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Belief in God, is not what God wants!


This fact above on the last post is a stirring reality which many believers in God simply cannot handle. Atheist can't handle it, nor can Communist. If God wanted Universal Belief in him to exist now, or in humanity past, nothing could have stopped it. Nothing! God is total dominance, which is not looking to dominate human belief as of now. The Christians think its because he wants " Free Will belief", in their effort to understand him. No, God wants absolutely nothing from humanity as of now, nothing but the Darkness experience.

This IS our reality for now, confusion, unbelief, turmoil and the suffering. And all of this will increase, because God is not after belief, he is after the suffering.


You only think this because of darkness and because you do not understand the first step that must be taken into light. (See John 8:31-32)



Well-Known Member
You only think this because of darkness and because you do not understand the first step that must be taken into light. (See John 8:31-32)


I live in the Darkness, and my thoughts are impacted by it. My view of all things, scripture included, is affected by this reality, yes. I do not view this " First step" you hint at as a human effort thing. As if God has required that we must take a first step toward him to have first contact, I don't believe that. I believe God must take the first contact, or what a human does is meaningless. John 6:44 confirms this.



Well-Known Member
Belief in God is not what God wants from humans now, orelse all of humanity would now believe in him. When God wants something to go down, it goes down! When God desires something to start or stop, thats exactly what will occur. He is the beginning of all things, including human belief.

And I want to get back into that.


Like a spinning top, humanity , this Universe, is destined to discontinue. There is no avoiding this. I get up everyday to this same reality, knowing our end is comming. Its going to stop rotating on its axsis.

I sometimes wonder what is on Gods mind, as he prepares for humanitys ultimate future destiny, and end this rein of demons and flesh. In John 5:17, Jesus said his Father and he are working on it now. Now, means consistantly, its always now.

The belief system of humanity is breaking under pressure, falling apart, because it was not God who put it together. What God puts together willnot fall apart, unless he designed it to do so.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
The belief system of humanity is breaking under pressure, falling apart, because it was not God who put it together. What God puts together willnot fall apart, unless he designed it to do so.

And I want to go into that.


The only time things that God created, like this universe, will detireate and break down, is when God has designed it to do so. Humanitys belief system in God is different however, its breaking down because God didNOT design it. The belief system in God on earth was designed by Satan and his powers of the darkness masked in Light. Thats WHY religion is so perverted, because God didnot create the religions in humanity.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
I live in the Darkness, and my thoughts are impacted by it. My view of all things, scripture included, is affected by this reality, yes. I do not view this " First step" you hint at as a human effort thing. As if God has required that we must take a first step toward him to have first contact, I don't believe that. I believe God must take the first contact, or what a human does is meaningless. John 6:44 confirms this.

Of course humans are not required to take the first step to make conscious contact with God. But God looks on our heart-condition in spite of your denial of these scriptures (plenty refer to it). When man is in a receptive state God grants him repentance to turn from false ideas, opinions, concepts etc. We are led to the sacrifice of Jesus which is GOD's first real step to bring us to salvation. GOD DOES EVERYTHING but not altogether apart from us - our creation is being completed with our knowledge and agreement
We are to be in the light as he is in the light. If we refuse the light we remain in darkness ! :shout


Well-Known Member
The only time things that God created, like this universe, will detireate and break down, is when God has designed it to do so. Humanitys belief system in God is different however, its breaking down because God didNOT design it. The belief system in God on earth was designed by Satan and his powers of the darkness masked in Light. Thats WHY religion is so perverted, because God didnot create the religions in humanity.

And I want to go into that.

Are you saying it is wrong to believe in the existence of God ? Heb.11v6 encourages us to believe in him.
But where humanity has gone badly wrong is NOT BELIEVING WHAT GOD SAYS ! This has not been designed by God but is simply the result of still being in the human era. Man was allowed 6 days (6000 years) in which to do their own thing and everything about us reflects human reasoning which is false.
God allowed this state to develop to show us that we can't make it without him. It is / has been an object lesson which is now almost at an end.


Well-Known Member
Like a spinning top, humanity , this Universe, is destined to discontinue. There is no avoiding this. I get up everyday to this same reality, knowing our end is comming. Its going to stop rotating on its axsis.

I sometimes wonder what is on Gods mind, as he prepares for humanitys ultimate future destiny, and end this rein of demons and flesh. In John 5:17, Jesus said his Father and he are working on it now. Now, means consistantly, its always now.

The belief system of humanity is breaking under pressure, falling apart, because it was not God who put it together. What God puts together willnot fall apart, unless he designed it to do so.

And I want to go into that.

I agree with some of what you say - this human system is coming to an end because God did not set it up.
But this Universe or our planet are not going to vanish away rather the opposite since God will cleanse it of all evil and restore it to full purpose.
We do not need to wonder about the future since it is revealed in scripture - and quite clearly for the next thousand years ! :yes:
When you come into the light friend you will see it. :rainbow1:


Well-Known Member
The only time things that God created, like this universe, will detireate and break down, is when God has designed it to do so. Humanitys belief system in God is different however, its breaking down because God didNOT design it. The belief system in God on earth was designed by Satan and his powers of the darkness masked in Light. Thats WHY religion is so perverted, because God didnot create the religions in humanity.

And I want to go into that.


This is why Atheist can dog out religions, and be correct about it, because its not God who started Religions. Nor has God endorsed any religionon earth. The religions we criticise, has nothing to do with the real God, Gods church will be every single person he has created. At least the final draft of it.

And I want to get into that.



Well-Known Member
..... Gods church will be every single person he has created. At least the final draft of it.

And I want to get into that.

God's Church consists of every person HE has CHOSEN in this particular Era for a particular purpose Joh.15v16. It does not consist of every person ever born. ALL will be given a chance in their own good time 1Cor.15v23.
God will not be rushed as he works to his plan. :bow:


God's Church consists of every person HE has CHOSEN in this particular Era for a particular purpose Joh.15v16. It does not consist of every person ever born. ALL will be given a chance in their own good time 1Cor.15v23.
God will not be rushed as he works to his plan. :bow:
So you believe that God has picked an elite group of people he deems better than the rest and that all those who aren't worthy get discarded? Some "god of love" you pray to.


Well-Known Member
So you believe that God has picked an elite group of people he deems better than the rest and that all those who aren't worthy get discarded? Some "god of love" you pray to.
Why are you twisting what I said ???
Read my post again friend if you want to comment on it !!!


Well-Known Member
So what do you believe happens to the people God doesn't choose for his purposes?
Eventually ALL will be chosen !!!
But look at it this way. God is Creator and he has certain jobs in hand. If he needs a Plumber he will not employ a Joiner or other tradesman not up to that particular job - would you ? So we all have to wait our turn where we fit in to do a good job 1Cor.15v23.Some will be first and some last as scripture says.But all will get their chance.


Eventually ALL will be chosen !!!
But look at it this way. God is Creator and he has certain jobs in hand. If he needs a Plumber he will not employ a Joiner or other tradesman not up to that particular job - would you ? So we all have to wait our turn where we fit in to do a good job 1Cor.15v23.Some will be first and some last as scripture says.But all will get their chance.
Out of curiosity, do you believe that even those who don't believe in God will receive a similar calling?


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, do you believe that even those who don't believe in God will receive a similar calling?
Yes , all will get a calling but whether or not they respond will be in their own hands. God does not force himself or his ways on anyone.


Well-Known Member
Far too many people try to speak for God, and thats part and parcel to the problems in religion. I don't know why God does not now speak for himself, but the bible is his only word we have. Outside of personal revelation, that book is all we have, even though even it has been tampered with. Yet the more I study that book, the more I begin to realize that God does NOT want humanity to now believe in him. He does not. God is not concerned with belief in him, because he knows he can alter the belief of any human in an instant, thats nothing for him to do.

But religion has muddied the waters of what God is really after in humanity, they have taken the cause of God and ran it into the ground, because of their misunderstanding.

Jesus said something of unique intrest in John 6:65;" For this reason I have said to you, that no man can come to me, unless it has been granted him from the Father." Interesting and astounding, nobody can come to God of their own will. This is what Jesus meant, we are not allowed access to even Christ, unless God first " Grants it!" This goes against the grain of religion teaching that we are in the age of " Whosoever will, let them come." You just can't pray up an aduience with God, you just have been taught that you can.

The reason why God " Grants an audience", is because the vast majority of humanity is not now being given an audience! Thats not whats on Gods mind, he's ignoring much of humanity, and what they are doing. Because nothing is going on , on earth, that is against his will for now.

We cannot approach God, know him, understand him, or even believe in him, unless he grants it. So what he is now granting, is unbelief, confusion and Darkness.

Belief in him, incredibilly as it may sound, is not what he wants for humanity now!

And I want to go into that.


I hate to say it but your post is pure dereism. What your post shows is; you are, at best a superficialist. and at worst an apostate.
What you have said is exactly opposite of the teaching of the Bible, God's personal letter to every human.
Jesus, God's only begotten son, when on earth, actually said that it means our everlasting life to take in knowledge of him and the one who sent him forth, the only true God, John 17:3. Today the most recognized pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton, God's personal name in Hebrew, is Jehovah, in English.
It is true that Jesus said, more than once, that you can only come to God through him, but that does not mean that anyone who wants to know about God is going to be denied.
God has given one name by which all men MUST get saved, 1Tim 2:4,5, Acts 4:12.
You seem not to know that Satan is the god of this world, John 16:11, 2Cor 4:3,4, 1John 5:19. Satan wants everyone to believe that this is the way God wants things to be. This is totally false!!! God is going to turn this world into the paradise that Jesus promised the evil-doer, that died on a stake next to him, Luke 23:43. God promises to do away even with death, Rev 21:3-5.
One big problem today is, people put trust in their heart. Without the heart being trained according to Bible principles, the heart is the last thing we can trust in, Prov 28:26, Jere 17:9, Heb 5:14.
The only way that any person can be pleasing to God is to put your full trust in HIM, and that means study His word, and have faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, Prov 3:5,6, Matt 20:28, Gal 2:16, Acts 13:38,39.
The Bible is very clear about people who stumble others, Matt 18:7, James 3:1, 2Pet 2:1-3, 3:15,16.
Do not put your trust in what men say the Bible says, but what it really says, Jere 17:5, Ps 146:3,4, Mark 7:6-9,13.
The fact is: the only thing that men can be sure of today is God's word, because He has promised to protect His word, Ps 12:6,7, John 17:17, 1Pet 1:25.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but your post is pure dereism. What your post shows is; you are, at best a superficialist. and at worst an apostate.
What you have said is exactly opposite of the teaching of the Bible, God's personal letter to every human.
Jesus, God's only begotten son, when on earth, actually said that it means our everlasting life to take in knowledge of him and the one who sent him forth, the only true God, John 17:3. Today the most recognized pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton, God's personal name in Hebrew, is Jehovah, in English.
It is true that Jesus said, more than once, that you can only come to God through him, but that does not mean that anyone who wants to know about God is going to be denied.
God has given one name by which all men MUST get saved, 1Tim 2:4,5, Acts 4:12.
You seem not to know that Satan is the god of this world, John 16:11, 2Cor 4:3,4, 1John 5:19. Satan wants everyone to believe that this is the way God wants things to be. This is totally false!!! God is going to turn this world into the paradise that Jesus promised the evil-doer, that died on a stake next to him, Luke 23:43. God promises to do away even with death, Rev 21:3-5.
One big problem today is, people put trust in their heart. Without the heart being trained according to Bible principles, the heart is the last thing we can trust in, Prov 28:26, Jere 17:9, Heb 5:14.
The only way that any person can be pleasing to God is to put your full trust in HIM, and that means study His word, and have faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, Prov 3:5,6, Matt 20:28, Gal 2:16, Acts 13:38,39.
The Bible is very clear about people who stumble others, Matt 18:7, James 3:1, 2Pet 2:1-3, 3:15,16.
Do not put your trust in what men say the Bible says, but what it really says, Jere 17:5, Ps 146:3,4, Mark 7:6-9,13.
The fact is: the only thing that men can be sure of today is God's word, because He has promised to protect His word, Ps 12:6,7, John 17:17, 1Pet 1:25.

Well I understand you, I just don't think this is the day of Salvation for all of humanity, I just don't. I understand you thinking I am an " Apostate", perhaps I am, I will take my chances with Gods opinion on that. I gain my understanding from a study of Gods word, and Jesus has not drawn " All Men to him", in my view of things. He has the power to do just that, if he wants to " Now." Well I know he wants to, but its the " Now", that I question, its just not the time, its just not happening.

So I think that is to occur in the future, every human will be called then, now only a few.



Well-Known Member
The main reason God is not after belief in humanity today,is because in the World Tommorrow, all humans will be saved! Its academic, why should God be concerned with all humans believing in him now, when his will is that all humans will be saved in his Future? 1Tim.2:3-4," This is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE in the sight of God our Savior. ( What is Good and what is acceptable to God?) Well HIS own desires, which are that, vs.4- ALL humans to be saved and to finally come to know his Truth about THEIR predestined Salvation!

A most Positive Desire, or Will of God!

And I want to go into that.
