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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


aged ecumenical anthropologist
You said I blasphemed "Jesus". There was no "Jesus" to blaspheme.

My point is that Marxist was a humanist, and so are you. Do you see the connection?

Your version comes from the traditions of men and the false prophet Paul, as well as from his Roman church, for which his false gospel of grace is the foundation.

Well, here's from Metis 1:1 From the ignore listith you came, and to the ignore listith you shall return right after this post.


Well-Known Member
Are you boasting? I am boasting in this:
”This is what the Lord says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord.“
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭9‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭NIV‬‬
”God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”“
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭28‬-‭31‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Your boast seems rooted in the sayings of the false prophet Paul, and a misrepresentation of Jeremiah 9:23:24, which is about "justice" and "righteousness", which are based on the Law and the prophets, and not upon the understanding of the traditions of men. One must seek wisdom and understanding, and that path is not the path of Christianity, or Islamism. "Understanding" is kept from the "wicked"/"lawless". (Daniel 12:10).


Well-Known Member
Well, here's from Metis 1:1 From the ignore listith you came, and to the ignore listith you shall return right after this post.
You seem to be blown by the wind, with no foundation to secure your efforts. If you can't beat them, flee. Probably the best choice of options.
The grace of God was to throw Adam and Eve out of Paradise. Sounds like justice to me. Righteousness would have been to keep God's commandments.
That was mercy, so they wouldn’t eat from the tree of life and live forever in there sinful state, you’re now living in that state because you haven’t been born again, the wrath of God rests on you because you have transgressed the Law of God.


Well-Known Member
You heard wrong - and why you are talking about a connection between the Orthodox church and 900 BC religious beliefs as I said nothing about Orthodox beliefs relating to 900 BC , despite your rabbit hole efforts to pretend that I did.

The punch line is that you have no idea what the name this God you keep referring to is- and that Revelations has nothing to do with religious beliefs about Ha Satan in 900 BC and does not help in your quest to learn the name of God.
I don't think the Moabites of 900 B.C. are the source of the name of God. Ha Satan is a descriptive which simply means "adversary". In the same light, Muhammad means the "praised one", and he is not identified, nor did he exist in the nonexistent Mecca of the 6th Century B.C. Your wings appear to be flapping, but I see no movement. You have failed to distinguish what Orthodox religion you belong too. You appear to be basing your belief system on some Moabite religion of 900 B.C., but have failed to note what that system is teaching you.


Well-Known Member
That was mercy, so they wouldn’t eat from the tree of life and live forever in there sinful state, you’re now living in that state because you haven’t been born again, the wrath of God rests on you because you have transgressed the Law of God.
I thought you were talking about "Grace". Are you now saying that "Grace" is "mercy". As for the Law of God, Yeshua plainly pointed that out in Matthew 19:18-19, and apparently you do not agree. Good luck with that stance. The "anger" /"wrath" of God rests on those with the mark of the beast per Revelation 14:10. You apparently don't know who the "beast" is, nor what the "mark" is. You claim to be "born again", yet you will die (Jeremiah 31:30). How does that work in your mind? Do you think maybe you are missing something?
I thought you were talking about "Grace". Are you now saying that "Grace" is "mercy". As for the Law of God, Yeshua plainly pointed that out in Matthew 19:18-19, and apparently you do not agree. Good luck with that stance. The "anger" /"wrath" of God rests on those with the mark of the beast per Revelation 14:10. You apparently don't know who the "beast" is, nor what the "mark" is. You claim to be "born again", yet you will die (Jeremiah 31:30). How does that work in your mind? Do you think maybe you are missing something?
I was talking about Grace but you don’t know what Grace is, you try hard and still break the law of God, the same sin as Adam and that’s why the wrath of God rests on you, you’ve rejected Jesus Christ as your atonement and trusting in your own works, they fall short of perfection, which God requires.
Your only option is to have Jesus Christs righteousness and perfection, how you going to achieve that perfection? You already failed.
You’ll end up taking the Mark thinking the anti christ is the messiah.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the Moabites of 900 B.C. are the source of the name of God. Ha Satan is a descriptive which simply means "adversary". In the same light, Muhammad means the "praised one", and he is not identified, nor did he exist in the nonexistent Mecca of the 6th Century B.C. Your wings appear to be flapping, but I see no movement. You have failed to distinguish what Orthodox religion you belong too. You appear to be basing your belief system on some Moabite religion of 900 B.C., but have failed to note what that system is teaching you.
Nobody told you the Moabites in 900 BC were the source of the name of God ? .. so why are you pretending someone did --- and then stating my beliefs appear to be based on the Moabite Religion.. which is complete made up false nonsense .. followed by some nonsense about being Orthodox .. having nothing to do with the conversation.

You seem to not understand what this conversation is about .. so a friendly reminder

1) The name of your God -- you have yet to tell us the name of this God who is battling Satan

2) Ha Satan - a title / job description meaning the Adversary or the Tester. Your false claims about the good nature of this God .. saying that this beloved Son of the Supreme God .. rebelled against his Father -- something the Moabites, Amalekites, Israelites, Jebusites, Ammorites, Elamites, Midianites, Phonicians did not believe.

The Tester of souls is not in opposition to God my young apprentice .. The Tester is Sent by God .. the Adversary subservient to God's will .. not testing outside the boundaries of what God has decreed.

Unfortunately .. the Elamites did not have Revelations to guide their beliefs .. or .. actually .. Fortunately .. as that fellow in Revelations is a bad guy .. and a complete contradiction which is no good for any religious belief.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
You said I blasphemed "Jesus". There was no "Jesus" to blaspheme.
First , you play with petra , then with this
This tells us that you don't understand language.

Your version comes from the traditions of men and the false prophet Paul, as well as from his Roman church, for which his false gospel of grace is the foundation.
Again , you acuse.
Have you read anything in Proverbs?
You are playing ping-pong with verses all the time , can't you notice?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
This is false. The grace and mercy of God starts in Genesis.
I am not following all the in's and out's of all the conversations here, but that's a good point as far as I'm concerned, since God did not slaughter Adam and Eve on the spot, allowed them to die "naturally" perhaps (we don't know how exactly they died), and gave them animals skins to put on once they left the Garden of Eden for protection. And -- He then actually allowed them to do as they said -- to be their own judge, or decision-maker.