Dirty Penguin
Master Of Ceremony
Genesis (Alternative and Accurate Translation)
Gen 1:1
Upon the Beginning the Gods fashioned the Sky and Earth
Gen 1:2
Earth was Chaos and Empty, Darkness was over the faces of the Ocean and the wind of the gods blew over the faces of the waters.
Gen 1:3
The Gods spoke, let there be Light, and there was daybreak
Gen 1:4
The Gods saw the light, and it was pleasent, and the gods set apart the Light from the darkness
Gen 1:5
The Gods called this Light, the Day, and the darkness was named the Night, and the Sun Setting and rising was the First Day,
Gen 1:6
The Gods said, let there be a Vault in the midst of the waters, to seperate the Waters from Waters
Gen 1:7
the Gods used the Vault to divide the Water under the Vault and the Waters above the Vault.
Gen 1:8
the Gods called the Vault, the Sky, let the Sun Set and Rise the second day.
Gen 1:9
The Gods said let the Water under the sky gather and dry up.
Gen 1:10
The Gods called the Dryness the earth, the mass of water was called the Sea, and the gods saw it was pleasant.
Gen 1:11
The Gods said, let the soil sprout vegetation and plants yield seeds, and the trees that grow fruit, let there seeds scatter the earth
Gen 1:12
The Soil produced herds and plants yielding seeds of different kinds and trees that grow fruit with seeds within them, the gods saw this was pleasureful.
Gen 1:13
the Sun Set and Rose for the third Day
Gen 1:14
The Gods said, let there be luminaries in the vaults of the sky, to seperate the days and nights and let them be signs for seasons, the days and the Years
Gen 1:15
And let these luminaries in the vaults of the sky Light up the Earth
Gen 1:16
The Gods made two important lights, the greator to rule the Day and the dimmer light and stars to light up the earth.
Gen 1:17
The Gods places these in the Vaults of the Sky to light up the earth
Gen 1:18
To Rule the day and night to divide the light from the darkness, the gods where pleased.
Gen 1:19
the Sun Set and rose for the forth Day
Gen 1:20
The Gods said, let the waters swarm creatures that breath life, and let the birds fly in the vaults of the sky.
Gen 1:21
The Gods fashioned many sea serpents and other living creature that swims through the waters swarming with different kinds, as well as the winged birds of all kind, the Gods saw that it was pleasent.
Gen 1:22
The Gods adored them, let them breed and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and rivers and the birds multiply the earth
Gen 1:23
the Sun Set and rose for the fifth Day,
Gen 1:24
The Gods said, the earth shall bring forth different kinds of creatures, like
cattle, insects and let these animals of different kinds walk the earth
Gen 1:25
The gods fashioned different animals and cattle and other walking beasts upon the earth, the gods saw was it was pleasant
Gen 1:26
The Gods said, let us make produce man in our ressemblence and likeines, let them rule over the fish of the seas and rivers, the flying birds of the sky and the cattle of the land, as well as the over animals that walk the earth.
Gen 1:27
The Gods fashioned man in there own ressemblence, the ressemblence of the gods created males and females created them.
Gen 1:28
The gods blessed them, and the gods told them to breed and fill the land, and rule and dominate over the fish of the seas and rivers, birds of the sky and over every animal that moves upon the earth.
Gen 1:29
The Gods said to them, i gave you every plant bearing seeds upon the faces of the land and every trees and its fruit that yield seeds for your consumpsion.
Gen 1:30
The Animals of the earth, the birds of the sky and animals that walk upon the land whom will feed upon the plants as food.
Gen 1:31
The Gods saw which he had made and the abundances was good.
the Sun Set and Sun Rise for the sixth Day,
Gen 2:1 (should be 1:32)
The sky and earth finised its duty
Gen 2:2 (should be 1:33)
Upon the seventh day, the gods finished there work they had done and rested upon the seventh day from there work they had done.
Gen 2:3 (should be 1:34)
The Gods blessed the sevenths day which was observed as holy, because they had rested from there work that the gods created and made
(it seems that another author wrote from Gen 2:4, i am half way translating Gen 2-3, gen 1 should have stopped at gen 2:3 )
Perfect....I love it......Might as well just read the Enuma Elish or the Epic of Gilgamesh.....