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Bigfoot Found?


Lord of the Badgers
How 'bout this - I'll have my wife find the best tooth fairy costume she can find, and I'll confess on youtube what a fool I am - wearing it.
Sounds fair, so long as you do it in a perfect Australian accent.

Daddy said:
A species of a humaniod primate in Georgia is about as likely as the rapture.
You reckon? I think it's more likely that the Earth is hollow and that reptile people who survived the KT extinction live at the centre than the rapture occuring.


Sounds fair, so long as you do it in a perfect Australian accent.


You reckon? I think it's more likely that the Earth is hollow and that reptile people who survived the KT extinction live at the centre than the rapture occuring.

We're on the same page, then.

I suppose the difference is that on planet earth, there are primates. So finding Bigfoot is not completely dislodged from reality, only mostly.


I'd be delighted to make that bet with anyone. If there's anyone willing, we can discuss the terms in a more exact way - like having a third party pick out the costume, and create a script.


Also note:

Proof or Hoax? Bigfoot Said Found in Georgia | LiveScience
This is not the first time a Bigfoot body has been claimed to have been found. A man named Tom Biscardi, founder of something called the Great American Bigfoot Research Organization, once claimed he had captured a Bigfoot. On Aug. 19, 2005, Biscardi appeared on the radio show "Coast to Coast with George Noory." Biscardi claimed his group had captured a Bigfoot a week earlier, a male beast that weighed over 400 pounds and stood 8-feet tall. He said he would be presenting photos of it several days later. It turned out to be a hoax.

Interestingly, Biscardi is also involved in the new Bigfoot body discovery.


We'll have to wait and see until tomorrow.

I seriously doubt that if anyone is not gleefully amused by this hoax at this point - due to the fabulously inadequate evidence - nothing will be presented tomorrow that will change their minds. (unless, of course, they are hoping for something more, which is not hinted at in the slightest by the article...)

Indeed, I would not want anyone dressing up like a fairy until the hoax is formally debunked OR enough time has passed without scientific review that the hoax is evident.

I personally don't think that anyone is going to be wasting their time pestering this group for evidence.
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Same here. I never considered being open-minded to certain things as laughable, but hey, I'm special like that.

Some hoaxes are funny. They are meant to entertain, aren't they?

I don't think that this group is doing anything harmful - in which case, I'd take it a bit more seriously. Putting a costume in a tub to poke a little harmless fun at the gullibity of others is funny.

I suppose a big part of this is that I'm just about as gullible as they come in some respects - you have no idea what my wife and friends have done to me...


Hoax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unlike a fraud or con (which is usually aimed at a single victim and are made for illicit financial or material gain), a hoax is often perpetrated as a practical joke, to cause embarrassment, or to provoke social change by making people aware of something. Many hoaxes are motivated by a desire to satirize or educate by exposing the credulity of the public and the media or the absurdity of the target.


I could strip down to my undies and bounce around like a chicken.

That would be an excellent alternative to the tooth fairy thing.

How 'bout doing this in the TCU library rather than the original bet?

(TCU has been voted the #2 sexiest college in the USA by Playboy)