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Bible - Book of lies


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
There are also many other people which call Bible the book of lies.
In order to get to that conclusion one only has to read the bible, no extra sources are necessary.
If we turn the bible on page one we will find two completely different descriptions of the same event - creation of earth.
In these descriptions order in which various things were created is completely different.
This is enough to conclude that one of these descriptions must be a lie.
So we have found first part of the bible which must be a lie.
Bible is full of completely different, mutually exclusive descriptions of the same event. Using the above resoning for each of these pairs of descriptions we can conclude that at least one of the descriptions must be a lie.
And this is how we can make conclusion that Bible is book of lies.

If what you say is true (it isn't), then within one page the Bible writer deliberately contradicted himself. Does that really make sense? Could it be you are misunderstanding what Genesis says? Please be more specific as to what you believe the contradictions to be.


If what you say is true (it isn't), then within one page the Bible writer deliberately contradicted himself. Does that really make sense? Could it be you are misunderstanding what Genesis says? Please be more specific as to what you believe the contradictions to be.

Quotes are given at the beginining of the second page of this thread.
And you are correct, if this was written by one outor, moses being dictated by god as was the official church explanation, then this wouldn't make much sence. So people started doubting this explanation and eventually found out that OT was created by mixing 4 different text in a very sloppy manner which resulted in many more contradictions.


Well-Known Member
There are also many other people which call Bible the book of lies.
In order to get to that conclusion one only has to read the bible, no extra sources are necessary.
If we turn the bible on page one we will find two completely different descriptions of the same event - creation of earth.
In these descriptions order in which various things were created is completely different.
This is enough to conclude that one of these descriptions must be a lie.
So we have found first part of the bible which must be a lie.
Bible is full of completely different, mutually exclusive descriptions of the same event. Using the above resoning for each of these pairs of descriptions we can conclude that at least one of the descriptions must be a lie.
And this is how we can make conclusion that Bible is book of lies.

The Bible has myth, poetry, legend, science, history, dreams, vision, religion, government, exaggerations, tribal stories, Human experiences with their own thoughts and hopes.


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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Quotes are given at the beginining of the second page of this thread.
And you are correct, if this was written by one outor, moses being dictated by god as was the official church explanation, then this wouldn't make much sence. So people started doubting this explanation and eventually found out that OT was created by mixing 4 different text in a very sloppy manner which resulted in many more contradictions.

Your earlier post claims Genesis 1:27 says "(The first man and woman were created simultaneously.)"

That scripture simply says: "And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him: male and female he created them." It says nothing to indicate they were created simultaneously. Therefore, your argument has no merit.
The Bible is what it claims to be, "The word of God." (2 Thessalonians 2:13)


Well-Known Member
There are also many other people which call Bible the book of lies.
In order to get to that conclusion one only has to read the bible, no extra sources are necessary.
Do you know such thing as "proof reading"? Even in researches, you have to use different books in order to prove your conclusions. Even in writing essays, you also need to utilize different sources because an essay with just one reference makes a "weak paper". Why use just one reference in this issue? That would be bias.
If we turn the bible on page one we will find two completely different descriptions of the same event - creation of earth.
In these descriptions order in which various things were created is completely different.
That's because the author of Genesis wanted to introduce the creation and creator in different ways, one that started out with nothing, where God simply direct things and it happens and the other where everything's scattered and God puts order on it. But, the thought are the same: that it all begin with God. [/QUOTE]
This is enough to conclude that one of these descriptions must be a lie.
So we have found first part of the bible which must be a lie.
Bible is full of completely different, mutually exclusive descriptions of the same event. Using the above resoning for each of these pairs of descriptions we can conclude that at least one of the descriptions must be a lie.
And this is how we can make conclusion that Bible is book of lies.
You said it already, those were just descriptions, not historical facts. And it tends to describe how powerful God is and not to focus on how God created things, for no one had seen how it actually started to write it down. It would help if you do some research first before posting something.


The Bible has myth, poetry, legend, science, history, dreams, vision, religion, government, exaggerations, tribal stories, Human experiences with their own thoughts and hopes.

Sorry, the Bible does not have any myths or legends. Please give evidence of this before you make such a blanket statement.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
Sorry, the Bible does not have any myths or legends. Please give evidence of this before you make such a blanket statement.

I don't see why having them in there or labeled as such would be 'bad' or 'useless'.
Meaning is meaning.

There doesn't have to be historical facts to contain Truth, imo.


The Bible is what it claims to be, "The word of God." (2 Thessalonians 2:13)

God never penned a single word in any book anywhere.

these were a collection of ancient writings important to people to explain their cultures lessons, wants and needs in a allegorical fashion. [the early books]

if god gave this information to people to write down as his words, he made allot of mistakes and or the scribes in charge of such


That's because the author of Genesis wanted to introduce the creation and creator in different ways, one that started out with nothing, where God simply direct things and it happens and the other where everything's scattered and God puts order on it. But, the thought are the same: that it all begin with God

just do a quick search for J and E and do a bit of study if you really want to begin to understand how the first five books of the bible were composed.

as it stands there was never a single author, and he diod not want to introduce a mythical creation in different ways. Thats just not correct


Sorry, the Bible does not have any myths or legends. Please give evidence of this before you make such a blanket statement.

Im sorry my friend the first five books have very little historicity

These were mostly allegorical fables passed down through oral tradition and put together over hundreds of years and edited heavily along the way.

As jay stated, this is common knowledge and no one debates this


Sort of the definition of outhouse scholarship.

I dont claim to know what you do, nor do I claim to be a scholar at all. Since you dont want to participate in educating those who dont want a in depth scholarship anyway. They are left with a public forum where some of us try our best. you want to make personal attacks and be mean thats fine, but I believe this forum frowns upon that behaviour.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I dont claim to know what you do, nor do I claim to be a scholar at all. Since you dont want to participate in educating those who dont want a in depth scholarship anyway. They are left with a public forum where some of us try our best. you want to make personal attacks and be mean thats fine, but I believe this forum frowns upon that behaviour.
Would you consider reading a book? Let me suggest one ... The Pentateuch.