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Brain Storming for our Secular School Curriculum


Christian Evolutionist
No religion allowed, nor aspect of religious involvement in our curriculum from K to 12.


Emphasis on: Law, Civics, and History, but only if it does not involve religion

Science/physics/Astro physics

We also need something adequate for food and health benefits/dietary learning

Physical Education will need to be parent approved.

Literature will need to be limited to only fact oriented and non-religious subjects

Keep theology at home (All of of it).


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
No religion allowed, nor aspect of religious involvement in our curriculum from K to 12.


Emphasis on: Law, Civics, and History, but only if it does not involve religion

Science/physics/Astro physics

We also need something adequate for food and health benefits/dietary learning

Physical Education will need to be parent approved.

Literature will need to be limited to only fact oriented and non-religious subjects

Keep theology at home (All of of it).
Economics of succeeding in the real world.
Trade skills.


Christian Evolutionist
What about Comparative World Religions and Philosophies classes? -- So the kids will know what is out there, and why various people in various cultures/religions think the way they do.
Left to higher education or individual initiative based on each individual. They can learn what is out there, next level beyond the federally funded.

Philosophy is often enough riddled in religious thought and often enough inspired by, so no. World history, yes ... but only the basic facts no teaching of religion aside from the possible connections that instigated the wars themselves. This should be most appropriate. Sociology and cultural diversity is a no. Religion is far too prevalent in these disciplines to allow teaching prior to higher educational (college/university) pursuits.

I like how this separates the interested from the uninterested. Politics isn't for everyone.
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Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
No religion allowed, nor aspect of religious involvement in our curriculum from K to 12.


Emphasis on: Law, Civics, and History, but only if it does not involve religion

Science/physics/Astro physics

We also need something adequate for food and health benefits/dietary learning

Physical Education will need to be parent approved.

Literature will need to be limited to only fact oriented and non-religious subjects

Keep theology at home (All of of it).
What is K to 12?


No religion allowed, nor aspect of religious involvement in our curriculum from K to 12.


Emphasis on: Law, Civics, and History, but only if it does not involve religion

Science/physics/Astro physics

We also need something adequate for food and health benefits/dietary learning

Physical Education will need to be parent approved.

Literature will need to be limited to only fact oriented and non-religious subjects

Keep theology at home (All of of it).
What about logic so kids can learn what a strawman is

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
We all will probably have our own reasons for our picks. Off the top of my head: (for high school)

I T / Computer Science





Arts (inc. music - good for mental development and physical dexterity)

Science (physics, chemistry, biology)




English literature & language

Design/Food/Technology (this means computer design, woodwork, metalwork and cookery)


Christian Evolutionist
We all will probably have our own reasons for our picks. Off the top of my head: (for high school)

I T / Computer Science





Arts (inc. music - good for mental development and physical dexterity)

Science (physics, chemistry, biology)




English literature & language

Design/Food/Technology (this means computer design, woodwork, metalwork and cookery)
Agreed except for what I've stricken out above.