Are you now an Elamite who speaks German? Why is the language of Elam separate in source from all of the Middle East languages? Are you a so-called eastern orthodox Christian living in Iran? What arm of the Eastern Orthodox are you? The "tester" is the father of lies, and he is always looking for the gullible. As we are approaching the "end times", maybe I should clue you into something about Elam (Jeremiah 49:38). You don't make much sense, but your viewpoints, while vague, are from a point of view, though shrouded, and unsupported, I have never heard of. How the 900 B.C. Moabites comes into your narrative remains elusive. As for the nature of God, he destroyed the world once with water, and is getting ready to destroy it again with fire. The neighbors of Jerusalem will not come out well (Zechariah 14), which includes Elam, the home of Iranian nuclear weapon systems.Nobody told you the Moabites in 900 BC were the source of the name of God ? .. so why are you pretending someone did --- and then stating my beliefs appear to be based on the Moabite Religion.. which is complete made up false nonsense .. followed by some nonsense about being Orthodox .. having nothing to do with the conversation.
You seem to not understand what this conversation is about .. so a friendly reminder
1) The name of your God -- you have yet to tell us the name of this God who is battling Satan
2) Ha Satan - a title / job description meaning the Adversary or the Tester. Your false claims about the good nature of this God .. saying that this beloved Son of the Supreme God .. rebelled against his Father -- something the Moabites, Amalekites, Israelites, Jebusites, Ammorites, Elamites, Midianites, Phonicians did not believe.
The Tester of souls is not in opposition to God my young apprentice .. The Tester is Sent by God .. the Adversary subservient to God's will .. not testing outside the boundaries of what God has decreed.
Unfortunately .. the Elamites did not have Revelations to guide their beliefs .. or .. actually .. Fortunately .. as that fellow in Revelations is a bad guy .. and a complete contradiction which is no good for any religious belief.
Jeremiah 49:37 So I will shatter Elam before their foes, before those who seek their lives. I will bring disaster upon them, even My fierce anger,” declares the LORD. “I will send out the sword after them until I finish them off. 38I will set My throne in Elam, and destroy its king and officials,” declares the LORD. 39“Yet in the last days, I will restore Elam from captivity,” declares the LORD.…