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Belief in God, is not what God wants!


Well-Known Member
. If we don't repent we will perish. Again I quote 2Pet.3v9., it's plain enough !

Your eyes and belief are far different than mine. You see the damnation of unrepentant humans in 2Pet. 3:9, you see them perishing.

I see the Lord not being slack about his " Promise", not wishing, or " Willing" that ANY Perish, but for ALL to come to repentance. A bueatiful scripture, full of hope for unrepentant humanity. Its actually Gods will for EVERY human to repent, and God ALWAYS gets his will.

What is Gods expressed will? Job 23:13;" God is unique and who can turn him? What his soul desires, THAT he does." This means that all of Gods desires will come to past. In 1Tim.2:3-4, Gods desires are made plain;" This is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE in the sight of God our Savior, who " DESIRES" ALL men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. THIS is Gods expressed desire for ALL of humanity, and he said its Good and Acceptable to him, although its not acceptable to most of his believers.

And you cannot accept this, because YOU require repentance for Salvation, not God.



Well-Known Member
Your eyes and belief are far different than mine. You see the damnation of unrepentant humans in 2Pet. 3:9, you see them perishing.

I see the Lord not being slack about his " Promise", not wishing, or " Willing" that ANY Perish, but for ALL to come to repentance. A bueatiful scripture, full of hope for unrepentant humanity. Its actually Gods will for EVERY human to repent, and God ALWAYS gets his will.

What is Gods expressed will? Job 23:13;" God is unique and who can turn him? What his soul desires, THAT he does." This means that all of Gods desires will come to past. In 1Tim.2:3-4, Gods desires are made plain;" This is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE in the sight of God our Savior, who " DESIRES" ALL men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. THIS is Gods expressed desire for ALL of humanity, and he said its Good and Acceptable to him, although its not acceptable to most of his believers.

And you cannot accept this, because YOU require repentance for Salvation, not God.

Of course it is not GOD's will that any perish but he will not force anyone into eternal life against their will. He would be making a rod for his own back to be swamped with unbelieving disobedient creatures bent on doing it their own way. It is his desire that all come to know the truth but it seems man can not figure it out- look at the two of us ! And what do you think that truth is ? I don't think there can be too many since the whole world is deceived - except for his Church which you don't believe exists - in spite of Jesus saying it always will.
But there you are - you don't hear God (words from your own mouth).


Well-Known Member
Of course it is not GOD's will that any perish but he will not force anyone into eternal life against their will. He would be making a rod for his own back to be swamped with unbelieving disobedient creatures bent on doing it their own way. It is his desire that all come to know the truth but it seems man can not figure it out- look at the two of us ! And what do you think that truth is ? I don't think there can be too many since the whole world is deceived - except for his Church which you don't believe exists - in spite of Jesus saying it always will.
But there you are - you don't hear God (words from your own mouth).

Oh the church exist, but it exist only in embryo on earth, and fully in Heaven. God will force humanity into submission, the book of Revelations is full of the proof of that.



Well-Known Member
Oh the church exist, but it exist only in embryo on earth, and fully in Heaven. God will force humanity into submission, the book of Revelations is full of the proof of that.

I think you are mixing force with persuasion - not the same thing !


Well-Known Member
I think you are mixing force with persuasion - not the same thing !

Oh its both really. I have read many events that are to occur in our future. The opening of the seven seals are Forced on humanity, there is no doubt in my mind there. But the seventh seal will be the most forceful, its opening is composed of seven Trumpets, all forceful and mighty. The first, Rev. 8:7, hail and fire mixed with blood is to be thrown on the earth, and will burn up 1/3 of the earth. Thats force man. The second trumpet will kill 1/3 of the sea creatures and turn our water to blood. Thats force. The 3rd will turn another 1/3 of our water to wormwood, and many will die from its bitterness.

The 4th will turn a third of the Stars, Moon and Sun , Dark and useless, awesome force. You can read the rest for yourself, but these events will force humanity to submit to God.



Well-Known Member
You may see it as forcing mankind to submit but as far as we know man will still be able to make a choice for God or to reject him. I grant you it will be hard not to call out to God for help but how will man react when the worst is over ? He'll likely get mad at God for allowing it to happen.
Look at how Pharaoh acted. When things looked bad for him he told the Israelites to clear out --- but it was not long before he pursued them again. Human nature can be pretty stubborn !


Well-Known Member
You may see it as forcing mankind to submit but as far as we know man will still be able to make a choice for God or to reject him. I grant you it will be hard not to call out to God for help but how will man react when the worst is over ? He'll likely get mad at God for allowing it to happen.
Look at how Pharaoh acted. When things looked bad for him he told the Israelites to clear out --- but it was not long before he pursued them again. Human nature can be pretty stubborn !

Well I disagree, man will have no choice in the end of days. God swore a Holy Vow to himself in Isaiah 45:23-25, that to him every human knee will bow to him and swear alligence to him, that is the undisputed biblical destiny of all of humanity. We all will submit to God and be converted to him.

And this is Gods Promise. And I believe God.



Well-Known Member
Well I disagree, man will have no choice in the end of days. God swore a Holy Vow to himself in Isaiah 45:23-25, that to him every human knee will bow to him and swear alligence to him, that is the undisputed biblical destiny of all of humanity. We all will submit to God and be converted to him.

And this is Gods Promise. And I believe God.


Lets look closely at that verse, since Christians are saying one thing, and God himself is saying another.
In vs. 21 God claims that he alone is God, and that beside him there is no other.( And Jesus was sitting next to him when he said this, so Jesus is not God.) vs.23;"I have sworn by myself, the word has gone forth from MY mouth in Righteousness and willNOT turn back, that to me EVERY knee will bow, EVERY tounge will swear Alligence to me."

Now God can swear by no one more Holy than himself, so this is an awesome promise God is making here, full of Hope and Destiny for EVERY human, no matter what doomsayers are teaching. God makes this Holy Promise, and he said he did so " In Complette Righteousness", and he said this awesome Vow cannot be Changed. It can't be changed by unbelieving believers who Know not what they teach. It cannot be turned back or reduced by the Great powers of Darkness. NOTHING can stop this!

God swears that every human created will bow to him and swear Alligence! Thats Conversion. When a person bows to God, that is submission, when they swear Alligence, that is total belief and Conversion. This is our promised inheritence, comming directly from the mouth of our Creator.

And many Christians do not believe this, and they will be amoung those humans who complain to God for doing this. In vs.24, God reveals that men will come to him and be angry about this, and their anger will be put to shame.

And I want to go into Gods Promise, verses the shameful doctrines of Christianity and Religion.


( Were going to make it, God has already seen to that.)


Well-Known Member
What do you mean : Jesus was sat next to God when he made that vow in Isah. Jesus did not exist then in the OT. That is why God could say there was no other God beside him. Jesus was at that time ' the WORD ' or ' the voice of God himself ' still IN God not yet born.
And I agree that God will do his utmost to bring people to their senses to accept and appreciate him as our Saviour but friend God will not grab us by the throat and drag us into his Kingdom against our will. No sir he won't ! :no: ! Not against anyone's will !


Well-Known Member
What do you mean : Jesus was sat next to God when he made that vow in Isah. Jesus did not exist then in the OT. That is why God could say there was no other God beside him. Jesus was at that time ' the WORD ' or ' the voice of God himself ' still IN God not yet born.
And I agree that God will do his utmost to bring people to their senses to accept and appreciate him as our Saviour but friend God will not grab us by the throat and drag us into his Kingdom against our will. No sir he won't ! :no: ! Not against anyone's will !

Again and again I disagree with your understanding. In John 17:5, Jesus speaking;" And now glorify thou me together with thyself, Father, with the Glory I had with theee before the world was. Jesus was with God before this Earth was even created. In vs. 16 Jesus said he was not " Of this World", meaning he was not first born on earth. In vs.24, Jesus said the Father Loved him " BEFORE the foundation of the World", simply because he existed before this earth did.

You need to study deeper and move away from traditional learning.



Well-Known Member
Again and again I disagree with your understanding. In John 17:5, Jesus speaking;" And now glorify thou me together with thyself, Father, with the Glory I had with theee before the world was. Jesus was with God before this Earth was even created. In vs. 16 Jesus said he was not " Of this World", meaning he was not first born on earth. In vs.24, Jesus said the Father Loved him " BEFORE the foundation of the World", simply because he existed before this earth did.

You need to study deeper and move away from traditional learning.

Yes ' The WORD ' existed with God 'IN SPIRIT ' since for ever. But The Word was not then called Jesus nor was God known as Father.
The OT was a different Age , a different Set-up as are WE BEFORE we become parents or have children. Of course God knew that one day he would have a son same as we plan for a family. God set up the human life after his own plans for himself as example. So Jesus was not born or known in the OT except as the coming MESSIAH and future promise and visible presence with us in the NT.


Well-Known Member
Yes ' The WORD ' existed with God 'IN SPIRIT ' since for ever. But The Word was not then called Jesus nor was God known as Father.
The OT was a different Age , a different Set-up as are WE BEFORE we become parents or have children. Of course God knew that one day he would have a son same as we plan for a family. God set up the human life after his own plans for himself as example. So Jesus was not born or known in the OT except as the coming MESSIAH and future promise and visible presence with us in the NT.

Again and Again I totally disagree with you, as I do your churchs teachings and influence. John 1:1, " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God." Not " In God', With him in this beginning which goes back farther than Genesis 1. Vs.2, " He was in the Beginning WITH God!." Vs.3 " All created things, including the Old Testement events and peoples, came into being by him( the Word) apart from him, nothing that came into being has come into being.

Jesus , or the Word, was the one who created all old testement events, and all physical things during those times. Jesus is the Word, there is no difference.



Well-Known Member
Belief in God is not what God wants from humans now, orelse all of humanity would now believe in him. When God wants something to go down, it goes down! When God desires something to start or stop, thats exactly what will occur. He is the beginning of all things, including human belief.

And I want to get back into that.



Angel Of The North
I am the chosen one :yes: it is eye, the Angel of the North! Dont beleive all you read or hear. I will see for myself and judge... oh yes.


Well-Known Member
I am the chosen one :yes: it is eye, the Angel of the North! Dont beleive all you read or hear. I will see for myself and judge... oh yes.

Eventually, all of humanity will be called and chosen by God, none will be left out. No nuts will be disguarded, no crazys will be eliminated, no race will be devalued,

We ALL are destined to be with THE God!



Well-Known Member
Again and Again I totally disagree with you, as I do your churchs teachings and influence. John 1:1, " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God." Not " In God', With him in this beginning which goes back farther than Genesis 1. Vs.2, " He was in the Beginning WITH God!." Vs.3 " All created things, including the Old Testement events and peoples, came into being by him( the Word) apart from him, nothing that came into being has come into being.

Jesus , or the Word, was the one who created all old testement events, and all physical things during those times. Jesus is the Word, there is no difference.

Of course Jesus is the Word but the Word was not always Jesus. The Word BECAME Jesus when he was born. Before that he was the Word / the Voice of God. See Ps.33v6 By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the host of them BY THE BREATH OF HIS MOUTH.v9 for HE SPOKE and it was done....GOD made everything by the spoken Word.
Words come out of a mouth - they are not beside us nor the Word beside God Joh.17v8. There was no God beside him in the OT, he said so. The Word NOW JESUS is at the right hand of God, is NOW BESIDE God. As the WORD he was IN God like our voice is in us.No one is denying that GOD ALWAYS had A VOICE or spoken Word Ps.33 - it just had not then been a separate entity , it was still part of God until it became flesh.


Well-Known Member
Of course Jesus is the Word but the Word was not always Jesus. The Word BECAME Jesus when he was born. Before that he was the Word / the Voice of God. See Ps.33v6 By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the host of them BY THE BREATH OF HIS MOUTH.v9 for HE SPOKE and it was done....GOD made everything by the spoken Word.
Words come out of a mouth - they are not beside us nor the Word beside God Joh.17v8. There was no God beside him in the OT, he said so. The Word NOW JESUS is at the right hand of God, is NOW BESIDE God. As the WORD he was IN God like our voice is in us.No one is denying that GOD ALWAYS had A VOICE or spoken Word Ps.33 - it just had not then been a separate entity , it was still part of God until it became flesh.

Man, I grow tired of your beliefs, why not share them with someonelse.



Well-Known Member
Belief in God is not what God wants from humans now, orelse all of humanity would now believe in him. When God wants something to go down, it goes down! When God desires something to start or stop, thats exactly what will occur. He is the beginning of all things, including human belief.

And I want to get back into that.

Belief IN God is not the same as believing what he says. There is a difference friend that makes all the difference. Scripture says ....for he that comes to God must believe that he is ...Heb.11v6. This is an absolute basic requirement you seem to deny but God expects from man.
Now when it comes to ' believing what God says ' that is a different matter and not automatically given to man. This kind of Belief has conditions attached because it represents a 'two-way' system like an agreement requiring commitment.


Well-Known Member
I am a firm believer that if God has not already done something, then he simply is not trying to do it. Or he has already done it, but men simply do not understand that. That is how I view Salvation, its a done deal, already made provisions for, all requirements already met. Thus, human belief couldnot be a requirement, because all humans do not believe, but yet its a done deal.

Thus, we can deduce that God is not now trying to bring belief to all of humanity. Because all of humanity does not believe, certain believers explain that by using the " Free Will Belief doctrine", in their attempt to explain what God is doing. They think God is leaving humanity with a choice, thus leaving such an important thing as Salvation, up to human will and choice.

And I want to poke as many holes into that serious error of thinking that I can.



Well-Known Member
I am a firm believer that if God has not already done something, then he simply is not trying to do it. Or he has already done it, but men simply do not understand that. Peace.

This fact above on the last post is a stirring reality which many believers in God simply cannot handle. Atheist can't handle it, nor can Communist. If God wanted Universal Belief in him to exist now, or in humanity past, nothing could have stopped it. Nothing! God is total dominance, which is not looking to dominate human belief as of now. The Christians think its because he wants " Free Will belief", in their effort to understand him. No, God wants absolutely nothing from humanity as of now, nothing but the Darkness experience.

This IS our reality for now, confusion, unbelief, turmoil and the suffering. And all of this will increase, because God is not after belief, he is after the suffering.
