Organic chemicals in outer space is not evidence for life there unless life has been shown to come from just chemicals.
It has not been shown to come from just chemicals. That is a hypothesis.
So anyway, you have no evidence for your beliefs unless you think that science only being able to study chemicals and physical processes is evidence that life is nothing but chemicals and physical processes.
You do claim to have no evidence against your belief.
So you fit the criteria for the argument from ignorance.
OTOH I have no evidence against my belief but have evidence for my belief that there needs to be a first life giver, the source of life. The evidence for it is that all life that science studies comes from other life.
It is understandable that science might want to find out if life can come from just chemicals and natural processes but it seems to be something that is not falsifiable even if science cannot produce life from chemicals for 10,000 years. The naturalistic methodology and I think occam's razor will demand science cuts out the supernatural and not assume an extra complication (God) unless necessary.
But of course there is evidence for a life giver.
And you will write back and say that I don't know what "evidence" is.
But that is not true. Evidence is all that stuff that you say is not evidence when it comes to God's existence.
All studies are done by men Inside water as the total being a human only.
It's about theists behaviours only. Human behaviours not spaces behaviours. Thinking falsely with pre human motivations. For machines only.
Water and gas as compared to mass as an energy resource theory. First position life of a man. I want a large resources mass.
Water gas mass around earth isn't the portion mass he theories as he wants all of spaces.
History thought for a science man is his machine. Comes as science out of earths mass. The energy mass of any first scientists theory.
He has thoughts going all over the place lying. First mass energy of practice of man's science is earths mass. That mass itself man themes is a huge energy resource from space history.
Theist then does a pretend space thesis based on where he now wants the resource. So uses the sun machine UFO as his point. I want spaces resource. Greater than gods earth his sciences beginning to practice.
Yet he owns earth machines. Uses earth mass resources. Gets electricity out of earths masses.
He says as the theist my human life is not in mass nor out of mass. It came from the space that water owns as compared to mass. As I stand within waters space.
He says so it's missing mass. To be a space allowing my life to be inside it.
Water wasn't ever mass energy it's waters mass. He misquoted the use of words meanings to suit his thesis only.
Yet in science missing of mass was waters mass and as with mass energy itself as removal first. Why it gets consumed in first historic space position. Not as energy...in both body types. Energy and water mass. Removed in space.
So he's proven wrong.
As only earths pressures involving earths heavens pressures is where his bio life in a space waters is his life with term a body of space. Science.
As a man with the body he says allows his life to continue as a science statement only.
Life continuance human is by human sex not science.
Does he live as a human with microbiology floating at his side around and above him. Yes in waters space not outer space.
Isn't any type of out of space advice. His body virtually is mass in waters mass as just some minerals asides from water. As pressurised chemistry.
He doesn't do pressurised chemistry himself. He does reactive chemistry.
Hence in science he's compared the two variables about chemistry. Man is prepared to alter heavens natural pressures to prove himself wrong...no you aren't spatials creation exact in space history.
Extreme pressures only a suns mass could exert above us.
His claim is waters mass came from out of space and it began as a droplet small in space.
We arent water as mass first. Yet he says we are just droplets of water in life he compared. His comparing isn't even within any real law.
Natural existence is first highest coldest.
We are a biological small being owning a very small amount of water.
Volume mass is science not little bodies.