Not in primary school. Did you also tell them that there was no Santa Claus and that HIV exists? How about prostitution?
What the hell does STDs and prostitution have to do with teaching little Timmy that families come in different shapes and sizes?
All you really need to do is say to a child,
“Some people have a mummy and a daddy. Some people have a mummy and a mummy. Some have a daddy and a daddy. Some have a mummy and some have a daddy.”
How hard is that?
Besides pretty sure kids will be exposed to different family types at the school drop off and pick up. They might even draw their family in an art class and might even see other kids drawing different family types other than the nuclear family. Learning that gay people exist is like learning that heterosexuals exist. It’s normally devoid of sex.
I mean geez, I knew about gay people as a tot. My nephew knew about gay people as a tot. Our innocence wasn’t ruined. It was just part of reality. Chances are most kids have at least one gay relative, anyway.