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Bigfoot Evidence?


which is odd given they don't have an arch

givin "IF" i would have to think its the midtarsel break that would have to be there to support said weight.

that and if you look at the gait, with the knees always bent, an pronounced arch would go against the pattern? would it not?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
givin "IF" i would have to think its the midtarsel break that would have to be there to support said weight.
Not really, our arch is to support our weight... arches are less prone to damage than a flat foot would be. In other apes, the arms carry much of the weight.

that and if you look at the gait, with the knees always bent, an pronounced arch would go against the pattern? would it not?
I can walk like that. :cool:
The knee bend is also odd IMHO.



Not really, our arch is to support our weight... arches are less prone to damage

understood, but with a different gait and a mid tarsel break we dont have it might support the larger amount of weight better ,,, again "IF",,, many have reported that when they picked up speed they dont break into a run they way we do, they say it just looks fluid and the head and body move very smoothly.

many of the footprints are flat, and many have the heel print, mid tarsel break and then the front foot and toes [in perfect conditions]

In other apes, the arms carry much of the weight.

I think one could call this a hybrid human more then a ape if it did exist. its been reported the young have often said to be bent over like the jacobs creature using all four and going between 2 and 4. The adults are said to use bipedal locamotion primarily to cover large distances quickly.

I found this quote and im not sure if its accurate or not, you may know more about this then i ever would

Anthropologists call this the mid-tarsal break and attribute this same skeletal structure to the feet of Neanderthals.

I can walk like that

I understand I can too but not for long and I dont make it look natural

again its all based on "IF" in capitol letters lol

I do have a open mind, knowing i want to believe. You did change my thughst on giganto

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Krantz was working, (in the 1980's) with partial jawbones that were... let's say generously widened... as you can see from the complete, intact jaw, it is very narrow.
Better fossils were found and Krantz's ideas are no longer accepted outside bigfoot lore.

You like that repro, because the critter is shown upright... but if you look carefully you see it isn't in the manner we are, but in the manner gorillas stand. Including holding on to a support.

For a large quadruped to so quickly evolve into such a human like biped... is problematic.

Here is a comparison with H.erectus showing the narrowness of the jaw.




Definitely herbivore teeth there with the underdeveloped canines. If that is evidence that "Big Foot" once existed he won’t be out to eat. I also thought I wonder if that is how the whole myth of Big Foot or Yeti first started with the chance discovery of those fossils. Cavemen did not have and degrees in archaeology but they did frequent the caves where these fossils were discovered and drew their own mythical conclusions. Just as a chance discovery of dinosaur fossils fuelled a mythical belief in dragons and giant sea serpents.


I also thought I wonder if that is how the whole myth of Big Foot or Yeti first started with the chance discovery of those fossils

Nope its not how it started, there are myths in a few different country's

science found the fossils and BF enthusiast were looking for a prehistoric link to try and solidify the myth

Just as a chance discovery of dinosaur fossils fuelled a mythical belief in dragons and giant sea serpents

Very true, evidence points out cyclops might have originated with a dinosaur skull


Tu Stultus Es

Gigantopithecus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

but your also refering to Gigantopithecus giganteus that lived in what is now india.

Based on the slim fossil finds, it was a large, ground-dwelling herbivore that ate primarily bamboo and foliage.
This isn't so much a disagreement but clarification: Opal phytoliths on the enamel of Gigantopithecus blacki teeth attest to a very specific diet of various grasses (including bamboo) and fruits. The evidence is from a small sample though so anything conclusive is tentative, though the phytoliths and general dentition of Gigantopithecus make it a pretty good bet. Anyway, Gigantopithecus were probably morphologically similar to orangutans or gorillas. But this raises another incongruous attribute that Bigfoot sightings tend to lack: a diet of tough fibrous vegetation necessitates a huge gut on the hominid.

Gorillas have a large body size and massive stomachs to process a fibrous herbivorous diet- orangutans also have a diet of fruits and leaves and bark which necessitates a larger gut. Both primates are relatively immobile and the orangutans specifically travel an average of only 300 metres a day. Chimpanzees in contrast have more of an omniverous diet and travel 3 to 4 km a day (see Harris' excellent book Food and Evolution for more details). If Bigfoot is related to Gigantopithecus why is there no evidence of a large gut in the accounts or pics or films or an extremely slow travel rate reported (which would make stumbling across one in the wilds of Oregon that much more likely)?


She has a fat *** but the gut isn't particularly prominent. In fact she has a diaper apparently but that's to be expected from a modified gorilla costume:

theres also

Gigantopithecus bilaspurensis is a very large fossil ape identified from a few jaw bones and teeth from India. G. bilaspurensis lived about 6 to 9 million years ago in the Miocene. It is related to Gigantopithecus blacki.


Gigantopithecus blacki

Wiki tells a little different story

a minority opinion favor bipedal locomotion, most notably championed by the late Grover Krantz, but this assumption is based only on the very few jawbone remains found, all of which are U-shaped and widen towards the rear. This allows room for the windpipe to be within the jaw, allowing the skull to sit squarely upon a fully-erect spine like modern humans, rather than roughly in front of it, like the other great apes
The Gigantopithecus/Bigfoot pairing has its origins far from the Pacific Northwest. Vladimir Tschernesky was the first to connect the Yetis and Gigantopithecus based on footprint casts from the Himalayan area. At least he was on the right continent to compare to Gigantopithecus giganteus. Bernard Heuvelmans then wrote an article in 1952 in Sciences at Avenir, arguing that the Abominable Snowman was closely related to Gigantipothecus, dubbed Dinanthropoides nivalis ("terrible anthropid of the snows". Gotta love that name!). Heuvelman then published his book On the Track of Unknown Animals in 1955 which drew the connection between Bigfoot and Gigantopithecus depsite the vast geographic problems. But Pandora's box was open and the meme was born (see Anatomy of a Beast for more).

Gigantopithecus was likely a quadruped knuckle or fist walker- Krantz's opinion of the jaw's width and associated bipedalism makes him a minority of one who supports this contention. Any kind of bipedalism similar to what has been displayed in Bigfoot films or footprint casts just doesn't conform to Gigantopithecus' size and likely locomotion. The bipedal issue, the problem of a species that became extinct roughly 300,000ish years ago crossing the Bering Strait, the dietary restrictions, lack of physical evidence, eyewitness accounts and pictures that look nothing like Gigantopithecus but appear hauntingly similar to a guy in a modified ape costume, raises way too many difficulties to suggest there's any merit to attaching Giganto' or any other extinct pongid to Bigfoot claims.


Tu Stultus Es
The knee bend is also odd IMHO.

It is an odd knee bend but it matches confessed hoaxer Bob Hieronymus' gait. Now I have to admit that Hieronymus is not the most trustworthy individual but he's surrounded by hucksters all around including Patterson so I remain unsure as to his confession to being the costumed Bigfoot in the Patterson film. But his walk is oddly familiar:

(There's tons of info' online about Bob confessing as well as the obligatory pics).


Tu Stultus Es
understood, but with a different gait and a mid tarsel break we dont have it might support the larger amount of weight better ,,, again "IF",,, many have reported that when they picked up speed they dont break into a run they way we do, they say it just looks fluid and the head and body move very smoothly.

many of the footprints are flat, and many have the heel print, mid tarsel break and then the front foot and toes [in perfect conditions]

I think one could call this a hybrid human more then a ape if it did exist. its been reported the young have often said to be bent over like the jacobs creature using all four and going between 2 and 4. The adults are said to use bipedal locamotion primarily to cover large distances quickly.

I found this quote and im not sure if its accurate or not, you may know more about this then i ever would

Anthropologists call this the mid-tarsal break and attribute this same skeletal structure to the feet of Neanderthals.

I'm not sure what the context of the quote is nor what relevance it has here but the mid-tarsal break simply means the heel can be lifted independently from the rest of the foot- the foot isn't fixed in place. Neanderthal feet were similar to Homo sapiens save for the hallucial proximal phalanx is thicker and the bony-ligament attachments are also more robust. There are subtle differences in neanderthal intermediate and distal phalanges which are long compared to the proximal phalanx, but Hilton and Trinkaus believe this may have been due to Neanderthal feet undergoing greater environmental stresses. So yes, Neanderthal feet were similar to Homo sapiens complete with a mid-tarsal break and they walked quite similar to us as well.


St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
It is an odd knee bend but it matches confessed hoaxer Bob Hieronymus' gait. Now I have to admit that Hieronymus is not the most trustworthy individual but he's surrounded by hucksters all around including Patterson so I remain unsure as to his confession to being the costumed Bigfoot in the Patterson film. But his walk is oddly familiar:

(There's tons of info' online about Bob confessing as well as the obligatory pics).

It may sound like a quote from Maxwell Smart but it happens to be the impression I get when ever I see that footage:
"the old blurred grainy photo disguising the guy in the monkey suit trick" How about that !

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Neanderthal feet are essentially identical to ours... complete with arch and no mid-tarsal break. You can't really have both as an arch needs to be stiff to work.

Hall of Human Origins - Interactive: Meet the Relatives

Based on the most recent reconstructions and fossils. This is backed up by their footprints, which show the arch just like a human footprint.

Also, even humans with flat feet still have an bone arch, though a very shallow one.


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
It is an odd knee bend but it matches confessed hoaxer Bob Hieronymus' gait. Now I have to admit that Hieronymus is not the most trustworthy individual but he's surrounded by hucksters all around including Patterson so I remain unsure as to his confession to being the costumed Bigfoot in the Patterson film. But his walk is oddly familiar:

(There's tons of info' online about Bob confessing as well as the obligatory pics).
Wow, this is exactly the sort of comparison I've been trying to find! Kudos! :woohoo:



Neanderthal feet are essentially identical to ours... complete with arch and no mid-tarsal break. You can't really have both as an arch needs to be stiff to work.

Hall of Human Origins - Interactive: Meet the Relatives

Based on the most recent reconstructions and fossils. This is backed up by their footprints, which show the arch just like a human footprint.

Also, even humans with flat feet still have an bone arch, though a very shallow one.


Thanks I didnt trust the source I had.


matches confessed hoaxer Bob Hieronymus' gait

Bob has already admitted he lied for the money, or you could use ray wallace who said he was bigfoot before he died.

bob was not a hoaxer, he wanted in all the popularity, if you knew the small town this happened in you would understand

Its easy to pull 2-3 frames and match anyones gait let alone bobs.

The diaper photo is also photoshopped.

To this day, that film has never been debunked.


To this day, that film has never been debunked.

I believe that it was recently shown to be genuine by the folks at MonsterQuest.

They did some cool stuff, like showing how a human couldn't physically walk like that and so on.


Tu Stultus Es
Bob has already admitted he lied for the money, or you could use ray wallace who said he was bigfoot before he died.

bob was not a hoaxer, he wanted in all the popularity, if you knew the small town this happened in you would understand

Its easy to pull 2-3 frames and match anyones gait let alone bobs.

The diaper photo is also photoshopped.

To this day, that film has never been debunked.
Yes, I assumed it was obvious that the diaper pic and my accompanying comment was my being a smart***. I need to use sarcasm tags more often. :rolleyes:

Patterson wasn't a hoaxer but he was untrustworthy, manipulative and he did rip many people off. I've already covered this in a previous post and suggested the book that interviewed many of the folks who were deceived and cheated by Patterson but maybe you skipped my posts in this thread. No worries. Responding allows me to brush up on my anthropology skills. ;)

I'm not aware of Bob confessing to lying about the hoax, and I specifically pointed out that there are many other pics of Hieronymus online matching the gait of the Bigfoot in Patterson's film. The point was that the unusual knee bend is exactly how Bob walked and matches the angle of the leg in Patterson's film. maybe it wasn't Hieronymus, maybe he was lying, regardless there's nothing unusual about the leg despite Bigfoot devotees playing it up as some indication of unusual primate locomotion.


exactly how Bob walked and matches the angle of the leg in Patterson's film

anyone can watch the film and try to mimic the gait. The picture you showed does not match the gait. It matches a still shot with bobs size blown way up.

What source did you have?

dont remember where I found it, i was searching midtarsel break i believe and stumbled onto the comment.


Tu Stultus Es
anyone can watch the film and try to mimic the gait.
Again, that's my point. Bigfoot researchers claim that the Patterson film depicts a creature whose appearance and behavior confirm its authenticity because a normal human could not match them. But everything about Bigfoot's appearance in the Patterson film is easily replicated by a man in a suit. There's nothing unusual about the behavior, the gait, the angle of the leg, the arm length, etc.- nothing that cannot be attributed to a human being in a costume.
The picture you showed does not match the gait. It matches a still shot with bobs size blown way up.
Irrelevant to my point. The pic I posted does demonstrate how Bigfoot's walk is replicable if not natural (to Bob Hieronymus in this case) for a human.
dont remember where I found it, i was searching midtarsel break i believe and stumbled onto the comment.
Cool. Thx.


But everything about Bigfoot's appearance in the Patterson film is easily replicated by a man in a suit.

actually far from it bud, a british tv station spent a million bucks trying to recreate the whole event thinking it would be easy. There BF is laughable at best and looks to be a lankey tall skinney man in a suit.

no one has even come close to the patterson creature with any costume anywhere let alone try and film it walking.

the only way to make that costume would be to glue each hair on individually

if not natural

bob does not walk like that in person. he never has.

Bigfoot's walk is replicable

actually discovery channel did have a show called sasquatch, legend meets science. they put the balls [points] on the creature in the film and made a virtual gate. The scientist involved not BF researchers, said a man could not move like that more then one or two steps and it would not be a fluid walk as the creature was.