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Belief in God, is not what God wants!


Well-Known Member
The main reason God is not after belief in humanity today,is because in the World Tommorrow, all humans will be saved! Its academic, why should God be concerned with all humans believing in him now, when his will is that all humans will be saved in his Future? 1Tim.2:3-4," This is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE in the sight of God our Savior. ( What is Good and what is acceptable to God?) Well HIS own desires, which are that, vs.4- ALL humans to be saved and to finally come to know his Truth about THEIR predestined Salvation!

A most Positive Desire, or Will of God!

And I want to go into that.

Friend you have a wrong concept of humanities future salvation. When God says it is his desire that none perish he is not saying he will save them regardless of what they themselves want. You totally refuse to believe that we have a choice of whether or not we want to be with him. It is his desire (not his absolute Will) to save man and he will not drag anyone kicking and screaming into his Kgd. It is his desire that we all come to knowledge of him and that we all come to repentance and these 2 steps man must make himself in obedience to God. If we don't make them we will miss out on salvation.
You seem to be waiting for God to do more for you when you are not even beginning to do what he tells you so far. If you are waiting for GOD TO DO IT ALL what is the point of him telling you anything at all ? Why study his Word if you have no intention of obeying it ???
It is not the knowing that will save us BUT THE DOING Jas.1v21-25.
You are unjustly blaming God for leaving you out in the dark and the cold - but friend it is your own decision to stay out there. God has already told you what to do to come in :help::facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Another reason we can see in scripture that God is not after human belief as of now is Phil. 3:21;"Who will Transform the body of " Our Humble State" into " Conformity with the Body of his Glory", BY the exertion of the Power that he has to " Subject All Things to himself." This is a Very Powerful and revealing scripture in that it reveals that we are now in an Humbled State of Being, and that all of humanity will be " Transformed out of that state, and Conformed ( or Made like Christ) into his Body of Glory, and he has the Complette Power to Subject each human to this.

This has yet to occur in humanity, oh certain individuals may claim it has to them, but this verse is Universal Power and Universal Conformity, our Destiny. Jesus will subject all of humanity to God at the appointed time of his Father. A very Universal Hope of Glory.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Another reason we can see in scripture that God is not after human belief as of now is Phil. 3:21;"Who will Transform the body of " Our Humble State" into " Conformity with the Body of his Glory", BY the exertion of the Power that he has to " Subject All Things to himself." This is a Very Powerful and revealing scripture in that it reveals that we are now in an Humbled State of Being, and that all of humanity will be " Transformed out of that state, and Conformed ( or Made like Christ) into his Body of Glory, and he has the Complette Power to Subject each human to this.

This has yet to occur in humanity, oh certain individuals may claim it has to them, but this verse is Universal Power and Universal Conformity, our Destiny. Jesus will subject all of humanity to God at the appointed time of his Father. A very Universal Hope of Glory.

And I want to go into that.


Humanity has NOT been transformed into Christ body as of now, but many believers in God are claiming to be now transformed, so thats how they explain their Conversion, but now they must explain why the majority of humanity is not converted. So they search the scriptures to validify THEIR belief now, and your Lack of belief now, and they must find a place for unbelievers in Scripture, this is why Hellfire was created in their understanding. A place to put unbelievers and dispose of them. They reduce or take away the Hope in Christ from unrepenting unbelievers.

THEY are demanding that you repent now, NOT God!

And I need to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Humanity has NOT been transformed into Christ body as of now, but many believers in God are claiming to be now transformed, so thats how they explain their Conversion, but now they must explain why the majority of humanity is not converted. So they search the scriptures to validify THEIR belief now, and your Lack of belief now, and they must find a place for unbelievers in Scripture, this is why Hellfire was created in their understanding. A place to put unbelievers and dispose of them. They reduce or take away the Hope in Christ from unrepenting unbelievers.

THEY are demanding that you repent now, NOT God!

And I need to go into that.


One incredible error in humanity is the arcane assumption that certain groups of humans in certain religions represent God. This serious error in judgement has misled more people than any " Human to human communication" that I am aware of. And Christianity is the Mother of them all. They actually believe they are the people of God, and act like they own the bible, and your Salvation. Imagine that, a believer in God, trying to tell me about my eternity, as if they have something to do with it.

But their arcane behavior, actually comes from how they view the bible.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Another reason we can see in scripture that God is not after human belief as of now is Phil. 3:21;"Who will Transform the body of " Our Humble State" into " Conformity with the Body of his Glory", BY the exertion of the Power that he has to " Subject All Things to himself." This is a Very Powerful and revealing scripture in that it reveals that we are now in an Humbled State of Being, and that all of humanity will be " Transformed out of that state, and Conformed ( or Made like Christ) into his Body of Glory, and he has the Complette Power to Subject each human to this.

This has yet to occur in humanity, oh certain individuals may claim it has to them, but this verse is Universal Power and Universal Conformity, our Destiny. Jesus will subject all of humanity to God at the appointed time of his Father. A very Universal Hope of Glory.

And I want to go into that.

You are right friend , Phil.3v21 has not happened to anybody yet and I can not see anyone claiming it since the first resurrection of humans has not happened yet.
But neither will it happen 'ipso-facto' to every person regardless except to those who are in Christ and do the WILL of GOD. :bow:


Well-Known Member
Humanity has NOT been transformed into Christ body as of now, but many believers in God are claiming to be now transformed, so thats how they explain their Conversion, but now they must explain why the majority of humanity is not converted. So they search the scriptures to validify THEIR belief now, and your Lack of belief now, and they must find a place for unbelievers in Scripture, this is why Hellfire was created in their understanding. A place to put unbelievers and dispose of them. They reduce or take away the Hope in Christ from unrepenting unbelievers.

THEY are demanding that you repent now, NOT God!

And I need to go into that.

May I quote you a few scriptures being the WORD of GOD that require Repentance ?
Acts 3v19, Repent therefore....
2Pet.3v9, that all should come to repentance....
Mat.9v13, I am come...to call sinners to repentance (says Jesus).
You need more mickiel ? If you can read this you my friend are being called to repentance by GOD. Scripture is the inspired Word of God ! :yes:


Well-Known Member
One incredible error in humanity is the arcane assumption that certain groups of humans in certain religions represent God. This serious error in judgement has misled more people than any " Human to human communication" that I am aware of. And Christianity is the Mother of them all. They actually believe they are the people of God, and act like they own the bible, and your Salvation. Imagine that, a believer in God, trying to tell me about my eternity, as if they have something to do with it.

But their arcane behavior, actually comes from how they view the bible.

And I want to go into that.


A misinterpitation of most scriptures, if not all of them, IS the true foundation of moderday Christianity. They say and think they are like the orginal Christians, they believe themselves their forerunners, but they are not. Rev. 3:9;" Behold, I will cause those who are of the " Synagogue of Satan", who say they are Jews( Orginal Christians) and are not, but lie, to bow down at the true church to come( emphsis mine). This is the future of false ursurping believers in God who make the arrogant claim of being Gods ambassordors on earth now, and yet teach unholy doctrines that exclude this world of desperate unbelievers.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Imagine that, a believer in God, trying to tell me about my eternity, as if they have something to do with it.

But their arcane behavior, actually comes from how they view the bible.

And I want to go into that.

You quite misunderstand how God tries to reach people. First there is the written Word then comes the spoken Word. God always has sent people to people with HIS WORD. He does not send people with their own opinions, (these come of their own accord) Those who speak the Word of GOD are the true messengers but as we see from past records they are not generally received with open arms Mat.23v37. :slap:


Well-Known Member
A misinterpitation of most scriptures, if not all of them, IS the true foundation of moderday Christianity. They say and think they are like the orginal Christians, they believe themselves their forerunners, but they are not. Rev. 3:9;" Behold, I will cause those who are of the " Synagogue of Satan", who say they are Jews( Orginal Christians) and are not, but lie, to bow down at the true church to come( emphsis mine). This is the future of false ursurping believers in God who make the arrogant claim of being Gods ambassordors on earth now, and yet teach unholy doctrines that exclude this world of desperate unbelievers.

And I want to go into that.

Do you know something friend ?
I agree with you 100 % . Traditional christianity is on the wrong track !!! :yes:
(Perhaps now you will stop throwing stones at me ?)


Well-Known Member
The human tendency to usurp things before their time is legendary in our history, and Christians are no exception. Their " Spiritual Greed and Pride" has caused them to " Become Kings before their time." As the great Apostle Paul wrote in 1Corinth. 4:8. He told those anxcious believers that they were acting as if " They were already filled", they thought they had Gods Spirit, they thought Gods Kingdom was already there, as does modernday Christianity. The seed of satan moving the early church away from the truth had already been planted.

Now we have certain Christians running around thinking they are " Kings of God", and they are condemning people all along the way. People, unbelieving people, those who Christ really died for.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
The human tendency to usurp things before their time is legendary in our history, and Christians are no exception. Their " Spiritual Greed and Pride" has caused them to " Become Kings before their time." As the great Apostle Paul wrote in 1Corinth. 4:8. He told those anxcious believers that they were acting as if " They were already filled", they thought they had Gods Spirit, they thought Gods Kingdom was already there, as does modernday Christianity. The seed of satan moving the early church away from the truth had already been planted.

Now we have certain Christians running around thinking they are " Kings of God", and they are condemning people all along the way. People, unbelieving people, those who Christ really died for.

And I want to go into that.


Paul once said in 2Tim. 1:13 to " Retain the Standard of sound words". Sound reasoning has escaped believing humanity and they are after emotional content in their message. Emotional quasi feelings in their belief, which is a magnet for the deception of the Darkness. Paul said in vs. 15 that ALL in Asia had turned away from the true message. All those believers were persuaded to turn to another interpitation of the gospel. The WHOLE country of believers! Only a world deceiver could accomplish such deception. That was the beginning of the turning away, great falling away of believers from the REAL Gospel truth of Universal Salvation.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Paul once said in 2Tim. 1:13 to " Retain the Standard of sound words". Sound reasoning has escaped believing humanity and they are after emotional content in their message. Emotional quasi feelings in their belief, which is a magnet for the deception of the Darkness. Paul said in vs. 15 that ALL in Asia had turned away from the true message. All those believers were persuaded to turn to another interpitation of the gospel. The WHOLE country of believers! Only a world deceiver could accomplish such deception. That was the beginning of the turning away, great falling away of believers from the REAL Gospel truth of Universal Salvation.

And I want to go into that.


There exist a whole foundation of deception out there in this world, and its nothing new. As God moves human time on in its limited space, he wanted this deception to grow, thats why its growing, its the energy of Atheist and unbelievers, actually supplied by God, one of the evidences of his existence. Its the Tree of the Knowledge of both Good and Evil, growing in the Consciousness of man.

Growing in the believers, growing in our Politics, Growing in the real.

And I want to get real with that.



Well-Known Member
There exist a whole foundation of deception out there in this world, and its nothing new. As God moves human time on in its limited space, he wanted this deception to grow, thats why its growing, its the energy of Atheist and unbelievers, actually supplied by God, one of the evidences of his existence. Its the Tree of the Knowledge of both Good and Evil, growing in the Consciousness of man.

Growing in the believers, growing in our Politics, Growing in the real.

And I want to get real with that.


God planted the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the most Ultimate distortion and add mix, that I have ever known. It was like placing the magnectic forces of up and down, in the same area of space. Or mixing oil with water and letting that fuel something. Two directly oppisite forces, blending into human Consciousness and society. Is this the atmosphere that God planned on bringing humanity into belief of him? Certainly not, God is not stupid, he planned on humans being confused, not primed to believe in him.

And I want to go back to that event in the Garden of Eden, and its ramifications on the human belief systems.



Well-Known Member
And I want to go back to that event in the Garden of Eden, and its ramifications on the human belief systems.


That tree in the Garden is WHY Atheist are Atheist, their supposed to be, its WHY there are unbnelievers in human society. Its also WHY there are believers in humanity, their supposed to believe, both groups were primed to be exactly what they are. Its why criminals are criminals, and Preachers are what they are. Its why scientist are scientist, evolutionist are what they are, its why male is male, female is female, and homosexuals are as they are. People are supposed to be what they are, confused in our reality, their reality. Culture is what its supposed to be, race is as it is, power distrubution has been divided like it should have been. God established the roots of human civilization in Primordal man, and brought those roots out into reality through Adam, the progenitor of civilized man.

The deck was stacked and established in that Tree in the Garden, it is the generate of the Consciousness of mans learning and accumulation of all knowledge that we now hold.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
That tree in the Garden is WHY Atheist are Atheist, their supposed to be, its WHY there are unbnelievers in human society. Its also WHY there are believers in humanity, their supposed to believe, both groups were primed to be exactly what they are. Its why criminals are criminals, and Preachers are what they are. Its why scientist are scientist, evolutionist are what they are, its why male is male, female is female, and homosexuals are as they are. People are supposed to be what they are, confused in our reality, their reality. Culture is what its supposed to be, race is as it is, power distrubution has been divided like it should have been. God established the roots of human civilization in Primordal man, and brought those roots out into reality through Adam, the progenitor of civilized man.

The deck was stacked and established in that Tree in the Garden, it is the generate of the Consciousness of mans learning and accumulation of all knowledge that we now hold.

And I want to go into that.


It was God who planted that tree, or " Created human civilization as it began." God started all of this, he created the " Top", and it was he who started it to spin. It was God who started human Consciousness, it was he who place the stars in heaven, it was God who rotated this earth on its axis. It was God who began the era of human conscious existence, so it is GOD who is ultimately responsible for it all!

And man, am I glad of that! THATS how I KNOW, and KNOW that I KNOW, that we all will make it in the end, and oh, and end is comming. I don't care if there was not a God and evolution was true, humanity would still be destined to destroy itself, because we are going to revert back to the Primordal, even now we are living in caves and don't know our neighbors. Terrorist will soon obtain nuclear weapons, and all of us have our own weapons. Hate groups are growing again, racisim will return, compitition between nations will be settled like children and selfishness will be the strong order to survive.

This is how we can know that God HAS NOT set himself to change humanity " Now", to bring peace " Now", to stop this spiraling mess " Now." Just look around you, take an intelligent look at this world. Look at all the Atheist crawling all over this board! Just look at how rampant unbelief is in this world!

Belief in God is not what he wants " Now."

Thats going to come later.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
I just read a bit of a thread that belief in God is plummenting. I think that dovetails into this thread. See, the assumption is that God is after human belief, so when unbelievers see that satistic, they can reinforce their negative views about God, and further rail at belief in him. Atheist search out such stats to reinforce their unbelief. But God is not after human belief now, meaning he has not friutated that Spirit within all of humanity, so its not growing BECAUSE of that, because of God, not because of people.

Not that God is against those who now believe in him, but God IS against those who believe, trying to section off those who do not believe, and condemn them while they lift their belief up. And he is against those unbelievers, lifting up their unbelief, and using falling belief stats as a rail against him. Because he knows that he will insitute belief in all humans when he is ready for that.

And I want to go deeper into this strange pathalogical phenom.



Well-Known Member
I just read a bit of a thread that belief in God is plummenting. I think that dovetails into this thread. See, the assumption is that God is after human belief, so when unbelievers see that satistic, they can reinforce their negative views about God, and further rail at belief in him. Atheist search out such stats to reinforce their unbelief. But God is not after human belief now, meaning he has not friutated that Spirit within all of humanity, so its not growing BECAUSE of that, because of God, not because of people.

Not that God is against those who now believe in him, but God IS against those who believe, trying to section off those who do not believe, and condemn them while they lift their belief up. And he is against those unbelievers, lifting up their unbelief, and using falling belief stats as a rail against him. Because he knows that he will insitute belief in all humans when he is ready for that.

And I want to go deeper into this strange pathalogical phenom.


Those threads like belief in God is plummenting stand as a reinforcement to Atheist and the like, feed and fodder for a misunderstood mindset. Listen, nonsense will pick up steam if it is not counteracted. God is not reinforcing belief in humanity, he does not want or need human belief in him.

And I am going to go into this strange pathalogical " Need" in Atheist to discredit belief in God, its actually what God wants them to do, but THEY don't realize this. They are actually doing Gods will. Which reinforces my belief that God does not need humans to believe in him, in order to do things for him.



Well-Known Member
Those threads like belief in God is plummenting stand as a reinforcement to Atheist and the like, feed and fodder for a misunderstood mindset. Listen, nonsense will pick up steam if it is not counteracted. God is not reinforcing belief in humanity, he does not want or need human belief in him.

And I am going to go into this strange pathalogical " Need" in Atheist to discredit belief in God, its actually what God wants them to do, but THEY don't realize this. They are actually doing Gods will. Which reinforces my belief that God does not need humans to believe in him, in order to do things for him.


Every Atheist is doing what God wants them to do, they don't believe and they discourage belief in him, that is exactly what God has set them to do. Human belief in God is falling off, only because God didnot sanction that belief, the humans did it on their own. What God starts, willnot stop, unless God wants it to stop. Human belief in God, is just that, humans doing it on their own. Conversely, when God plants the belief in the human himself, it then will always be there.

Every single human who does not believe in God, SHOULD be in that mode, its what God wants! Unbelief in God is NOT abnormal, its normal! Its natural, common. Belief IN God is abnormal, it is not common.

God is so powerful, that when he desires all humans to believe in him, thats EXACTLY what will be! And nothing could or will stop it.

But now is NOT that day. So don't let Atheistic enthusaism give you a false view of what God is not doing, he is NOT leading humans to believe in him as of Now.

A god that would take grave offense at someone simply because they refuse to believe in a deity of which they are yet to witness any evidence supporting their existence. That such a rude immature god is up in heaven pitching a fit and whining in response to being rejected. Is this really the sort of god that people prefer to believe in?


Well-Known Member
A god that would take grave offense at someone simply because they refuse to believe in a deity of which they are yet to witness any evidence supporting their existence. That such a immature god is up in heaven pitching a fit and whining in response to being rejected. Is this really the sort of god that people prefer to believe in?

That is your view of how God is, and you seek to stamp such an incorrect view of God on your mind, and the minds of others. God does not take offense at unbelief in him, he takes responsibility for it. God grants belief in him, gives it, and witholds giving it just as well. Your view of God is simply in error, it is that view of God that is whining.
