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Belief in God, is not what God wants!


Reality First!
Premium Member

You said: "People have different views of God, because they do not know God."

And when they want a god people will create gods in their heads is another possibility.

"Knowing God" is like knowing a unicorn, first there must be some evidence that people can agree upon. Where is any evidence of a 'God' that humans will agree upon?

To say God has no priests or ministers here on earth tells me you don't believe in the establishment 'God', but that you would create your own from within your own consciousness. This in turn suggests to me that you are not learning to 'know God', but you really are creating your own individual, unique 'God' in your mind.


Well-Known Member

You said: "People have different views of God, because they do not know God."

And when they want a god people will create gods in their heads is another possibility.

"Knowing God" is like knowing a unicorn, first there must be some evidence that people can agree upon. Where is any evidence of a 'God' that humans will agree upon?

To say God has no priests or ministers here on earth tells me you don't believe in the establishment 'God', but that you would create your own from within your own consciousness. This in turn suggests to me that you are not learning to 'know God', but you really are creating your own individual, unique 'God' in your mind.

Well I tell you, I would rather create my own God, than to accept these views of God that are rampant out there as of now. And your right, I do not accept the establishment " God." And I do create my own from within my Consciousness, and I am content with that creation. I can live with that definition comming from an Atheist, I can give you that. I created my own view of Women, I live satisfied with that, I created my own view of how to raise my children, I can live with that, I created my own style of working, I can live with that. And all these creations have been suscessful. I created my own view of God, and I can live with that and am content with it. But you are wrong about me not learning about God, inspite of my own view of women, I still learn from them, inspite of my own view of my children, I still learn from them. I still learn at work, and I still learn from God.

That learning is proof that God exist,learning is an evidence of God. Family is evidence of God, and work is evidence of God.



Reality First!
Premium Member
Hmmmm.......... I guess you've got me here. You're saying that just the fact that you learn is evidence, and even proof, of a god?



Well-Known Member
Hmmmm.......... I guess you've got me here. You're saying that just the fact that you learn is evidence, and even proof, of a god?


Oh yes, for sure, Consciousness itself is evidence of a God. Consciousness can only breed Consciousness, unless your one of those who believe Consciousness can come from unconscious things. And I learned this, that learning, its education, is evidence of God. The answer to the question itself is evidence of God. Our ability to communicate is evidence of God. Our keen desire to know these things is evidence of a God. Your Brain is evidence of God. Your eyes, your memory, your ability to plan things which you remember, all these are evidence of a God.



Well-Known Member
Why should God require human belief as means to validate his existence?

Thank you, my sentiments as well. I don't need anyone to believe in me to know that I exist. God does not require belief in him to validate anything about him.



Reality First!
Premium Member
Oh yes, for sure, Consciousness itself is evidence of a God. Consciousness can only breed Consciousness, unless your one of those who believe Consciousness can come from unconscious things. And I learned this, that learning, its education, is evidence of God. The answer to the question itself is evidence of God. Our ability to communicate is evidence of God. Our keen desire to know these things is evidence of a God. Your Brain is evidence of God. Your eyes, your memory, your ability to plan things which you remember, all these are evidence of a God.


Yes, I would think that consciousness has evolved, that everything has and is evolving. That is the central tenet of science I believe, which is gaining an understanding of the world around us. But I really can't see how just saying that something is evidence of God, makes God real.

Tell me something about God: is God made of matter, does God need sleep, how does God get around the universe, can God answer millions of prayers at the same time? You say it all comes from your mind, therefore it is evidence of a God?


Well-Known Member
If I may give the Translation of this: You can't supply the evidence because there is no church of God on earth now. I gave seven biblical examples of ancient churchs and how they all, but one, had serious problems. Gods endtime church willnot be like that. Heres an example of how those churchs back then began to look, Jeremiah 23:11, God himself speaking;" Both Prophet and Priest are polluted, even " IN MY HOUSE" I have found their wickedness, declares THE LORD", so obviously its God talking.

God said back then, that even the Prophets and Priest that were HIS, were Polluted, so God didNOT build his new Church to come on that foundation. When Jesus said " Upon this rock I will build my Church", the church of God had already existed, but it was polluted. Jesus said he would BUILD the church, not start it outright then in complettion. The Church of God is not a finished work, its the living book of Acts, still in process.

And the gates of Hell don't even know where or who this church is. And neither does religious believers in God.

And I want to go into that.

I am going to leave you to your illusions. I can see from your posts you are way out of it. :rolleyes:


Angel Of The North
I have met God and he didnt speak. He allows me to see for myself the truth! he watches my every move and realisation. I am still his proudest creation... I see that in his eyes :)


Well-Known Member
Tell me something about God: is God made of matter, does God need sleep, how does God get around the universe, can God answer millions of prayers at the same time? You say it all comes from your mind, therefore it is evidence of a God?

According to the bible, God is a Spirit, which is not composed of matter. How does God get around, well I think his throne is mobile and I think he himself encompasses all things around him. He is said to be the beggining and the end, so some kind of way, he is in all places at all times, really no need to get around, when your already there. The bible says the " Eyes of the Lord are everywhere, but then it calls certain Angels- the eyes of the Lord. So one way God is everywhere, is by extending himself through these Angels who are posted everywhere. Other than that, I can only quess.

Its the same with Prayers, the bible says certain Angels " Carry our prayers to God, like messengers, so thats one way God hears all these prayers. But listen, God has at least, Seven different Consciousness, all working together within him. We only have one, and look at how powerful we are. Imagine holding seven, instead of just one, how much more powerful we would be. Now, magnify just our one Consciousness a trillion times infinity and beyond, and it still would be nowhere near just one Consciousness of Gods Power, and he has Seven that are revealed. Each one off the scale of measurement.

With Power like that, he can do anything.



Well-Known Member
God does not now require belief in himself, in fact, he really requires nothing from humans at all, he does not need our participation. This fact takes the wind out of believers who take pride in their belief, thinking that THEY themselves are contributing to Gods plans for themselves and mankind. Thats why they will never accept this post, because THEY need to BELONG to Gods plans!

This post takes the wind out of Atheist who think God is only calling a few, and to hell with the rest. Who think that God does not exist, because he remains silent to them, and this world, so it seems there is really no God. So it feeds into their synicism towards God. God does not need believer or unbeliever, and he will save both, not counting on either one. Both groups are ALREADY doing just what God wants.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
God does not now require belief in himself, in fact, he really requires nothing from humans at all, he does not need our participation. This fact takes the wind out of believers who take pride in their belief, thinking that THEY themselves are contributing to Gods plans for themselves and mankind. Thats why they will never accept this post, because THEY need to BELONG to Gods plans!

This post takes the wind out of Atheist who think God is only calling a few, and to hell with the rest. Who think that God does not exist, because he remains silent to them, and this world, so it seems there is really no God. So it feeds into their synicism towards God. God does not need believer or unbeliever, and he will save both, not counting on either one. Both groups are ALREADY doing just what God wants.

And I want to go into that.


I think you believe in God.


Well-Known Member
It exists also.

Oh it exist alright, but it does not represent God, as it thinks it does, they are not the true church of God. I know that you are Christian, and Christians rarely speak with me.

I don't do them any good, and they don't do me any good.

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Well-Known Member
Oh it exist alright, but it does not represent God, as it thinks it does, they are not the true church of God. I know that you are Christian, and Christians rarely speak with me, I like limiting my exposure to deceptive believers.

I don't do them any good, and they don't do me any good.


Don't be so quick to stereo type what one believes.
I could blow your mind with the truth of universal energy in the universe.