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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Well-Known Member
3rdAngel said: What are you even talking about? Romans 3:4 is what you quoted and wanted to discuss. Let me ask you again. I said, Lets test what you say then. What is it that you disagree with in my interpretation of Romans 3:4 that says 4, "God forbid: yes, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when you are judged." Lets discuss it. If you cannot tell me what it is you disagree with then it only shows that you are simply making things up and cannot support what you say with any evidence. We both know this to be true. Lets be honest. You cannot prove what you say. We have had these same kind of conversations now in many thread. Every time I challenge you to prove what you say because I know what you say is not the truth, you run away from the discussion. - from you only silence when challenged.
Your responses here...
Subduction Zone said: No, we can deal with that later. You quote mined Romans 3 4. Do you need me to go back to your posts to show you that?
Subduction Zone said: That is why right now we are only dealing with your abuse of Romans 3 4. Once you own up to that error we can discuss the rest of your arguments.
I disagree with your interpretation of it. The verse does not apply.
That verse does not apply to those situations. Why can't you listen? That verse is about circumcision. The people that were "not true" were those that skipped the procedure. God still kept his word towards the Jews. Even if every Jew was a liar God would still have kept his word. You misunderstood that. You misapplied the quote. It has nothing to do with the Bible being accurate or not.
Maybe you need to go back and re-read your own posts they make no sense. Let me ask you again. I said, Lets test what you say then. What is it that you disagree with in my interpretation of Romans 3:4 that says 4, "God forbid: yes, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when you are judged." Lets discuss it. If you cannot tell me what it is you disagree with then it only shows everyone here, that you are simply making things up and cannot support what you say with any evidence. We both know this to be true. Sorry I am not giving you any wiggle room. Lets be honest. You cannot prove what you say because I did not leave you with any wiggle room. You are stuck and have no response and that is ok. Perhaps it now time to reconsider what you believe and simply be honest that you are wrong.

That said I still like talking to you even if I do not believe what you say and wish you well.
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Well-Known Member
Which parts do you consider true? Please be specific.
I believe the parts of the Bible that I think are true. Much of the New Testament is Jesus according to what Paul believed to be true. I see the Old Testament is an exaggerated Hollywood version of the history of the Israelites who used existing lore from Mesopotamian religions in the construction of their story of origins.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I believe the parts of the Bible that I think are true. Much of the New Testament is Jesus according to what Paul believed to be true. I see the Old Testament is an exaggerated Hollywood version of the history of the Israelites who used existing lore from Mesopotamian religions in the construction of their story of origins.
I'd be interested in finding out which parts in particular do you see as true? Many bring out things in the Bible they don't like, or don't think are true. I realize that miracles are often not considered as true by many, but then can you name some parts of the Bible you see as true? I see here that many will profess Christianity, or Judaism, go to their respective houses of worship or claim a religion, etc., celebrate holidays with Easter eggs or matzoh and such, but really do not believe what the Bible account is. So which parts do you think are true? Thank you for your response.


Well-Known Member
my bad U said a couple, John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

I see. Thank you. Not sure how that fits into your belief about evolution, but that's another topic maybe so I won't get into it here. Thanks. At least you believe the first sentence in the Bible is true. :) Meaning true - accurate - really happened, etc. :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
my bad U said a couple, John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Oh, that's ok. That is another biiig discussion, so I won't get into it now as to what I have learned about that, but you believe Jesus (who is the Word) was God. OK. Thanks for elaborating.


Well-Known Member
I see. Thank you. Not sure how that fits into your belief about evolution, but that's another topic maybe so I won't get into it here. Thanks. At least you believe the first sentence in the Bible is true. :) Meaning true - accurate - really happened, etc. :)
understand something 101G believe in evolution, (Micro-evolution) but not by man''s understanding, as U said that's another topic.



Well-Known Member
Oh, that's ok. That is another biiig discussion, so I won't get into it now as to what I have learned about that, but you believe Jesus (who is the Word) was God. OK. Thanks for elaborating.
are you looking for a certain doctrine or belief to discuss?



Well-Known Member
I'd be interested in finding out which parts in particular do you see as true? Many bring out things in the Bible they don't like, or don't think are true. I realize that miracles are often not considered as true by many, but then can you name some parts of the Bible you see as true? I see here that many will profess Christianity, or Judaism, go to their respective houses of worship or claim a religion, etc., celebrate holidays with Easter eggs or matzoh and such, but really do not believe what the Bible account is. So which parts do you think are true? Thank you for your response.
There is so much so I will generalize.

* God created the world........by the technique of Eveolution, not 6 days.
* There was an Adam and Eve........but they weren't the first humans. They came from heaven, representatives of God on earth, they were to replace the previous fallen administration of the so called "crafty beast".
* The flood is a huge exaggeration based on a local flood but expanded and exploited by the Israelites for their own purposes.
* There was a covenant...........Melchizedek came from heaven and made the agreement with Abraham.
* SOME of the ancestors of the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt for roughly 400 years.
* There was a Moses who planned and carried out an escape (exodus).................however parts of the story were exaggerated for effect much later when the texts were being finalized during the Babylonian captivity.
* God didn't write the scriptures; holy men wrote in "preacher speak" and didn't originally claim divine inspiration. Later generations of ruling church authority made the claim.
* There was an original pre-cross Gospel of Jesus that he taught for 3+ years that was rejected and the BASIS for being put to death by the Jews.
* After Jesus left, a new gospel message replaced the old; Christ and him crucified for the sins of the world.
* There was a religion OF Jesus, Christianiy is religion ABOUT Jesus.
* Saul, who was born again and became Paul, was a sincere man who interpreted things based on his own religious preconceptions.
* Paul made bargains with the Pagan world in order to sell them Christianity.
* Early belivers who were Jews continued to try to bring their breatheran to the Jesus movement by interpreting the OT scriptures
* Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah as the Jews conceived a Messiah to be. Jesus was the Son of God on earth, he created this world and came down and lived among us. It's possible that a Messiah like figure may come in the intervening time between now and when Jesus returns to visit as promised.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The bible is a collection of books and letters spanning several thousand years. Some of it is allegorical, some of it is historical, some of it is imagery, some of it is the wisdom of the day, etc. For instance, I believe God created everything and He COULD create the world in six literal days, but that's not likely to have happened. I do believe that Jesus Christ was real - and those letters are much more recent than, for instance, Genesis or Job.


Well-Known Member
I see what you are looking for now, YoursTrue
There was an Adam and Eve........but they weren't the first humans. They came from heaven, representatives of God on earth, they were to replace the previous fallen administration of the so called "crafty beast".
if Adam and Eve was not the First man and woman who was?



Well-Known Member
mutation? please explain

Throughout evolution mutations gave rise to new forms.


  • 1.the action or process of mutating:"the mutation of cooking into a form of show business"Similar alteration change variation modification
  • 2.the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes:"mutation is, ultimately, the only way in which new variation enters the species"


Well-Known Member
Throughout evolution mutations gave rise to new forms.


  • 1.the action or process of mutating:"the mutation of cooking into a form of show business"Similar alteration change variation modification
  • 2.the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes:"mutation is, ultimately, the only way in which new variation enters the species"
Nonsense to your original statement. no problem. but a question, was not MAN here before the Animals, and as a matter of fact "BEFORE" any plant life. so how can man come from something or one when he was here before anyone else?



Well-Known Member
Nonsense to your original statement. no problem. but a question, was not MAN here before the Animals, and as a matter of fact "BEFORE" any plant life. so how can man come from something or one when he was here before anyone else?

No, humans are a relatively recent development on a planet where life has been evolving for hundreds of millions of years. The proof is in the layers of this old earth.

The Israelites young earth creation myth is about 2500 years old. IMOP


Well-Known Member
No, humans are a relatively recent development on a planet where life has been evolving for hundreds of millions of years. The proof in in the layers of this old earth.

The Israelites young earth creation myth is about 2500 years old. IMOP
thanks for the reply. but a mutations is not the same as an "adaptation" (in the same area). but a longer leg, or narrow nose is an adaptation. but if something come without a leg... or nose, now you got a new creature.

now as for man. recent development? which man. Fallen man, that one? the regression one's. no, man has been on earth since CREATION DAY 3.

all "adaptation" of man is by God, John 1:3 "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

the EARTH can or cannot tell us nothing, a whole ocean of water was just discovered under the earth crust. Massive ocean discovered beneath the Earth's crust containing more water than on the surface

so that want work try again.
