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Belief in God, is not what God wants!


Well-Known Member
I would not say that I am pure either. .

Well you already stated that you became Pure , now you say you are not. I think thats one thing you can learn during this journey your on, say what you mean, and mean what you say. And keep it real. As you relate your experiences and beliefs to others, be for real. First with yourself, and then with others.

There is much we have to go through, we may as well be for real about what we are. We are not what we ought to be, certainly not what were going to be, but we can be thankful that we are not what we used to be.



Active Member
Well you already stated that you became Pure , now you say you are not. I think thats one thing you can learn during this journey your on, say what you mean, and mean what you say. And keep it real. As you relate your experiences and beliefs to others, be for real. First with yourself, and then with others.

There is much we have to go through, we may as well be for real about what we are. We are not what we ought to be, certainly not what were going to be, but we can be thankful that we are not what we used to be.

I am not a very good writer. Sorry for that. I have an engineering and electronic background and most of my reading is from manuals and technical books. I could quote scriptures. I realize I need to play the part I talk about completely. I am a little frightened of it. Perhaps half heart-ed because as you said there are many walls. I have spent some time inventing and not getting involved with other peoples philosophies. We seem to be getting off topic and its my fault it would be better if I moved on.


Well-Known Member
None of us get messages from God. God is not communicating with humanity now.

Besides, I don't need to know whoelse God is talking to, I just need to understand that he is not talking to me.

You seem to be quite content that God is not talking to you .
How then can you know what he wants ??? or what he is doing ???
True - God is not communicating with the world in general because there is still satan the god of this world on the earthly throne 2Cor.4v4. Obviously he (satan) communicates with the world Eph.2v2, Rev.12v9 as we can see from scripture. When Christ returns (soon now) satan will be deposed Rev.20v2. But do people believe it ??? However , the Creator communicates with HIS Church !


Well-Known Member
I am not a very good writer. Sorry for that. I have an engineering and electronic background and most of my reading is from manuals and technical books. I could quote scriptures. I realize I need to play the part I talk about completely. I am a little frightened of it. Perhaps half heart-ed because as you said there are many walls. I have spent some time inventing and not getting involved with other peoples philosophies. We seem to be getting off topic and its my fault it would be better if I moved on.
Friend ! as far as I am concerned you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I like your posts, please don't move on . We have so very few genuinely humble people on these forums it is a pleasure to meet such an unimposing person like yourself.
We (true Christians) do not have to involve themselves in people's phylosophies but in the WORD of GOD.
Sadly this is not the best time to promote the true God and we meet with fierce disagreements - but we are to look up for redemption is near. :)


Well-Known Member
You seem to be quite content that God is not talking to you .
How then can you know what he wants ??? or what he is doing ???
True - God is not communicating with the world in general because there is still satan the god of this world on the earthly throne 2Cor.4v4. Obviously he (satan) communicates with the world Eph.2v2, Rev.12v9 as we can see from scripture. When Christ returns (soon now) satan will be deposed Rev.20v2. But do people believe it ??? However , the Creator communicates with HIS Church !

There is no Church of God on earth now. And people that God is really beginning to deal with, know this.



Well-Known Member
I am not a very good writer. Sorry for that. I have an engineering and electronic background and most of my reading is from manuals and technical books. I could quote scriptures. I realize I need to play the part I talk about completely. I am a little frightened of it. Perhaps half heart-ed because as you said there are many walls. I have spent some time inventing and not getting involved with other peoples philosophies. We seem to be getting off topic and its my fault it would be better if I moved on.

Leave or stay, such is your choice, I hold no gripe with you.



Well-Known Member
There is no Church of God on earth now. And people that God is really beginning to deal with, know this.

According to your own words : God is not speaking to you. Tell me - how do you know what he is saying or doing ???


Well-Known Member
According to your own words : God is not speaking to you. Tell me - how do you know what he is saying or doing ???

I don't know how I know, I can only be Conscious of, what I am Conscious of. I don't know why I have always been able to get a Woman, I just have been able to. Is it my looks, my conversation, my body, perhaps a combnination of the three? Or is it my personality? I really don't know.

So it is with what I understand about God, I really don't know, its just there. I can't give you the reason that makes your curosity sastisfied.

Could I be wrong, of course, perhaps am. I really don't know. I understand only what I understand.



Well-Known Member
I don't know how I know, I can only be Conscious of, what I am Conscious of. I don't know why I have always been able to get a Woman, I just have been able to. Is it my looks, my conversation, my body, perhaps a combnination of the three? Or is it my personality? I really don't know.

So it is with what I understand about God, I really don't know, its just there. I can't give you the reason that makes your curosity sastisfied.

Could I be wrong, of course, perhaps am. I really don't know. I understand only what I understand.

It was a genuine question I put to you - not mere curiosity.
So if your knowledge comes from your own understanding are you not rejecting what GOD has to say ? Prov.3v5. Are you assuming God is deaf and dumb ? Apparently He does not speak neither does he hear US (since he does what he wants without us) ?
Don't get me wrong - God will accomplish his plan but we are not totally excluded.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why I have always been able to get a Woman, I just have been able to. Is it my looks, my conversation, my body, perhaps a combnination of the three? Or is it my personality? I really don't know.

I just had to smile when I read that part , it reminds me so much of my son who has been similar fortunate in the past. But now he is getting on a bit it all seems to be falling apart.
God's mills grind slowly but surely !


Well-Known Member
In Isaiah 1:18 God will one day reason with humanity, and it does not matter how bad and evil mens sins are, God will wipe those sins out.

Thats why he's not concerned with human belief now.



Well-Known Member
In Isaiah 1:18 God will one day reason with humanity, and it does not matter how bad and evil mens sins are, God will wipe those sins out.

Thats why he's not concerned with human belief now.


This is also why no matter how much Atheist complain about lame religions and their doctrines, the bottomline is that all of humanity are destined to be with God.

Humans can live and think however they want to, nothing will stop our salvation.



Well-Known Member
mikiel said:
In Isaiah 1:18, God will one day reason with humanity, and it does not matter how bad and evil mens sins are, God will wipe those sins out.

There is not any credible historical evidence that Isaiah write that. Even if he did, you cannot reasonably prove that God inspired him to write it.

You are merely one of millions of people over the millennia who presumed to speak for God. How arrogant and egotistical.


Well-Known Member
There is not any credible historical evidence that Isaiah write that. Even if he did, you cannot reasonably prove that God inspired him to write it.

You are merely one of millions of people over the millennia who presumed to speak for God. How arrogant and egotistical.

I am not trying to prove anything to you, I couldcareless what you believe. I am convinced, I see the evidence, I am content with my understanding, this information is for me, its just not for you.

And it may be for a few others, I don't care about how what I write is viewed by others. I care about the truth as I understand it.



Well-Known Member
In Isaiah 1:18 God will one day reason with humanity, and it does not matter how bad and evil mens sins are, God will wipe those sins out.

Thats why he's not concerned with human belief now.

This my friend is entirely your own opinion.
The Bible says sin can only be forgiven and wiped out if we REPENT of them. But I forgot - - you don't hear God .
God also says we are to believe him !


Well-Known Member
This is also why no matter how much Atheist complain about lame religions and their doctrines, the bottomline is that all of humanity are destined to be with God.

Humans can live and think however they want to, nothing will stop our salvation.

It certainly is God's will that we all be with him but you find that our obedience / disobedience will decide for us 2Pet.3v9, Heb.5v9.


Well-Known Member
This my friend is entirely your own opinion.
The Bible says sin can only be forgiven and wiped out if we REPENT of them. But I forgot - - you don't hear God .
God also says we are to believe him !

You are simply trying to make a place in hell for unbelievers, you are trying to limit the Kingdom of God by " Sectioning off" people who do not repent and robbing them of the benefits of Jesus sacrifice.

In John 1:29, Jesus took away the sins of the world, all of them, your trying to bring some of them back. In 1Tim.2:6, Jesus is the " Ransom for ALL", not just those who repent. In Col.2:13, while we were DEAD in our sins, meaning not yet repenting, he made us alive with him and forgave all of our sins.

Now this is what the bible teachs, but many of Gods believers just do not want him to forgive sinners and unrepentant unbelievers.

And thats because their hearts have lost the first Love of God, which is Forgiveness.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
You are simply trying to make a place in hell for unbelievers, you are trying to limit the Kingdom of God by " Sectioning off" people who do not repent and robbing them of the benefits of Jesus sacrifice.

In John 1:29, Jesus took away the sins of the world, all of them, your trying to bring some of them back. In 1Tim.2:6, Jesus is the " Ransom for ALL", not just those who repent. In Col.2:13, while we were DEAD in our sins, meaning not yet repenting, he made us alive with him and forgave all of our sins.

Now this is what the bible teachs, but many of Gods believers just do not want him to forgive sinners and unrepentant unbelievers.

And thats because their hearts have lost the first Love of God, which is Forgiveness.

And I want to go into that.

No one is denying Jesus' sacrifice for mankind. But what it does is to RECONCILE us to God Rom.5v10 giving man a fresh start in life It alone is not a cut and dried deal for our salvation which comes to us through HIS LIFE (not through his death) Rom.6 follows on telling us to come out of sin, to stop sinning. Jesus'death does not give us a free hand to go on sinning without repentance.
When we accept Christ PAST SINS are forgiven Rom.3v25, but future sins are to be repented of.Rom.6 explains as well as 2Pet.3v9.
God wants to forgive and all sins will be forgiven when we repent of them.


Well-Known Member
No one is denying Jesus' sacrifice for mankind. But what it does is to RECONCILE us to God Rom.5v10 giving man a fresh start in life It alone is not a cut and dried deal for our salvation which comes to us through HIS LIFE (not through his death) Rom.6 follows on telling us to come out of sin, to stop sinning. Jesus'death does not give us a free hand to go on sinning without repentance.
When we accept Christ PAST SINS are forgiven Rom.3v25, but future sins are to be repented of.Rom.6 explains as well as 2Pet.3v9.
God wants to forgive and all sins will be forgiven when we repent of them.

Well I disagree again with you. Salvation is not based on, dependant on human repentance. Rom.5:18 is very clear;" So then as through one trasgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so( or conversely equal) through one act of Righteousness there resulted Justification of Life to ALL men." See where unrepented sins abound, conversely the Grace of God will abound even more to cover those sins. Because of Jesus sacrifice, and yes his Life, ALL of humanity has been justified no matter if they repent or not.

Such is the wonderful Grace of God. But this Grace, as incredible as it is, is not even seen by most believers, because they have been trained, through traditional teaching, to think in terms of " Limiting Salvation". Jesus reconized this in Matt. 23: 13, he told the self righteous Pharisees that through their strict demands on the people, that they were trying to " Shut off the Kingdom of God from men", which means to limit Salvation.

And a strict demand to repent was one of the things they were teaching.



Well-Known Member
Well I disagree again with you. Salvation is not based on, dependant on human repentance. Rom.5:18 is very clear;" So then as through one trasgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so( or conversely equal) through one act of Righteousness there resulted Justification of Life to ALL men." See where unrepented sins abound, conversely the Grace of God will abound even more to cover those sins. Because of Jesus sacrifice, and yes his Life, ALL of humanity has been justified no matter if they repent or not.

Such is the wonderful Grace of God. But this Grace, as incredible as it is, is not even seen by most believers, because they have been trained, through traditional teaching, to think in terms of " Limiting Salvation". Jesus reconized this in Matt. 23: 13, he told the self righteous Pharisees that through their strict demands on the people, that they were trying to " Shut off the Kingdom of God from men", which means to limit Salvation.

And a strict demand to repent was one of the things they were teaching.

You know what the Pharisees were teaching ? nothing to do with repentance since the NT had not come into force then and they knew nothing about it.
They were teaching the OT physical laws which Jesus would and had later paid for and abolished on the cross. They were teaching the 'works of the law ie. circumcision, animal sacrifices etc. The Pharisees did not even accept Jesus as the Son of God or their Saviour , how could they teach about the NT ?
Repentance is mentioned throughout the NT and is one of the main requirements for salvation. If we don't repent we will perish. Again I quote 2Pet.3v9., it's plain enough !
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