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Belief in God, is not what God wants!


Well-Known Member
That is your view of how God is, and you seek to stamp such an incorrect view of God on your mind, and the minds of others. God does not take offense at unbelief in him, he takes responsibility for it. God grants belief in him, gives it, and witholds giving it just as well. Your view of God is simply in error, it is that view of God that is whining.


There exist such strange and negative views of God, that one could write a book about it. People really just do not know God, and really don't care to know the truth about him, content rather to lay in their misconceptions, because their misconceptions ARE what they receive power from in their judgements.

And I want to take a look at that.

That is your view of how God is, and you seek to stamp such an incorrect view of God on your mind, and the minds of others. God does not take offense at unbelief in him, he takes responsibility for it. God grants belief in him, gives it, and witholds giving it just as well. Your view of God is simply in error, it is that view of God that is whining.

To the contrary, that is the impression of God which most fundamentalists give when they promote the idea that God aims to punish people based solely on the fact that they refused to believe in God. Moreover, the present lack of faith in God owes to misrepresentation on behalf of those claiming to be devotees.


Well-Known Member
To the contrary, that is the impression of God which most fundamentalists give when they promote the idea that God aims to punish people based solely on the fact that they refused to believe in God. Moreover, the present lack of faith in God owes to misrepresentation on behalf of those claiming to be devotees.

Why are you listening to fundamentals, they do not represent God, why are you giving them that leverage? Well because you know their wrong, but you NEED them to be, so that can fuel your belief.

Why are you listening to fundamentals, they do not represent God, why are you giving them that leverage? Well because you know their wrong, but you NEED them to be, so that can fuel your belief.

Seriously? Then, by this line of reasoning atheists depend upon the faith of theists as means of validating their own disbelief .. interesting.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? Then, by this line of reasoning atheists depend upon the faith of theists as means of validating their own disbelief .. interesting.

Well not all Atheist need this, but enough of them. Its the " Need to have Oppisition mentality", in order to reinforce your own. But Atheist need to depend on those believers who are wrong in their belief, who are incorrect in their interpitations, ignoring those believers who plainly state the truth about God. Truth willnot support error, unless those who are examining it are already in error.



Well not all Atheist need this, but enough of them. Its the " Need to have Oppisition mentality", in order to reinforce your own. But Atheist need to depend on those believers who are wrong in their belief, who are incorrect in their interpitations, ignoring those believers who plainly state the truth about God. Truth willnot support error, unless those who are examining it are already in error.

And the problem is that all of you claim to have the truth. Can't you see you're exactly the same as the believers you're criticizing?


Well-Known Member
And the problem is that all of you claim to have the truth. Can't you see you're exactly the same as the believers you're criticizing?

Well not exactly, no, but your point is well taken, I believe what I state to be " The Truth as I understand it", so I am just like them in that comparrison, yes, but my beliefs are much different than Christianity. In that same vein, you are not different than us in that you believe your views are the truth, yet your beliefs are different also.

So its a delima for sure, a definte confusion, yes, no doubt.

But we have to stand for what we believe, rather than fall for just anything.



Well-Known Member
Well not exactly, no, but your point is well taken, I believe what I state to be " The Truth as I understand it", so I am just like them in that comparrison, yes, but my beliefs are much different than Christianity. In that same vein, you are not different than us in that you believe your views are the truth, yet your beliefs are different also.

So its a delima for sure, a definte confusion, yes, no doubt.

But we have to stand for what we believe, rather than fall for just anything.


And why would an all wise intelligent God create this atmosphere of pulsating confusion, stay mainly out of this scene, and expect humans to believe in him. Thats asking far too much from humanity and would surely not be wise of him. No, he is NOT expecting belief from humanity, or he would HELP in that belief!

And I want to go into that.

Well not exactly, no, but your point is well taken, I believe what I state to be " The Truth as I understand it", so I am just like them in that comparrison, yes, but my beliefs are much different than Christianity. In that same vein, you are not different than us in that you believe your views are the truth, yet your beliefs are different also.

So its a delima for sure, a definte confusion, yes, no doubt.

But we have to stand for what we believe, rather than fall for just anything.

Let us take a close look at truth. Firstly, the word 'truth' comes from an Old English word which meant 'fidelity', having to do with 'exactness'. Truth is the recognition of something 'as it is', or rather as a thing is commonly recognized and accepted as being by use of concrete terms. In a word, suppose someone were to refer to a wall as a door, this would expose the person as being inauthentic to truth.

General statements which lack details often lead people to incorrect conclusions, as well as wrong actions based upon these preconceived notions. Thus, a belief in generalities, such as, 'My religion is the only true religion and all other religions are false' will always lead to conflicts. General statements tend to consist of a low level of truth which causes one to be easily misled. Hence,a generality requires a careful examination for missing details without assumptions as means of discovering the truth.

An exact truth is determined by the person who created it. A liar knows that he is lying because he created the lie to begin with, thus knowing the truth about the lie, and the lie will persist as long as the underlying truth is not exposed. As soon as the truth is exposed a resolution is reached. Thus, if a problem or conflict is persisting, the underlying truth is not known. Because if it were known the problem will no longer persist. This is a fundamental test of truth.

Thus, truth is covered by appearances to the degree generalities are enforced, and awareness is denied. The problem with truth reduces to the problem of attachment to what one already believes in without understanding. However, no person's perception of truth should be condemned just because it is different from yours, because truth is never absolute. Truth is always subject to a viewpoint, and one should bear in mind that finite belief is no substitute for an understanding of the Infinite. Effort of each person should always be to strive for higher levels of truth without making others wrong.


Well-Known Member
Let us take a close look at truth. Firstly, the word 'truth' comes from an Old English word which meant 'fidelity', having to do with 'exactness'. Truth is the recognition of something 'as it is', or rather as a thing is commonly recognized and accepted as being by use of concrete terms. In a word, suppose someone were to refer to a wall as a door, this would expose the person as being inauthentic to truth.

General statements which lack details often lead people to incorrect conclusions, as well as wrong actions based upon these preconceived notions. Thus, a belief in generalities, such as, 'My religion is the only true religion and all other religions are false' will always lead to conflicts. General statements tend to consist of a low level of truth which causes one to be easily misled. Hence,a generality requires a careful examination for missing details without assumptions as means of discovering the truth.

An exact truth is determined by the person who created it. A liar knows that he is lying because he created the lie to begin with, thus knowing the truth about the lie, and the lie will persist as long as the underlying truth is not exposed. As soon as the truth is exposed a resolution is reached. Thus, if a problem or conflict is persisting, the underlying truth is not known. Because if it were known the problem will no longer persist. This is a fundamental test of truth.

Thus, truth is covered by appearances to the degree generalities are enforced, and awareness is denied. The problem with truth reduces to the problem of attachment to what one already believes in without understanding. However, no person's perception of truth should be condemned just because it is different from yours, because truth is never absolute. Truth is always subject to a viewpoint, and one should bear in mind that finite belief is no substitute for an understanding of the Infinite. Effort of each person should always be to strive for higher levels of truth without making others wrong.

Very well stated and I agree, except with the statement " Truth is never Absolute". I believe Gods truth, whatever it is, is free from restriction or Limitation, it is pure and perfect, as he must be. Now there is no absolute " Human Truth", I agree there. We are finite and have limits, we can understand only so much. We have no " Absolute Scale" to determine any thing we examine as a Truth. Conversely, God has none either, his is " Off the Scales" and cannot be measured by our understanding.

God is the Ultimate Ground of all things, thus HIS truth is absolute.



Well-Known Member
God is the Ultimate Ground of all things, thus HIS truth is absolute.


And God gets what he wants. In Job 23:13;" But God is unique and who can turn him? What his soul desires, that he Does!" What does he desire? 1Tim. 2:4, that ALL humans be saved and come into the Knowledge of the Truth. Now, Gods going to get this, but obviously he is not trying to get it now, or it would be.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
And God gets what he wants. In Job 23:13;" But God is unique and who can turn him? What his soul desires, that he Does!" What does he desire? 1Tim. 2:4, that ALL humans be saved and come into the Knowledge of the Truth. Now, Gods going to get this, but obviously he is not trying to get it now, or it would be.

And I want to go into that.


God is using humans like meaningless puppets to accomplish his will, hes getting his way each day.

Why should a being like this try to usher in belief in him, until he is good and ready?

Its a privledge of Ultimate Power.

Make people wait.



Well-Known Member
God is using humans like meaningless puppets to accomplish his will, hes getting his way each day.

Why should a being like this try to usher in belief in him, until he is good and ready?

Its a privledge of Ultimate Power.

Make people wait.


And thats exactly what God is doing now, making humans wait on him, and ultimate Power can do that, and you know, theres nothing we can do about it. God is going to let humans exhuast all of their petty beliefs and unbeliefs, then he will move. Not soon after God created man, man started creating his own gods.

Because back then, man didnot know what he was doing.

And quess what, we still don't know what were doing.

And I want to get into that.



Well-Known Member
Because back then, man didnot know what he was doing.

And quess what, we still don't know what were doing.

And I want to get into that.


We don't know what we are doing, we don't know what were talking about, yet we continue on in confusion. Jer. 10:23;" I know, oh Lord, that a mans way is not in himself, nor is it in a man who walks to direct himself." We don't know what were doing, we just like to think that we know, just a pacification of self to help our reality.

One reason we don't know, is because we swallow far too much garbage from others in our past. Jer. 16:19, " Our Fathers have inherited nothing but lies, futility and things of no profit." And we spend our whole lives spreading and expounding on those lies.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
We don't know what we are doing, we don't know what were talking about, yet we continue on in confusion. Jer. 10:23;" I know, oh Lord, that a mans way is not in himself, nor is it in a man who walks to direct himself." We don't know what were doing, we just like to think that we know, just a pacification of self to help our reality.

One reason we don't know, is because we swallow far too much garbage from others in our past. Jer. 16:19, " Our Fathers have inherited nothing but lies, futility and things of no profit." And we spend our whole lives spreading and expounding on those lies.

And I want to go into that.


In Rev.12:9, the Father of the Darkness has deceived " The WHOLE World", so all our history is baked in deception, and history is one foundation of our future. If God wanted worldwide belief in him, he would have solidified that in our past, he didnot.

Because its not what he wants.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
In Rev.12:9, the Father of the Darkness has deceived " The WHOLE World", so all our history is baked in deception, and history is one foundation of our future. If God wanted worldwide belief in him, he would have solidified that in our past, he didnot.

Because its not what he wants.

And I want to go into that.


To us, History is the past, to God it is simply an " Unfolding of his will." Rev. 1:8;" I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, Who IS and who WAS and who IS TO COME." God is the beginning of all things, the end of all things, other words he is the Complette cycle of Life! God actually presently exist in all three human timeframes, past , present and future, he is NOW in all three. Existing within them, dictating them, he has written our past, is writing our present and future, thats how God knows the future, because he writes it himself.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
To us, History is the past, to God it is simply an " Unfolding of his will." Rev. 1:8;" I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, Who IS and who WAS and who IS TO COME." God is the beginning of all things, the end of all things, other words he is the Complette cycle of Life! God actually presently exist in all three human timeframes, past , present and future, he is NOW in all three. Existing within them, dictating them, he has written our past, is writing our present and future, thats how God knows the future, because he writes it himself.

And I want to go into that.


Humans do not control our destiny, science cannot control our destiny, religion cannot control our destiny, Atheist certainly cannot control our destiny, so who controls our destiny?

Its the God that secular men deny, he is in Control of our destiny and belief,

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
God is weaving an incredible situational history for all of humanity, we all have seen the results of humans living in this reality. Here in America we are spoiled with basic peace at home, but when the suffering comes to America in full force, a lot of spoiled people will cry out to a God they never believed in. In those times, the growing numbers of Atheist, will be stopped in its tracks, belief in God will swell, because of the Suffering, people will see that science and Atheist cannot stop that suffering.

America will put on a new face, and the suffering will break through what Peace couldnot.



Well-Known Member
God is weaving an incredible situational history for all of humanity, we all have seen the results of humans living in this reality. Here in America we are spoiled with basic peace at home, but when the suffering comes to America in full force, a lot of spoiled people will cry out to a God they never believed in. In those times, the growing numbers of Atheist, will be stopped in its tracks, belief in God will swell, because of the Suffering, people will see that science and Atheist cannot stop that suffering.

America will put on a new face, and the suffering will break through what Peace couldnot.


And God KNOWS these things, " Planned Perfectly" these things, which is why I know he is not after total belief in him from humanity now. Why would God create an atmosphere, a human society, that is defintely not geared toward belief in him, then expect those humans to believe? Well Christianity thinks its some sort of weird test from God, from which he will gather only those who pass this test, which basically renders Salvation to be the results of some Godly Game!

Why should a God as great and wise as God is, base salvation on a test which " He Knows" most humans would fail?

And I want to get into that.



Well-Known Member
And God KNOWS these things, " Planned Perfectly" these things, which is why I know he is not after total belief in him from humanity now. Why would God create an atmosphere, a human society, that is defintely not geared toward belief in him, then expect those humans to believe? Well Christianity thinks its some sort of weird test from God, from which he will gather only those who pass this test, which basically renders Salvation to be the results of some Godly Game!

Why should a God as great and wise as God is, base salvation on a test which " He Knows" most humans would fail?

And I want to get into that.


I tell you, often I believe, really believe, that some people think God is either stupid or insane. Ifs hes either, were all in serious trouble. If hes anything like a human, were really in trouble.

But I am very Thankful God is not human, he does not do things based on human emotions, and he KNOWS how weak and stupid and ignorant " Humans are." He knows how intelligent humans are, and he knows how much we NEED him to be the way he really is, Humble, Gentle, Kind and Loving, THESE ways of HIS, is WHY I know we are not in trouble concerning our Salvation.

And I want to go into that.
