Priests or ministers on earth now in my view. God has no earthly servants that I am aware of.

Seems like establishing a reality for 'God' might be the first thing you could do for us.Quote

I make no efforts to establish a reality of God to others, I haven't got past establishing it for myself yet.

Tell me about the 'isness' of 'God', what kind of being is 'God'? I'm told a 'God' walked and talked with Adam and Eve, so 'God' had a material being once. But others tell me 'God' is immaterial, that 'He' has no being, or that 'He' both has a being and has not a being. And what of the 'Holy Spirit', what could that be?Quote

God is a very complicated being, and I don't know eactly what the Holy Spirit is, I can only speculate on it.

The concept of 'God' is both incoherent and contradictory from what I read, why is that?

So how do you know?

Yes, God can be both of those things, I agree, and more. Thats why he intrest me.

And I don't know. I can only give what I think in my Consciousness, I could be right or wrong, I only have my own mind to go off of, but I would have it no other way, I don't trust anyonelses mind concerning the things of God.

I have NEVER painted myself as all knowing, I consistantly say that I don't know, and continue to give my own views.



Well-Known Member
Sorry mickiel I did not read all through the thread but from your OP I get that you don't speak for God and what you say are your own ideas.
I can't see this as being entirely true because as you say you 'study' the Bible which means a deep interest in it . Consequently our thoughts are influenced by what we take into our Mind and we therefore do not speak entirely from our own self. You may think you do but the human Mind absorbs knowledge from different sources around us , sometimes not even aware of the contents till later.
You say you do not know God and do not speak for him yet you tell us what God is doing.
Strangely enough a lot of what you say makes sense to me and fits in with scripture. But you have a few things quite wrong when you put God into a 'straight-jacket ' making him out a dictator and a tyrant. God is neither. He has his own way of achieving things that is true but he also considers man's heart upon which he then acts regarding that person and that is the reason some are first and some are last. (I could go on but enough now for you to contradict :) )


Well-Known Member
Sorry to correct you on another little snippet from one of your posts.
You say God has no Ministers or representatives on earth now - have you not read about HIS VERY OWN CHURCH ???
Jesus said it would never die out - the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


Well-Known Member
mikiel said:
Jesus said something of unique interest in John 6:65: "For this reason I have said to you, that no man can come to me, unless it has been granted him from the Father."

But there is not reasonable historical proof that Jesus said that. In addition, even if Jesus did say that, that would not reasonably prove that he was not an ordinary man. Further, what you said is very similar to Calvinism since Calvinists claim that it is God's choice who he will save.


Well-Known Member
..... Calvinists claim that it is God's choice who he will save.
Truth is God is longsuffering toward man not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance .
That does not sound like God wants to kill anyone or that HE chooses who is to live or die. We make that decision ourselves by accepting Jesus as our Saviour or by rejecting him. It's called free choice.


Well-Known Member
Sorry mickiel I did not read all through the thread but from your OP I get that you don't speak for God and what you say are your own ideas.
I can't see this as being entirely true because as you say you 'study' the Bible which means a deep interest in it . Consequently our thoughts are influenced by what we take into our Mind and we therefore do not speak entirely from our own self. You may think you do but the human Mind absorbs knowledge from different sources around us , sometimes not even aware of the contents till later.
You say you do not know God and do not speak for him yet you tell us what God is doing.
Strangely enough a lot of what you say makes sense to me and fits in with scripture. But you have a few things quite wrong when you put God into a 'straight-jacket ' making him out a dictator and a tyrant. God is neither. He has his own way of achieving things that is true but he also considers man's heart upon which he then acts regarding that person and that is the reason some are first and some are last. (I could go on but enough now for you to contradict :) )

I believe God is a Dictator, or a being who excercises absolute authority. I have never called God a Tyrant, that is your term. God has, at very few times, considered the heart of some of his Prophets, and a few biblical characthers, but I do not consider that as normal for him. He normally does not.

I do not know God, and I do not speak for him, but any believer can share what they think, that is all I am doing.



Well-Known Member
Sorry to correct you on another little snippet from one of your posts.
You say God has no Ministers or representatives on earth now - have you not read about HIS VERY OWN CHURCH ???
Jesus said it would never die out - the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

I believe there is no church of God on earth now. Jesus said his church would be like a " Light on a hill that cannot be hidden", Matt. 5:14. There is no Church like that on earth, if so, simply produce them to me, and I will use how the bible describes a church of God to judge these people you claim are Gods church. And see if they match the scriptures description of a true church.



Well-Known Member
I believe there is no church of God on earth now. Jesus said his church would be like a " Light on a hill that cannot be hidden", Matt. 5:14. There is no Church like that on earth, if so, simply produce them to me, and I will use how the bible describes a church of God to judge these people you claim are Gods church. And see if they match the scriptures description of a true church.

So Jesus was a liar ? I am not talking about evidence but of belief in what Jesus said in Mat.16v18 . Settling the question of truth is far more important than providing YOU with evidence. Are we not told to belief without evidence ? Heb.11v6.


Well-Known Member
So Jesus was a liar ? I am not talking about evidence but of belief in what Jesus said in Mat.16v18 . Settling the question of truth is far more important than providing YOU with evidence. Are we not told to belief without evidence ? Heb.11v6.

All Matt. 16:18 means is that satan can never destroy Gods true church, it doesNOT mean there is an active Church of God now.

Simply produce them, tell me who and where they are.

No such a Church exist as of yet, according to my understanding of scripture.



Well-Known Member
So God's true church obviously exists. Your failure to belief that simple fact keeps you from it my friend. God does not make deals with people like 'you see first then you belief'. That is not his style. You believe first - THEN you get to see.
Your whole attitude of God not requiring BELIEF is in error. That is exactly what he does want first. :yes: he does !


Well-Known Member
So God's true church obviously exists. Your failure to belief that simple fact keeps you from it my friend. God does not make deals with people like 'you see first then you belief'. That is not his style. You believe first - THEN you get to see.
Your whole attitude of God not requiring BELIEF is in error. That is exactly what he does want first. :yes: he does !

If his church is so obvious, then obviously you should be able to provide name, address and city. You have not, so I question your claims of there being a true church of God, and you can't seem to give location.



Well-Known Member
There was a church of God in Ephesus, in Smyrna, in Pergamum, in Thyatira, in Sardis ,in Philadelpha, and in Laodicea , all ancient biblical citys, no other churchs of God are listed in the New testament, and singled out as these were, that I am aware of. All of these churchs, except Philadelphia, had serious problems.

The church of God to come, will have no problems, thats why they will stand out like no other people on earth.

And I want to go into that, and show that God has not called out that kind of church yet. He is not after human belief as of now.



Well-Known Member
If his church is so obvious, then obviously you should be able to provide name, address and city. You have not, so I question your claims of there being a true church of God, and you can't seem to give location.

I could supply you with evidence friend !
But the point of discussion is Faith and belief in God/Christ. Heb.11v6.
ANYONE can believe when given visible proof but a TRUE Christian does not need that . In fact did not Jesus say ' a wicked generation looks for signs '. You are of course aware there are true and FALSE christians ?


Well-Known Member
There was a church of God in Ephesus, in Smyrna, in Pergamum, in Thyatira, in Sardis ,in Philadelpha, and in Laodicea , all ancient biblical citys, no other churchs of God are listed in the New testament, and singled out as these were, that I am aware of. All of these churchs, except Philadelphia, had serious problems.

The church of God to come, will have no problems, thats why they will stand out like no other people on earth.

And I want to go into that, and show that God has not called out that kind of church yet. He is not after human belief as of now.

So what you are saying is that Jesus lied when he started his Church with the Apostles who were real people in the NT Acts 2.
According to your belief the gates of hell did prevail against it and it died out - thus making Jesus a liar.


Grumpy Old Man
Since God is the fictitious delusion of a mass psychosis does it really matter what he/it wants?



Well-Known Member
I could supply you with evidence friend !
But the point of discussion is Faith and belief in God/Christ. Heb.11v6.
ANYONE can believe when given visible proof but a TRUE Christian does not need that . In fact did not Jesus say ' a wicked generation looks for signs '. You are of course aware there are true and FALSE christians ?

If I may give the Translation of this: You can't supply the evidence because there is no church of God on earth now. I gave seven biblical examples of ancient churchs and how they all, but one, had serious problems. Gods endtime church willnot be like that. Heres an example of how those churchs back then began to look, Jeremiah 23:11, God himself speaking;" Both Prophet and Priest are polluted, even " IN MY HOUSE" I have found their wickedness, declares THE LORD", so obviously its God talking.

God said back then, that even the Prophets and Priest that were HIS, were Polluted, so God didNOT build his new Church to come on that foundation. When Jesus said " Upon this rock I will build my Church", the church of God had already existed, but it was polluted. Jesus said he would BUILD the church, not start it outright then in complettion. The Church of God is not a finished work, its the living book of Acts, still in process.

And the gates of Hell don't even know where or who this church is. And neither does religious believers in God.

And I want to go into that.

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