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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Rules include the canon accepted, which has been in historical flux within the eastern church. Canon law of the Eastern Orthodox Church - Wikipedia
The Trinity dogma of the East varies from that of the West.
In the East, man is regarded as fully man when he participates in God; in the West, man's nature is believed to be autonomous, sin is viewed as a punishable crime, The Doctrine of the Orthodox Church: The Basic Doctrines

I used wiki to help you, not me. I will also add "orthodoxinfo.com for your information. I don't think it will help, but you never know.
I told you also that you don't understand what is theosis.

With every answer that you give it is more obvious that you are clueless when you are talking about language and root of words.

I have to get up early for work , i will answer your non sense tommorow.


Well-Known Member
I told you also that you don't understand what is theosis.

With every answer that you give it is more obvious that you are clueless when you are talking about language and root of words.

I have to get up early for work , i will answer your non sense tommorow.

Eastern Christian theology (theosis) is just as bogus as Western Christian theology. Athanasius of Alexandria, a primary proponent of the Trinity dogma at the Council of Nicene, and the source of the most accepted canon of the Christian churches, was no more holy than his Roman church, in spite of what he wrote concerning his eastern theology. Your "logic" breaks down when you sink to the level of the primary input being the theology of Athanasius, a comrade of the Roman emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea with respect to their false dogma. Having the first premise of your logic being false, makes everything else false, logically speaking.


Well-Known Member
This also proves that you don't know a thing about Orthodoxy
What I do know is that Paul produced the false gospel of grace/cross/lawlessness, which is the core of "Christian" belief. As for "orthodoxy", I am thinking that the orthodoxy of Putin's Moscow orthodox church will not match with yours, whatever that might be, if you are now claiming to be Orthodox.


Well-Known Member
I make no claims about your Ha Satan. I simply referred you to Revelation 20:2, whereas Yeshua proclaims Satan as being the devil, as well as the "dragon" and the "serpent". Rev 20:2 speaks for itself.

Yes you did .. and it is not my "Ha Satan" .. but the Ha Satan of Job and the Israelites in 900BC. Your reference to Satan in Revelations .. is a reference to a different entity .. so not helpful at all.
I am thinking that James also says "faith, if it has no works, is dead". That is not in line with the false gospel of grace, which "Christianity" holds onto. I also think that James does not come within the book of Revelation. The "Word", "Word of God", includes the Law and the prophets. In what way are you a "doer of the Word"? According to James 1;21, one is to put aside "wickedness", which is lawlessness. How are you keeping James 1:21, which precedes James 1;22?
The law and prophets may be alluding to the law of physics and the accuracy of knowing the mechanics of - a sort of knowing what's going to happen before it happens scenario. I have no idea the tools utilized then that helped enable the "prophets" to predict events, but I'm fairly sure they operated faithfully according to the law of physics. The language utilized, well ... limited it would seem in terms of ability to clearly articulate a truth. If truth reigns supreme and grace a product of knowing through these mechanisms, then I'll submit to the premise. If not, then I'll be required to learn as I go and walk into the truth and faith concepts beyond the practical.


Well-Known Member
Your narrative is the one that depends on Ha Satan, and the gods of Moab of 900 B.C. My point is that those who have gone against Judah and Israel, in an inappropriate manner, such as Moab, are going to face judgment (Daniel 2:45 & Joel 3:7-8) and with respect to destruction, Jeremiah 30:11, they will be destroyed. As for their gods, according to Yeshua and Revelation 20;1-3, the devil/Satan, represented as gods/idols ("dragon"), will be locked up in the abyss. As far as YHWH, he acknowledges that there are many gods in the 1st Commandment, but that you are not to have "other gods before me". As for "wondering around", Yeshua says if someone says they met him in the "wilderness" or in a closed room, "do not believe them" (Matthew 24:26), which is to say, your canon is not holy, and is a mix of the "message" of the "enemy"/"devil" and the "message of the "son of man" (Matthew 13:25-49).

My narrative does not depend on the God's of Moab --- I am not the one Worshiping the Moabite God Chemosh .. You are.

YHWH - indeed acknowledges many Gods .. as does the Bible -- YHWH is fighting those other Gods from the time of Moses to the end of the first temple period .. upon which the place where YHWH's name resides is destroyed by Marduk .. and that was no coming back from that.

You were the one talking about the Rebellion of Ha Satan .. going on about the Sons of God in Genesis .. who came down and took earthly wives .. trying to insert revelations into the picture and getting it all wrong. .. You still don't know the name of Your God .. and don't know the Story .. you do not know the God of Abraham .. nor the God of Jesus. That much is clear.

Is the name of your God Jealousy ? Tell me about that God and who is more powerful .. Ha Satan .. or "Jealousy"
My narrative depends on an accurate understanding according to truthful realities. Parts of my discourse involving my faith-based convictions are derived from moral precepts via teaching methods, which are present in even fictional stories like Aesop's fables. As much as I'd like to hold true to the old world concepts attached to my religion, I prefer to be in process, learning as I go mode as new truths are presented for my understanding. As I understand it, Satan simply represents that which is untrue, an adversary and opposed to what is true.


Well-Known Member
The churches of the Eastern Orthodox are not unified, and in general, each have their own rules. Eastern Orthodoxy - Wikipedia The rules of the Easter Orthodox church of Moscow, would not be the same as those of the church of Constantinople. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople is one of the fifteen to seventeen autocephalous churches (or "jurisdictions") that together compose the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Who Cares about religious book keeping ? for a Religious sect whose doctrine you do not follow .. who worship God whose name you do not know .. and God you do not know of.

What rules ?
Explain the rules and differences
Using wiki will not help you.

No kidding .. and what jurisdictions compose this Religious Sect .. who's God you do not know , worship or follow .. .. Got to learn all these rules for this God who's name he do not know .. but Chief God over the Earth "Lord Satan" but not the one from Revelation .. isn't he something ! now there is a Rule Breaker .. Heart Breaker .. Dream Maker.


Well-Known Member
My narrative depends on an accurate understanding according to truthful realities. Parts of my discourse involving my faith-based convictions are derived from moral precepts via teaching methods, which are present in even fictional stories like Aesop's fables. As much as I'd like to hold true to the old world concepts attached to my religion, I prefer to be in process, learning as I go mode as new truths are presented for my understanding. As I understand it, Satan simply represents that which is untrue, an adversary and opposed to what is true.

Some thought was put into response .. which is good .. but some wrong conclusion. "The Adversary" is not that ..nor does it necessarily represent that which is untrue .. and it is certainly not opposed to what is true .. nor to the will of God.

You are spreaking of the wrong Satan perhaps .. that of Revelations .. but not the Ha Satan of Job -- the tester of Job .. that same Son of God was sent to test Jesus. Sent by God .... doing the will of his Father .. and basically doing his Job .. judge jury and executioner as Chief God over the Earth.

The will of the Father is "The Truth" .. the Job Title Adversary -- is for one who is a tester of souls at the behest of the Father .. the Truth .. abiding by the will of the Father .. acting in accordance with that will .. and as such a representative of Truth.

WOW .. sure had that one all backwards -- albeit with Good intention .. Satan as allegory moral test of ourselves .. but is this not what Jesus is all about .. sitting at the right hand of the Father .. Judge Jury and exicutioner .. difference being Satan has that power on earth .. Jesus has that power in heaven ..

Just saying -- how it goes according to scripture .. The Bad guy in the story ..is that God named Jealousy.. so many miss that punch line .. including you .. those stories you heard of Brother Ha Satan .. don't listen to them ... its all untrue = opposed to what is true :)


Well-Known Member
As I understand it, Satan simply represents that which is untrue, an adversary and opposed to what is true.

And YHWH said, Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramothgilead? And one said on this manner, and another said on that manner.
And there came forth a spirit, and stood before YHWH, and said, I will persuade him.
And YHWH said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade [him], and prevail also: go forth, and do so.
1 Kings 22:20-22
Some thought was put into response .. which is good .. but some wrong conclusion. "The Adversary" is not that ..nor does it necessarily represent that which is untrue .. and it is certainly not opposed to what is true .. nor to the will of God.

You are spreaking of the wrong Satan perhaps .. that of Revelations .. but not the Ha Satan of Job -- the tester of Job .. that same Son of God was sent to test Jesus. Sent by God .... doing the will of his Father .. and basically doing his Job .. judge jury and executioner as Chief God over the Earth.

The will of the Father is "The Truth" .. the Job Title Adversary -- is for one who is a tester of souls at the behest of the Father .. the Truth .. abiding by the will of the Father .. acting in accordance with that will .. and as such a representative of Truth.

WOW .. sure had that one all backwards -- albeit with Good intention .. Satan as allegory moral test of ourselves .. but is this not what Jesus is all about .. sitting at the right hand of the Father .. Judge Jury and exicutioner .. difference being Satan has that power on earth .. Jesus has that power in heaven ..

Just saying -- how it goes according to scripture .. The Bad guy in the story ..is that God named Jealousy.. so many miss that punch line .. including you .. those stories you heard of Brother Ha Satan .. don't listen to them ... its all untrue = opposed to what is true :)

If Satan does not represent deception, lies, untruths, and misguidance, then what exactly? These are adversarial things that mislead us, they steal, kill, and destroy what right and true and good to understand.
And YHWH said, Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramothgilead? And one said on this manner, and another said on that manner.
And there came forth a spirit, and stood before YHWH, and said, I will persuade him.
And YHWH said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade [him], and prevail also: go forth, and do so.
1 Kings 22:20-22

The little white embellishments utilized for the convincing of larger groups. Propaganda generalized, ha!


Well-Known Member
The law and prophets may be alluding to the law of physics and the accuracy of knowing the mechanics of - a sort of knowing what's going to happen before it happens scenario. I have no idea the tools utilized then that helped enable the "prophets" to predict events, but I'm fairly sure they operated faithfully according to the law of physics. The language utilized, well ... limited it would seem in terms of ability to clearly articulate a truth. If truth reigns supreme and grace a product of knowing through these mechanisms, then I'll submit to the premise. If not, then I'll be required to learn as I go and walk into the truth and faith concepts beyond the practical.
The father of science, Isaac Newton, studied the bible for his insights, and wrote more about "scripture" than he did about science. Newton did well, but by no means did he crack the entire code. As for the "Law", that is with respect to the 10 Commandments (Words), which were put into the ark of the covenant, and was considered holy, and is the original manifestation of the "Word of God". The ark was shrouded and anyone touching it directly died. As for the prophets, they were anointed with the Spirit of God, the spirit of prophecy, the Words from the beginning in the form of the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. The "end of the age" was determined from the beginning. Being anointed, and one with the mind and Spirit of God, the prophets were allowed access to the mind of God, and therefore what had happened and what was to happen. To understand the code of the bible, one must possess the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit from which the Word came from. The science of today changes daily and is nothing but a contradictory series of theories, which change daily, when more data is added. Plus, the data is compromised through simple observation. Newton's practical F=ma is not exactly true, but it is very practical, and a principal foundation of engineering, when speeds are low. Go near the speed of light, and you have major problems.


Well-Known Member
Who Cares about religious book keeping ? for a Religious sect whose doctrine you do not follow .. who worship God whose name you do not know .. and God you do not know of.
You make presumptions along with the followers of sects, such as Christians, Muslims, Progressive humanist Marist, and Atheist. They all try and get their authority from others who preceded them, which would include the cultist of the CERN scientist, whose god appears to be the destroyer, whose statue is outside of their Cern office, which was built on the site of the temple of Apollo, the "dragon". The "ruler of the word" is Satan/devil, and his pawns are the kings and rulers of the world, and as with the Progressives, his mode of control, is based on the control of the message, often provided in the form of propaganda, or written statements of false prophets. One would be wise to question all things, especially those supported by "leaders", or people calling themselves "authorities".
The father of science, Isaac Newton, studied the bible for his insights, and wrote more about "scripture" than he did about science. Newton did well, but by no means did he crack the entire code. As for the "Law", that is with respect to the 10 Commandments (Words), which were put into the ark of the covenant, and was considered holy, and is the original manifestation of the "Word of God". The ark was shrouded and anyone touching it directly died. As for the prophets, they were anointed with the Spirit of God, the spirit of prophecy, the Words from the beginning in the form of the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. The "end of the age" was determined from the beginning. Being anointed, and one with the mind and Spirit of God, the prophets were allowed access to the mind of God, and therefore what had happened and what was to happen. To understand the code of the bible, one must possess the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit from which the Word came from. The science of today changes daily and is nothing but a contradictory series of theories, which change daily, when more data is added. Plus, the data is compromised through simple observation. Newton's practical F=ma is not exactly true, but it is very practical, and a principal foundation of engineering, when speeds are low. Go near the speed of light, and you have major problems.

I was thinking they were placed in there for basic instruction to help bring up the kids.


Well-Known Member
My narrative depends on an accurate understanding according to truthful realities. Parts of my discourse involving my faith-based convictions are derived from moral precepts via teaching methods, which are present in even fictional stories like Aesop's fables. As much as I'd like to hold true to the old world concepts attached to my religion, I prefer to be in process, learning as I go mode as new truths are presented for my understanding. As I understand it, Satan simply represents that which is untrue, an adversary and opposed to what is true.
Satan/devil/serpent/dragon represents darkness, lack of truth/light (Genesis 1). You need darkness to appreciate light. Newton's law was that you have to have an equal reaction to every action. You have to have bitter to appreciate sweet. To create firmament (earth) from energy/spirit, you need the law of opposites. The present earth is based on this law of oppositions. The next heaven and earth will apparently bypass that law and create a new law. (Rev 21) Your "understanding" depends on your subjective analysis of your "realities" based mostly on the observations of others who claim authority and objectivity, based on laws they have created, which change daily. If a premise is wrong, so are the conclusions. Those who claim objectivity, have now degraded themselves to the point that they can't determine a man from a woman, or that society collapses without justice meted out.


Well-Known Member
Yes you did .. and it is not my "Ha Satan" .. but the Ha Satan of Job and the Israelites in 900BC. Your reference to Satan in Revelations .. is a reference to a different entity .. so not helpful at all.
There is no "Ha Satan" in Job 1. And Job lived probably around 2200 B.C., before the creation of the house of Israel, and not in 900 BC. I am not sure where you rabbit hole ends up. When did Job live? | GotQuestions.org

New International Version
On another day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them to present himself before him.

New Living Translation
One day the members of the heavenly court came again to present themselves before the LORD, and the Accuser, Satan, came with them.

English Standard Version
Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them to present himself before the LORD.

Berean Standard Bible
On another day the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them to present himself before Him.

King James Bible
Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.
Satan/devil/serpent/dragon represents darkness, lack of truth/light (Genesis 1). You need darkness to appreciate light. Newton's law was that you have to have an equal reaction to every action. You have to have bitter to appreciate sweet. To create firmament (earth) from energy/spirit, you need the law of opposites. The present earth is based on this law of oppositions. The next heaven and earth will apparently bypass that law and create a new law. (Rev 21) Your "understanding" depends on your subjective analysis of your "realities" based mostly on the observations of others who claim authority and objectivity, based on laws they have created, which change daily. If a premise is wrong, so are the conclusions. Those who claim objectivity, have now degraded themselves to the point that they can't determine a man from a woman, or that society collapses without justice meted out.

Having room to grow on is different than lies, deception, and willful misguidance. We need the room and would be better off with accuracy of understanding, which objectivity helps establish. Subjectivity is an individual thing and varies between people, so the balance is there and personalized, catered to each of us uniquely. Objectivity is more bedrock than not and helps guide us all. Our subjective experiences cater to our personal needs.