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Bible - Alternative Translation


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It's My Birthday!


Well-Known Member
Actually the only mention of Yahweh in Cannanite history is written on the Mesha Stele where it talks of Yahweh god of the hebrews, while it says that Kemesh is the god of the Caananites. Not the other way around

and seeing as how we are using Wiki for our sources, according to Mesha Stele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia it was written in the 9 centery BCE now how Greeks could have influenced Hebraic religion being that the Geometric era happened about the same time, in Greece, is beyond me


Actually the only mention of Yahweh in Cannanite history is written on the Mesha Stele where it talks of Yahweh god of the hebrews, while it says that Kemesh is the god of the Caananites. Not the other way around

They you go, Yahweh is a Local Deity, a typical deity like all other deities.

Kuntillet Ajrud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The inscriptions are in a mix of Phoenician and Hebrew script. Many are religious in nature, invoking the gods Yahweh, El and Baal, and two include the phrases "Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah" and "Yahweh of Teman and his Asherah."

untillet`Ajrud, Sinai Caravansarai, ca. first half of 8th centry BCE. Drawing of Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah on a pottery shard (Pithos A). Inscription in Hebrew reads "Thus says...Say to Yehalle[lel], Yo`asa and...I bless you (herewith- or: have blessed you) to/before Yahweh of Samaria and his asherah." Note the portion of bridled horse to the left of the figures (pp.225-6, "Baal, El, Yahweh, and 'His Asherah'," Othmar Keel and Christoph Uehlinger. Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God in Ancient Israel. Minneapolis. Fortress Press. 1998. ISBN 0-8006-2789-X ).

Yahweh had a Consort


The Hebrew word for “god” is eloah. Elohim and Elohei are plural for eloah.

Exodus 3:13: “Then Moses said ‘el-ha·'e·lo·him. ‘If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘Elohei of your fathers sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?”

Exodus 3:14: “E·lo·him (translated as “God,” but literally, “gods”) said to Moses, “AHYH ASHR AHYH.” This important answer Moses received “from the gods” has been translated as “I AM THAT I AM” or “I AM WHO I AM,” or "I AM WHAT I AM."

For the name of God, Yahweh (YHWH) to become "I AM" (AHYH) requires a very minor change of Hebrew letters. For the name of the Semetic goddess Asherah (ASHRH) to become "that/who/what" (ASHR) also requires minor changes. (See enlarged images below.)

If the original text was AHYH ASHRH YHWH, rather than AHYH ASHR AHYH, then the gods’ answer to Moses question, "What is your name?" was: “I AM Mother (Goddess), Father (God)." This thesis is supported by the excavations at Ugarit that identified Yahweh and Asherah (YHVH ASHRH) as Semetic Father-God and Mother-Goddess (masculine and feminine principles). It seems possible, perhaps probable, that “The gods” instructed Moses to tell his people that THEY were YHVH and ASHRH, Father of all and Mother of all.
Jeremiah's warning may deserve careful consideration. The powerful Patriarchal Priesthood had a great deal to lose if Moses supported those who worshipped YHVH and ASHRH.

Did Moses' "two stone tablets" received from “the gods” on the “mountain” originate with the "Sacred Black Stone" mythology built around Yahweh and Asherah? Evidence to support this conclusion can be found in a most unexpected place:


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
More evidence that you don't know any Hebrew. The word for 'god' is not 'eloah', but el. You can keep trying to put the Canaanite "Asherah" if you like, but it doesn't make it real. Asherah was Baal's consort.


More evidence that you don't know any Hebrew. The word for 'god' is not 'eloah', but el. You can keep trying to put the Canaanite "Asherah" if you like, but it doesn't make it real. Asherah was Baal's consort.

Then why do inscriptions dating over 800BC, place her has consort of Yahweh

(denial of female creator :rolleyes:) = Monotheism (Man-theism)


Well-Known Member
wow. like talking to a brick wall. Yahweh was the Israelite god. ISRAELITE. NOT CANAA... oh never mind. this is getting no where. and since you have made up your mind about all of this, your looking for opinions is not really your motive.
HaShem does not have a consort, never did. As HaShem is genderless. Not that you will listen to this. you are obviously only corrupting corrupted interpretations.
So you know what?

Chicken butt.


wow. like talking to a brick wall. Yahweh was the Israelite god. ISRAELITE. NOT CANAA... oh never mind. this is getting no where. and since you have made up your mind about all of this, your looking for opinions is not really your motive.
HaShem does not have a consort, never did. As HaShem is genderless. Not that you will listen to this. you are obviously only corrupting corrupted interpretations.
So you know what?

Chicken butt.

"Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah" and "Yahweh of Teman and his Asherah."

You think its theologically impossible for Yahweh to have a Consort


(Old Testament | Genesis 2:4 - 5)
4 ¶ These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were acreated, in the day that the bLORD God made the earth and the heavens,
5 And every aplant of the field bbefore it was in the cearth, and every herb of the field before it grew

We belive in two different creative periods - "the generations of the earth" and the "generations of heaven" that everything was spiritually created before it was naturally on the face of the earth - so the second account of the creation was perhaps the heavenly / spiritual creation? It will be interesting to read your translation when you are finished!

Earth is used as Singular and Heaven(s) as plural, the earth is always the earth, but the sky is like a giant TV to the ancients, always changing, planets moving, Sun rising and settings, zodiacs, it seems that every day when the sun rose, the heaven as a different appearance, moon has changed position, hence "Heaven" is used as "Plural".

They are many astrological things throughout Bible.

This is how i will structure my bible, all in a astrological format, read the bible like reading the stars
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Earth is used as Singular and Heaven(s) as plural, the earth is always the earth, but the sky is like a giant TV to the ancients, always changing, planets moving, Sun rising and settings, zodiacs, it seems that every day when the sun rose, the heaven as a different appearance, moon has changed position, hence "Heaven" is used as "Plural".

They are many astrological things throughout Bible.

This is how i will structure my bible, all in a astrological format, read the bible like reading the stars



Veteran Member
Premium Member
The only term you attacked was the usage of "Elohim" as being "Gods", but it seems to make sense to use its as a plural
The fact that you can plug English word forms and/or particular meanings of the Hebrew base you get from a dictionary and come up with English sentences which "make sense" means nothing. How the notion of grammatical number was conceptualized in the mind and language of those who spoke and wrote ancient Hebrew has nothing to do with English. Which means that unless you possess an at least somewhat sophisticated grasp of the nuances of grammatical number in Hebrew you are just making things up.
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Higher and Higher
It is indisputable fact, and it is written on Stone

The religions of ancient Israel: a synthesis of parallactic approaches - Ziony Zevit - Google Books

You cant understand that Yahweh was a Pantheon god with his own Consort

Your link wasn't working. But I can tell you that, having actually studied with Ziony Zevit for my Master's degree, he would laugh at your notion of translation, as well as your presentation of early Israelite history. Sure, early Israelites were polytheists. Which evolved into monolatry and henotheism by around 1000 CE, and the next six hundred-odd years were a contest between monolatry/henotheism and monotheism, which won out by the end of the Babylonian Exile. The original, primal polytheistic senses of words like Elohim and imagery like some of the early Genesis material were not even recognizable as polytheistic by the time they were written down from oral transmission, let alone by the time that the Josianic reforms made YHVHistic monotheism supreme and uncontested in ancient Israel. Zevit would be the first one to tell you those things, since he steamrolled right over anyone in his classes who proposed anything else.


Your link wasn't working. But I can tell you that, having actually studied with Ziony Zevit for my Master's degree, he would laugh at your notion of translation, as well as your presentation of early Israelite history.

And if I had seen it, I would think that it was hilarious and utterly pathetic at the same time.

Hilarious = he says that he's "translating"

Very sad, and even offensive = he thinks that he's translating

Unfortunately, what he's doing is not translation and it wouldn't even pass as a very bad interpretation.