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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Confirmational bias is most notably noticed among Progressive godless Marxist, whose course of action is to throw stones and holler at others, since their message has a historical failure rate, with no explaining their positions of continual failures and lost lives. Just saying. As for the Gentile churches, their failures are from being "deceived" (Rev 13:11-14). No such excuse has been laid out for the failure of the godless Marxist, other than being led by "demon spirits" (Rev 16:13). Marx seemed to have lacked critical thinking, or he wouldn't have substituted idiot leaders from the Proletariat for the capable bourgeoisie leaders, not allowing for enough production to make everyone a king. Which of course leads to destruction, except in the case of early 21st Century China, whereas Capitalism was introduced at the fringe to increase production, which with central planning now undermining free enterprise, it is now leading to a collapse, and a new world disorder. Maybe you can build your new Utopia on the remaining ruble.
Try again, no one is Marxist here. If you cannot debate properly there there is no point in having a discussion I could just as well claim that all Christians are "fascists". I know that is not true, but it is as true as your Marxist nonsense.

Now please, one more time and try to be honest.


Veteran Member
Well, be raised as a Catholic, in the early 50s, I never read a bible, and pretty much discounted the content coming from the Catholic church. I was given a bible around the age of 22 by a lost child of God, who was a member of the Assembly of God Church, which is just another of the "daughters of Babylon" who cause children to "stumble" (Mt 18:6).
Nothing you say here suggests you are able to think for yourself. Did you never have doubts and ask questions like we atheists do? As you can see there are no theists who can offer any evidence for what they believe in a way that can convince skilled thinkers. Notice you mention two difference sects of Christianity with different rituals and interpretations of the Bible, what does that disagreement tell you?


Well-Known Member
there yo go, More evidence that are not a Christian. You continue to make false accusations.
According to the scriptures God is our judge and you and have no say in who is a Christian and who is not (see Romans 2:1-8; Matthew 7:1-5). Sharing scripture with you proving what you say is not truthful is not making false accusations. According to John 17:17 the scriptures are the very definition of what truth is so sharing scripture with you is actually telling you the truth. The problem is though is that you do not believe in God or His Words so you are unable to see this because of your unbelief which the bible calls sin in Romans 14:23
I gave you a quote of the scripture. And a link. You had no response. I could do so again.
You are not telling the truth. My response was provided in the last post you are quoting from and simply ignored. Here let me post it again for you here so you can address it. I posted you have a problem with the scripture you provided and said to you. Lets discuss these scripture now that you linked and see if they say what you claim they are saying. You provided a link to Romans 3. I then asked you and said "Please now show us where does it say in Romans 3 that "whatsoever is not of faith is not sin" in disagreement with Romans 14:23 that says "whatsoever is not of faith is sin"? There is nothing in Romans 3 anywhere that says that unbelief is not sin. Lets be honest you have nothing do you which is why I asked you for the link. None of the scriptures you have provided support anything that you have said in our discussion now do they. Please be honest dear friend. You have nothing, then pretend I did not respond to what you said which is a lie your side. Evidence of this fact can be seen in post # 119 linked, that you simply ignored. Sorry I am not leaving you with any wiggle room.
You never provided scripture that disagrees with me. This was your number one mistake. You only provided verses taken grossly out of context. When I did that you got irritated. But that is exactly what you did. And you are all over the place again. Please try to concentrate on one point at a time. Do you think that you can do that?
Please forgive me dear friend but I do not believe you and your comment here has no truth in it. Evidence evidence to this fact is all the scriptures that have been provided that are in disagreement with you is there for all to see in post # 31 linked; post # 32 linked; post # 54 linked; post # 58 linked; post # 79 linked; post # 82 linked; post # 84 linked; post # 101 linked; post # 114 linked; post # 116 linked; post # 119 linked. Sadly you refuse to address the post contents, the questions and the scriptures that are in disagreement with you. Sorry I am not leaving you any wiggle room. This must be embarrassing for you so lets just agree to disagree. Lets talk more when you are willing to enter into a friendly discussion instead of running away from one and throwing out false accusations you are unable to prove when challenged.

Take Care.
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Well-Known Member
Nothing you say here suggests you are able to think for yourself. Did you never have doubts and ask questions like we atheists do? As you can see there are no theists who can offer any evidence for what they believe in a way that can convince skilled thinkers. Notice you mention two difference sects of Christianity with different rituals and interpretations of the Bible, what does that disagreement tell you?
It tells me that they are both "deceived" by the church of Rome, which received its authority and dogmas from the state of Rome in the 4th century, which received its authority from "Satan", the "dragon" of Revelation 13, the same god that most "atheist" bend the knee too, via to their false prophet Marx, in their quest of being gods for themselves. I certainly don't need the likes of yourself to think for me. Your fellow Marxist comrades are leading this country into hell as it is. The first thing you "thinkers" should know, is know thyself, and from looking at history and the present, I am thinking, you guys don't even know what a woman is much less, who you are yourselves, or what gender you might be. I am thinking that the confusion is an infusion of the spirit of demons. The Comintern may have planted many seeds in Academia in the early 20th century, but the intensity of craziness, seems more like a shower of newly formed divisions of demons falling from the sky. I mean, it could be a lack of nutrition, poor education, and even pollutants and poisons in the environment, but no, I still think the Sodom and Gomorrah type of environment, kind of leads one to think Pelosi was right, and that she was correct to paying someone to cast the demons out of her California house. If anyone knows about demons, it should be Nancy Pelosi.


Well-Known Member
Try again, no one is Marxist here. If you cannot debate properly there there is no point in having a discussion I could just as well claim that all Christians are "fascists". I know that is not true, but it is as true as your Marxist nonsense.

Now please, one more time and try to be honest.
I am honest. godless Marxist are gods in their own eyes, which is true for so called "atheist", who often worship Satan, who would be the god of the godless, whether they admit it or not. They are simply confused by way of their own arrogance, and inflated worth of their worthless educations, but form a religion of atheism for their own security. and to calm down their own frayed nerves, while trying to create their own paradise of godless hedonist. Atheists are Progressive in nature, and as shown by the current administration, fascist in actions. Fascist are best known for burning books, whether that being bibles, and shutting down free speech, whether through intimidations by way of the FBI, or the FBI paying off big Tech to shut down speech not in line with the government narrative. The Atheist cult is wasting their time trying to denigrate the religions, they do a good enough job of that without your help. It only makes you look weak; it is like someone trying to steal candy from babies.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I am honest. godless Marxist are gods in their own eyes, which is true for so called "atheist", who often worship Satan, who would be the god of the godless, whether they admit it or not. They are simply confused by way of their own arrogance, and inflated worth of their worthless educations, but form a religion of atheism for their own security. and to calm down their own frayed nerves, while trying to create their own paradise of godless hedonist. Atheists are Progressive in nature, and as shown by the current administration, fascist in actions. Fascist are best known for burning books, whether that being bibles, and shutting down free speech, whether through intimidations by way of the FBI, or the FBI paying off big Tech to shut down speech not in line with the government narrative. The Atheist cult is wasting their time trying to denigrate the religions, they do a good enough job of that without your help. It only makes you look weak; it is like someone trying to steal candy from babies.
Once again, no one that is debating you is a Marxist. Using that phrase is name calling and is against the rules here. Last chance, can you debate properly or not? By your standards every Christian is a "Fascist". I don't think that but you seem to.


Well-Known Member
Can we assume that you are an American conservative for whom liberal and Marxist are synonymous, and probably atheist and socialist as well? We have one or two Marxists on RF, but I haven't seen one post about it in months.
A Marxist gains power by creating division, as between the proletariat and the manager class, as in class warfare. The present Progressive administration gets an A+ for trying to create division, but it has changed the parameters determining the points of division. A "liberal" 10 years ago was not considered a fascist and they were considered free speech advocates. A "liberal" like Jack Kennedy is not the same as a self-proclaim moderate Biden, who is a Progressive, and will probably have to run against an old time "liberal", Kennedy Jr. A "communist" system is simply an aged socialist system, and they are both Marxist in inception. The term "liberal" is not a fixed target, and neither is the term "socialist".

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
According to the scriptures God is our judge and you and have no say in who is a Christian and who is not (see Romans 2:1-8; Matthew 7:1-5). Sharing scripture with you proving what you say is not truthful is not making false accusations. According to John 17:17 the scriptures are the very definition of what truth is so sharing scripture with you is actually telling you the truth. The problem is though is that you do not believe in God or His Words so you are unable to see this because of your unbelief which the bible calls sin in Romans 14:23
I do not care what the scriptures say. God may be our judge, but I seriously doubt it. You will not fare any better than I will if that is the case. Once again, you cannot even define the "scriptures". You won't because half of your arguments fail if you come up with a proper defintion.

You are not telling the truth. My response was provided in the last post you are quoting from and simply ignored. Here let me post it again for you here so you can address it. I posted you have a problem with the scripture you provided and said to you. Lets discuss these scripture now that you linked and see if they say what you claim they are saying. You provided a link to Romans 3. I then asked you and said "Please now show us where does it say in Romans 3 that "whatsoever is not of faith is not sin" in disagreement with Romans 14:23 that says "whatsoever is not of faith is sin"? There is nothing in Romans 3 anywhere that says that unbelief is not sin. Lets be honest you have nothing do you which is why I asked you for the link. None of the scriptures you have provided support anything that you have said in our discussion now do they. Please be honest dear friend. You have nothing, then pretend I did not respond to what you said which is a lie your side. Evidence of this fact can be seen in post # 119 linked, that you simply ignored. Sorry I am not leaving you with any wiggle room.

Of course I am telling the truth. If anyone has been distorting the Bible it has been you. You have still to deal with you failure in abusing Romans 3 4.
Please forgive me dear friend but I do not believe you and your comment here has no truth in it. Evidence evidence to this fact is all the scriptures that have been provided that are in disagreement with you is there for all to see in post # 31 linked; post # 32 linked; post # 54 linked; post # 58 linked; post # 79 linked; post # 82 linked; post # 84 linked; post # 101 linked; post # 114 linked; post # 116 linked; post # 119 linked. Sadly you refuse to address the post contents, the questions and the scriptures that are in disagreement with you. Sorry I am not leaving you any wiggle room. This must be embarrassing for you so lets just agree to disagree. Lets talk more when you are willing to enter into a friendly discussion instead of running away from one and throwing out false accusations you are unable to prove when challenged.

Take Care.
You do not have to believe me. Though an honest person would believe me. You failed. Time after time after time. And now you are admitting that you failed. Linking back to failed arguments yours is just an admission that you are wrong.

Once again , you have yet to deal with your failure in abusing Romans 3 4 . You cut off a good part of the ve3rse. Let me show you what happens when you do that:

2 Samuel 7 22 "There is no God".

I just did the same thing that you did.


Well-Known Member
And another thing -- I notice you call Paul a false prophet. So now I'd like to ask which books of the Bible, if any, do you consider as true and inspired by God? Any of them?
I consider the "message" of Paul, the message of lawlessness, the gospel of grace, the message of the "enemy", as the "tare" seed, which was planted alongside the "message" of the "son of man", the wheat seed, in the same "field"/NT (Matthew 13;24-51). The "tares", the product of the tare seeds will be protected alongside of the wheat until the "end of the age", when the "angels" will "gather" the "tares" and throw them into the "furnace of fire" (Mt 13:30).

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I consider the "message" of Paul, the message of lawlessness, the gospel of grace, the message of the "enemy", as the "tare" seed, which was planted alongside the "message" of the "son of man", the wheat seed, in the same "field"/NT (Matthew 13;24-51). The "tares", the product of the tare seeds will be protected alongside of the wheat until the "end of the age", when the "angels" will "gather" the "tares" and throw them into the "furnace of fire" (Mt 13:30).
Do you realize that Paul's works all precede the Gospels? Paul died about the same time as the earliest date of Mark, the first Gospel, was written.


Well-Known Member
I do not care what the scriptures say. God may be our judge, but I seriously doubt it. You will not fare any better than I will if that is the case. Once again, you cannot even define the "scriptures". You won't because half of your arguments fail if you come up with a proper defintion. Of course I am telling the truth. If anyone has been distorting the Bible it has been you. You have still to deal with you failure in abusing Romans 3 4. You do not have to believe me. Though an honest person would believe me. You failed. Time after time after time. And now you are admitting that you failed. Linking back to failed arguments yours is just an admission that you are wrong. Once again , you have yet to deal with your failure in abusing Romans 3 4 . You cut off a good part of the ve3rse. Let me show you what happens when you do that: 2 Samuel 7 22 "There is no God". I just did the same thing that you did.
Please forgive me dear friend but I do not believe you. According to the scriptures Romans 14:23 says word for word that "whatsoever is not of faith is sin." That is what the scripture says. This is in agreement with Hebrews 11:6 that says "without faith it is impossible to please God" and again in the very words of Jesus in John 3:36 that says "He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God stays on him. Sorry I am not leaving you any wiggle room here. There is no salvation in unbelief and sin (see Hebrews 10:26-31). Only the judgements of God are provided to all those who choose to walk down that road. They are a part of the many that are called and not of the few that will be Gods chosen. I asked you also along time ago now if you believe Romans 14:23 does not mean "whatsoever is not of faith is sin" to prove what you say and show why the scriptures do not mean what it says word for word. To this very moment you have ignored this request to you and are unable to prove what you say. I guess it is because you were given no wiggle room. Did you notice once again you did not address any of the post content and the scriptures and the questions asked of you that are in disagreement with you in the post you are quoting from? I will leave you with your unbelief that the bible calls sin in Romans 14:23 and leave it between you and God to work through and once again we will agree to disagree.

You take care now.
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Veteran Member
It tells me that they are both "deceived" by the church of Rome,
Really? So why did God let all that happen? Sounds like a careless God to not safeguard the "truth" you think is valid. You're kind of badmouthing God here. Of course you're not perfect, you're not a God, you could be mistaken, so what does your opinion matter to the forum?
which received its authority and dogmas from the state of Rome in the 4th century, which received its authority from "Satan", the "dragon" of Revelation 13, the same god that most "atheist" bend the knee too, via to their false prophet Marx, in their quest of being gods for themselves.
That's a hell of a run on sentence. So Catholicism that lasted exclusively for about 1200 years wasn't valid? And came along Martin Luther (who you totally ignore) who opened the door to tens of thousands of different sects of Chritianity. You're OK with that? And what difference does Marx make after about 2000 years of Christianity that is supposed to be God's word. And what about Muslims?
I certainly don't need the likes of yourself to think for me.
So you aren't claiming to think for yourself. So whose are you a servant to dogmatically? I'm not sure which tribe you belong to as you are being a little shy about that.
Your fellow Marxist comrades are leading this country into hell as it is.
None of us are Marxists. Is there a reason you have to misrepresent us? Can you not defend your beliefs with facts and truth, and instead have to be deceptive? It doesn't work so why not be honest? You may not be able to defedn your beliefs, but you will gain respect. It's your reputation to ruin. And you ruin whatever truth you think you have.
The first thing you "thinkers" should know, is know thyself, and from looking at history and the present, I am thinking, you guys don't even know what a woman is much less, who you are yourselves, or what gender you might be.
Another irrelevant tangent that masquerades as an attempted insult. Does your character mean nothing to you?
I am thinking that the confusion is an infusion of the spirit of demons. The Comintern may have planted many seeds in Academia in the early 20th century, but the intensity of craziness, seems more like a shower of newly formed divisions of demons falling from the sky. I mean, it could be a lack of nutrition, poor education, and even pollutants and poisons in the environment, but no, I still think the Sodom and Gomorrah type of environment, kind of leads one to think Pelosi was right, and that she was correct to paying someone to cast the demons out of her California house. If anyone knows about demons, it should be Nancy Pelosi.
Right wing extremism and conspiracy theory. It's all so ironic.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Please forgive me dear friend but I do not believe you. I guess it is because you were given no wiggle room. Did you notice once again you did not address any of the post content and the scriptures and the questions asked of you that are in disagreement with you in the post you are quoting from? I will leave you with your unbelief that the bible calls sin in Romans 14:23.

You only used poor debating technique. Anyone that looks at this can see that you did quote mine Romans 3 4, Just as I quote mined 2 Samuel 7 22. It would have been dishonest of me to present that argument seriously. I presented that you show how incredibly self defeating your own argument is. You a not only regularly claim that God is a liar, you also in effect claim that he does not exist.

Do you seriously believe that if God exists that God cannot reason rationally? You won't fool him with such nonsense. If God exists you are in far more trouble than I am in.
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Well-Known Member
LOL! You appear to be extremely delusional. You only used poor debating technique. Anyone that looks at this can see that you did quote mine Romans 3 4, Just as I quote mined 2 Samuel 7 22. It would have been dishonest of me to present that argument seriously. I presented that you show how incredibly self defeating your own argument is. You a not only regularly claim that God is a liar, you also in effect claim that he does not exist.

Do you seriously believe that if God exists that God cannot reason rationally? You won't fool him with such nonsense. If God exists you are in far more trouble than I am in. You regularly blaspheme against God.
Hmm name calling now? I guess that is all you have if you are unable to address the post content, questions and the scriptures that are in disagreement with you. I can see you are upset because you have not been left with any wiggle room. No need to be angry dear friend, receive Gods correction and be blessed. Ignoring the scriptures that are in disagreement with you does not make them disappear. According to Jesus they become our judge come judgement day in John 12:47-48.

You take care now.
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Well-Known Member
Do you realize that Paul's works all precede the Gospels? Paul died about the same time as the earliest date of Mark, the first Gospel, was written.
Your Paul, was the founder of your Gentile church, whose message is antithetical to the message of the "son of man", is the founder of the church of "tares" (Mt 13:24-30). According to Yeshua, the falling away (Mt 26:31), with regard to Zech 13:7, began when Peter denied him 3 times. The Gentile church, the "flock (Gentile church) doomed for slaughter", was "pastured" by two "shepherds", the "worthless shepherd" Peter (Zech 11:17), and the shepherd called "Favor" (Zech 11:7-10), with regard to his false gospel of grace, was Paul. The generally accepted canon was not presented until the year 367 A.D. by the infamous bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius. And around half of "Paul's works", were probably not written by Paul. As for the long gospel of Luke, according to Luke, he simply wrote down stories taken from unnamed sources. As for Mark, the supposed associate of the Peter, the "worthless shepherd" of Zech 11:16-17, who would not feed, care or tend the sheep, what kind of source is that? I mean, get real. Bundle up your information and take it to the U.S. Supreme court to file your case. You will only get the 3 very liberal judges to side your case. That says something about being liberal and something about your case.


Well-Known Member
eally? So why did God let all that happen? Sounds like a careless God to not safeguard the "truth" you think is valid. You're kind of badmouthing God here. Of course you're not perfect, you're not a God, you could be mistaken, so what does your opinion matter to the forum?
The "God" has turned over the "kingdom to the beast" of Revelation 17:11 "until the words of God should be fulfilled" (Rev 17:17). If you read Mt 13:13-15, Yeshua explained the "kingdom of heaven" via parables, so that those without ears could not understand. If you read Matthew 13:24-30, the "farmer" guarded both the "tares" the result of the tare seeds and the wheat, so that neither will be damaged prior to the "end of the age". We are now at the "end of the age", and the "wheat is ripe", and hardened, and therefore the "angels" can come and gather up the tares and throw them into the "furnace of fire" (Har-Magedon)("day of the LORD"). (Matthew 13:30 & Rev 16:16 & Joel 2:31-32)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Hmm name calling now? I guess that is all you have if you are unable to address the post content, questions and the scriptures that are in disagreement with you. I can see you are upset because you have not been left with any wiggle room. No need to be angry dear friend, receive Gods correction and be blessed. Ignoring the scriptures that are in disagreement with you does not make them disappear. According to Jesus they become our judge come judgement day in John 12:47-48.

You take care now.
Where did I name call? I don't think you used that accusation properly. You lost the debate. Now you are inventing charges out of thin air.

You make me laugh, you do not make me angry. How could I be angry when you post such weak weak arguments and do not even realize it. You may have thought that the term "delusional" was name calling. That is not name calling that was an assessment of your mental state. If I made claims such as calling you a liar, something that you have done, that would be "name calling'. You just make gross errors and refuse to see them.

In fact when I use your tactics you immediately can see that what I am doing is wrong, but when you use the same tactics that seems to be fine to you. That, my friend, is called hypocrisy. It did the same thing to the 2 Samuel verse that you did to the 3 Romans verse. Why was it okay when you ignored the context and cut off part of the verse but it was not okay when Ignored the context and cut off part of the verse?

If what I did was wrong then you have to admit that what you did was wrong.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Your Paul, was the founder of your Gentile church, whose message is antithetical to the message of the "son of man", is the founder of the church of "tares" (Mt 13:24-30). According to Yeshua, the falling away (Mt 26:31), with regard to Zech 13:7, began when Peter denied him 3 times. The Gentile church, the "flock (Gentile church) doomed for slaughter", was "pastured" by two "shepherds", the "worthless shepherd" Peter (Zech 11:17), and the shepherd called "Favor" (Zech 11:7-10), with regard to his false gospel of grace, was Paul. The generally accepted canon was not presented until the year 367 A.D. by the infamous bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius. And around half of "Paul's works", were probably not written by Paul. As for the long gospel of Luke, according to Luke, he simply wrote down stories taken from unnamed sources. As for Mark, the supposed associate of the Peter, the "worthless shepherd" of Zech 11:16-17, who would not feed, care or tend the sheep, what kind of source is that? I mean, get real. Bundle up your information and take it to the U.S. Supreme court to file your case. You will only get the 3 very liberal judges to side your case. That says something about being liberal and something about your case.
He is not "my Paul", he is Christianity's Paul. What is your personal religion? It does not appear to be Christian. You appear to have your own odd religion when you pick and choose which parts of the Bible to believe. How do you justify such beliefs?


Veteran Member
The "God" has turned over the "kingdom to the beast" of Revelation 17:11 "until the words of God should be fulfilled" (Rev 17:17). If you read Mt 13:13-15, Yeshua explained the "kingdom of heaven" via parables, so that those without ears could not understand. If you read Matthew 13:24-30, the "farmer" guarded both the "tares" the result of the tare seeds and the wheat, so that neither will be damaged prior to the "end of the age". We are now at the "end of the age", and the "wheat is ripe", and hardened, and therefore the "angels" can come and gather up the tares and throw them into the "furnace of fire" (Har-Magedon)("day of the LORD"). (Matthew 13:30 & Rev 16:16 & Joel 2:31-32)
I'm not convinced you are correct. Did you know that Revelations almost wasn't included in the final version of the Bible?