You don't get something for nothing -- it all costs. The question is do you put it on your Amex Card, or do you pay for it. In other words, for the country, are the tax-payers of today, who are going to reap a lot of the benefits, going to pay for those benefits, or is the nation going to ask a future generation -- unable to have a say at this time -- to pay for it?
And the second question is: is everybody going to pay their fair share?
I do not like leaving future generations to pay for the benefits I enjoy today, and I've long voted Liberal (not in the most recent election, but that's because I'm cheesed off with our PM), meaning I'm saying, "yes, I'll pay a bit more tax, if you'll provide the benefit."
I also think that taxation should be progressive -- the very rich can live extremely high, and still not spend even close to what their worth increases by each year. I don't mean that we should bring them to heal -- if you've been creative, or entrepreneurial, or took risks and won the hoped-for gains, I want you to enjoy the rewards for that. Yet I still think that you should be willing to accept a moderate increase in your tax rate if it still permits you to live high and continue to build up your wealth.
What I do not want to see is racking up even more debt. And I think that's what Biden is talking about when he says "costs nothing." He's saying -- or should say -- won't add to the debt, overall.