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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Χριστός ἀνέστη
The 900 BC era consisted of the era following the death of Solomon and the time of the dissolution of the ties between Israel and Judah, when the northern tribes worshipped idols, such as Baal (Lord), whereupon Moab had a temporary victory, and a stele was made touting Moab's victory. Is this broken stele the basis of your supposed illumination? Is your god "Chemosh".?
Irrelevant with what he said.

As for the name of Yeshua, meaning YHWH saves
Yeshua means 'to deliver'/'to rescue'.

, it existed in the 1st century, whereas the name "Jesus", which in Latin, means "earth pig"

The word Jesus is the Latin form of the Greek Iesous, which in turn is the transliteration of the Hebrew Jeshua.

It would have been written 'Iesus' - the letter ‘J’ was completely unknown in Classical Latin (75 BCE - 175 CE). Jesus Christ = Iesus Christus - Jesus = Jeshua (saviour, healer).
The Roman historian Tacitus (55 CE - 120 CE) in his ‘The Annals of Tacitus’ - The Reign of Nero - The Christians Accused - - refers to Jesus as ‘Chresto’. I. N. R. I. sign was nailed to the cross of Jesus - in Latin: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews).

Again , you have been proven wrong

, did not exist until the 17th century, when the letter "J" came into being. As Luther rejected the book of Revelation, Jude, Hebrews, and James, and loved Paul, I had to assume that you must be a comrade of Luther.
I belong to Eastern Orthodoxy.I don't think that you understand the position of Orthodox regarding doctrine.

On the other hand, some of the eastern orthodox, who had no fixed canon, had rejected the western canon, which included Revelations, that might be your reasoning. The Israelite of 900 B.C., worshipped Baal/Bel, in which Bel was the god of Babel, and therefore Israel was destroyed. Their beliefs were therefore not a foundation to build upon.
Still no connection

Read Revelation 21,22 maybe you will learn who sits on the throne.


Well-Known Member
The 900 BC era consisted of the era following the death of Solomon and the time of the dissolution of the ties between Israel and Judah, when the northern tribes worshipped idols, such as Baal (Lord), whereupon Moab had a temporary victory, and a stele was made touting Moab's victory. Is this broken stele the basis of your supposed illumination? Is your god "Chemosh".? As for the name of Yeshua, meaning YHWH saves, it existed in the 1st century, whereas the name "Jesus", which in Latin, means "earth pig", did not exist until the 17th century, when the letter "J" came into being. As Luther rejected the book of Revelation, Jude, Hebrews, and James, and loved Paul, I had to assume that you must be a comrade of Luther. On the other hand, some of the eastern orthodox, who had no fixed canon, had rejected the western canon, which included Revelations, that might be your reasoning. The Israelite of 900 B.C., worshipped Baal/Bel, in which Bel was the god of Babel, and therefore Israel was destroyed. Their beliefs were therefore not a foundation to build upon.

We know that Chemosh beat Lord YHWH in that battle friend. Didn't know about Luther's rejection of Revelation but, none of this rabbit hole blather has anything to do with the fact that you don't know who your God is .. and your claims about Ha Satan of the OT are false. ...

I don't know much about Chemosh but to answer your question .. No .. Chemosh is not my God but now things are clearing up hopefully.. Chemosh is the name of your God .. believing he is better than Lord YHWH having beaten that God in battle.
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Χριστός ἀνέστη
Your whole thesis is about Ha Satan
That is your opinion , which is irrelevant to me since you have not demonstrated anything usefull

who according to Revelation is the devil (Rev 20:2). How do you suggest I debate you without mention of the "devil"/"Satan"? The "message" of the "son of man" (Mt 13:25-49) is with regards to the "message" of the "devil" versus the "message of the "son of man".
So let's talk about "Son of Man" without you playing ping-pong with verses.

That discord, according to Yeshua in Matthew 13:13-49 is the message of the kingdom of heaven. I am not sure that Matthew is in your particular eastern orthodox church canon, but it might be worth reading.
This again tells us that you are clueless.
What Bible does the Orthodox use?


Well-Known Member
That is your opinion , which is irrelevant to me since you have not demonstrated anything usefull

So let's talk about "Son of Man" without you playing ping-pong with verses.

This again tells us that you are clueless.
What Bible does the Orthodox use?
The orthodox church has historical not had a set canon, because there is no unified eastern orthodox church. It would be interesting to know what faction of that eastern church you adhere to. As for playing ping-pong with verses, according to Yeshua, it requires two witnesses to adjudicate any matter. A 900 BC Moabite writing would not meet that requirement.


Well-Known Member
We know that Chemosh beat Lord YHWH in that battle friend. Didn't know about Luther's rejection of Revelation but, none of this rabbit hole blather has anything to do with the fact that you don't know who your God is .. and your claims about Ha Satan of the OT are false. ...

I don't know much about Chemosh but to answer your question .. No .. Chemosh is not my God but now things are clearing up hopefully.. Chemosh is the name of your God .. believing he is better than Lord YHWH having beaten that God in battle.
The LORD has beaten Ephraim/Israel and Judah in battle according to their sins. Daniel sets out the kingdoms/lions he used to tear them apart (Hosea 5) due to their judgments. With respect to Daniel's time period narrative, those kingdoms started with Nebuchadnezzar, and ends with a modification of Rome, such as iron (Rome) and clay (Muslims). Chemosh, derives from Ashtar/Ishtar (god of Venus), and is worshipped by "Christians" on Easter, a result coming from the Nicene Council of 325 A.D. per the Roman emperor Constantine, the "beast with two horns like a lamb". It is the religion of Christians, which worship the gods by keeping their feast days. That would include the eastern orthodox church.


Well-Known Member
Yes , maybe you should read it also
Go to Rev 21,22 and try to figure out who sits on the throne.
No one sets on the throne of Rev 21 & 22, for we are stuck on this heaven and earth, and not a future heaven and earth. The only sitting on the throne, is the Lord sitting on the right hand of the LORD, waiting for the LORD to make the Lord's enemies as a footstool for his feet.


Well-Known Member
We know that Chemosh beat Lord YHWH in that battle friend. Didn't know about Luther's rejection of Revelation but, none of this rabbit hole blather has anything to do with the fact that you don't know who your God is .. and your claims about Ha Satan of the OT are false. ...

I don't know much about Chemosh but to answer your question .. No .. Chemosh is not my God but now things are clearing up hopefully.. Chemosh is the name of your God .. believing he is better than Lord YHWH having beaten that God in battle.
I make no claims about your Ha Satan. I simply referred you to Revelation 20:2, whereas Yeshua proclaims Satan as being the devil, as well as the "dragon" and the "serpent". Rev 20:2 speaks for itself.


Well-Known Member
Irrelevant with what he said.

Yeshua means 'to deliver'/'to rescue'.


The word Jesus is the Latin form of the Greek Iesous, which in turn is the transliteration of the Hebrew Jeshua.

It would have been written 'Iesus' - the letter ‘J’ was completely unknown in Classical Latin (75 BCE - 175 CE). Jesus Christ = Iesus Christus - Jesus = Jeshua (saviour, healer).
The Roman historian Tacitus (55 CE - 120 CE) in his ‘The Annals of Tacitus’ - The Reign of Nero - The Christians Accused - - refers to Jesus as ‘Chresto’. I. N. R. I. sign was nailed to the cross of Jesus - in Latin: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews).

Again , you have been proven wrong

I belong to Eastern Orthodoxy.I don't think that you understand the position of Orthodox regarding doctrine.

Still no connection

Read Revelation 21,22 maybe you will learn who sits on the throne.
The English translation of the Hebrew word is Joshua, not Jesus. The Aramaic version, used in the 1st century is Yeshua. Yeshua means YHWY saves. Eastern Orthodoxy is not a unified church, and is comprised of independent churches with their own rules. Saying that you are Eastern Orthodoxy does not close the circle. Eastern Orthodoxy - Wikipedia


Χριστός ἀνέστη
No one sets on the throne of Rev 21 & 22, for we are stuck on this heaven and earth, and not a future heaven and earth. The only sitting on the throne, is the Lord sitting on the right hand of the LORD, waiting for the LORD to make the Lord's enemies as a footstool for his feet.

Maybe this will be something new to you.

This is how Logic works

Transitivity , If a = b and b = c, then a = c

In Revelation 21 it says
"He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new!' Then he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'
He said to me: 'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.'.

So , we go to Revelation 22:6
'The angel said to me, 'These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God who inspires the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.'

Revelation 22:12-16
'Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
'I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.'

There you go.

We call this Logic


Χριστός ἀνέστη
The English translation of the Hebrew word is Joshua, not Jesus. The Aramaic version, used in the 1st century is Yeshua. Yeshua means YHWY saves.
You went from point A to point Z in one step.

Yeshua means 'to deliver' / 'to rescue'

That's it , we don't need your imagination as explenation.We can read on our own , did you not know that?

Eastern Orthodoxy is not a unified church, and is comprised of independent churches with their own rules. Saying that you are Eastern Orthodoxy does not close the circle. Eastern Orthodoxy - Wikipedia
Tell us how Eastern Orthodox is not unified.
What is 'own rules' , explain.
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Well-Known Member
The LORD has beaten Ephraim/Israel and Judah in battle according to their sins. Daniel sets out the kingdoms/lions he used to tear them apart (Hosea 5) due to their judgments. With respect to Daniel's time period narrative, those kingdoms started with Nebuchadnezzar, and ends with a modification of Rome, such as iron (Rome) and clay (Muslims). Chemosh, derives from Ashtar/Ishtar (god of Venus), and is worshipped by "Christians" on Easter, a result coming from the Nicene Council of 325 A.D. per the Roman emperor Constantine, the "beast with two horns like a lamb". It is the religion of Christians, which worship the gods by keeping their feast days. That would include the eastern orthodox church.

Interesting that your God Chemosh is Female .. I didn't know Chemosh was a Fertility/War Goddess but cool never the less - and indeed Easter "Ishtar" nudge nudge wink wink .. indeed is a celebration of Death and Rebirth .. as turns the world .. Pope Clement I (as in the very first) ~96AD - in trying to convince that the resurredtion is Real -- uses nature .. the cycle of death and rebirth .. even brings up the Pheonix .. a mythical bird in Egypt which rises from the dead . in which Clement believes. .. Oddly however .. in his defense of a resurrection after death .. the promise of Jesus - he never mentiones the smoking Gun - Jesus wandering around in the flesh after death . has not heard these stories yet perhaps .. as the original story .. Mark - there is no Jesus wandering around in the flesh after death .. just an empty tomb .. the reader left to wonder where on earth the Body of Jesus went.. and this is where Clement is at .. left to wonder .. as he has never heard .. of Jesus wandering around after death .. the so called Physical vs the Spiritual Resurrection in which Paul Believed.

Good that you have told us the name of your God - Lord Chemosh - but what about Ha Satan .. who is not a servent of Chemosh but a rival Son of God .. just like Lord YHWH -- who Chemosh once defeated in a battle - not destroying the place where the name of YHWH resided though .. so in essence YHWH lived to fight another day.

How do you not know that Ha Satan is a rival to your God ... because Chemosh is not the God of Revelations .. or is this your belief as well .. that child sacrifice God Chemosh is the high God of Revelations... who wins the battle.


Well-Known Member
Interesting that your God Chemosh is Female .. I didn't know Chemosh was a Fertility/War Goddess but cool never the less - and indeed Easter "Ishtar" nudge nudge wink wink .. indeed is a celebration of Death and Rebirth .. as turns the world .. Pope Clement I (as in the very first) ~96AD - in trying to convince that the resurredtion is Real -- uses nature .. the cycle of death and rebirth .. even brings up the Pheonix .. a mythical bird in Egypt which rises from the dead . in which Clement believes. .. Oddly however .. in his defense of a resurrection after death .. the promise of Jesus - he never mentiones the smoking Gun - Jesus wandering around in the flesh after death . has not heard these stories yet perhaps .. as the original story .. Mark - there is no Jesus wandering around in the flesh after death .. just an empty tomb .. the reader left to wonder where on earth the Body of Jesus went.. and this is where Clement is at .. left to wonder .. as he has never heard .. of Jesus wandering around after death .. the so called Physical vs the Spiritual Resurrection in which Paul Believed.

Good that you have told us the name of your God - Lord Chemosh - but what about Ha Satan .. who is not a servent of Chemosh but a rival Son of God .. just like Lord YHWH -- who Chemosh once defeated in a battle - not destroying the place where the name of YHWH resided though .. so in essence YHWH lived to fight another day.

How do you not know that Ha Satan is a rival to your God ... because Chemosh is not the God of Revelations .. or is this your belief as well .. that child sacrifice God Chemosh is the high God of Revelations... who wins the battle.
Your narrative is the one that depends on Ha Satan, and the gods of Moab of 900 B.C. My point is that those who have gone against Judah and Israel, in an inappropriate manner, such as Moab, are going to face judgment (Daniel 2:45 & Joel 3:7-8) and with respect to destruction, Jeremiah 30:11, they will be destroyed. As for their gods, according to Yeshua and Revelation 20;1-3, the devil/Satan, represented as gods/idols ("dragon"), will be locked up in the abyss. As far as YHWH, he acknowledges that there are many gods in the 1st Commandment, but that you are not to have "other gods before me". As for "wondering around", Yeshua says if someone says they met him in the "wilderness" or in a closed room, "do not believe them" (Matthew 24:26), which is to say, your canon is not holy, and is a mix of the "message" of the "enemy"/"devil" and the "message of the "son of man" (Matthew 13:25-49).


Well-Known Member
You went from point A to point Z in one step.

Yeshua means 'to deliver' / 'to rescue'

That's it , we don't need your imagination as explenation.We can read on our own , did you not know that?

Tell us how Eastern Orthodox is not unified.
What is 'own rules' , explain.
There was no one named "Jesus" in the first century. The English version of the name used was Joshua, such as Yehoshua, truncated to Yeshua. Yehoshua means YHWH saves, as you no doubt call out "God save me", but I would guess, to this point, he has not replied.

Yeshua (Hebrew: יֵשׁוּעַ, romanized: Yēšūaʿ) was a common alternative form of the name Yehoshua (Hebrew: יְהוֹשֻׁעַ, romanized: Yəhōšūaʿ, lit. 'Joshua') in later books of the Hebrew Bible and among Jews of the Second Temple period. The name corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous (Ἰησοῦς), from which, through the Latin IESVS/Iesus, comes the English spelling Jesus.[1][2]

Main article: Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament
The Greek transliteration Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous) *jesu-os → [jeˈsus] can stand for both Classical Biblical Hebrew Yəhōšūaʿ [jəhoˈʃuaʕ] (top two) and Late Biblical Hebrew Yēšūaʿ [jeˈʃuaʕ] (bottom). This later form developed within Hebrew (not Aramaic).[8] All three spelling variants occur in the Hebrew Bible, including when referring to the same person. During the Second Temple period, Jews of Galilee tended to preserve the traditional spelling, keeping the ו letter for the [o] in the first syllable, even adding another letter for the in the second syllable. However, Jews of Jerusalem tended to spell the name as they pronounced it, [jeˈʃuaʕ], contracting the spelling to ישוע without the [o] letter. Later, Aramaic references to the Hebrew Bible adopted the contracted phonetic form of this Hebrew name as an Aramaic name.
The name יֵשׁוּעַ, Yeshua (transliterated in the English Old Testament as Jeshua), is a late form of the Biblical Hebrew name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ, Yehoshua (Joshua), and spelled with a waw in the second syllable. The Late Biblical Hebrew spellings for earlier names often contracted the theophoric element Yeho- to Yo-. Thus, יהוחנן, Yehochanan, contracted to יוחנן, Yochanan.[8]

Yeshua in Hebrew is a verbal derivative from "to rescue", "to deliver".[9] Among the Jews of the Second Temple period, the Biblical Aramaic/Hebrew name יֵשׁוּעַ, Yēšūaʿ was common: the Hebrew Bible mentions several individuals with this name – while also using their full name Joshua. This name is a feature of biblical books written in the post-Exilic period (Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles) and was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, though Haggai and Zechariah prefer the spelling Joshua. Strong's Concordance connects the name יֵשׁוּעַ, Yēšūaʿ, in the English form Jeshua (as used in multiple instances in Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 and 2 Chronicles), with the verb "to deliver" (or, "to rescue").[9] It is often translated as "He saves," to conform with Matthew 1:21:[10] "She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins".[11]

The name ישוע occurs in the Hebrew of the Old Testament at verses Ezra 2:2, 2:6, 2:36, 2:40, 3:2, 3:8, 3:9, 3:10, 3:18, 4:3, 8:33; Nehemiah 3:19, 7:7, 7:11, 7:39, 7:43, 8:7, 8:17, 9:4, 9:5, 11:26, 12:1, 12:7, 12:8, 12:10, 12:24, 12:26; 1 Chronicles 24:11; and 2 Chronicles 31:15, and also in Aramaic at Ezra 5:2. In Nehemiah 8:17 this name refers to Joshua son of Nun, the successor of Moses, as leader of the Israelites. In earlier English (where adaptations of names of Biblical figures were generally based on the Latin Vulgate forms), Yeshua was generally transcribed identically to "Jesus" in English.

The name Yehoshua has the form of a compound of "Yeho-" and "shua": Yeho- (יְהוֹ) is another form of יָהו, Yahu, a theophoric element standing for the name of God, יהוה (the Tetragrammaton YHWH, sometimes transcribed into English as Yahweh), and שׁוּעַ, shua' is a noun meaning "a cry for help", "a saving cry",[12][13][14] that is to say, a shout given when in need of rescue.


Well-Known Member
Tell us how Eastern Orthodox is not unified.
What is own rules , explain.
The churches of the Eastern Orthodox are not unified, and in general, each have their own rules. Eastern Orthodoxy - Wikipedia The rules of the Easter Orthodox church of Moscow, would not be the same as those of the church of Constantinople. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople is one of the fifteen to seventeen autocephalous churches (or "jurisdictions") that together compose the Eastern Orthodox Church.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
The churches of the Eastern Orthodox are not unified, and in general, each have their own rules. Eastern Orthodoxy - Wikipedia The rules of the Easter Orthodox church of Moscow, would not be the same as those of the church of Constantinople. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople is one of the fifteen to seventeen autocephalous churches (or "jurisdictions") that together compose the Eastern Orthodox Church.
What rules ?
Explain the rules and differences
Using wiki will not help you.


Well-Known Member
Maybe this will be something new to you.

This is how Logic works

Transitivity , If a = b and b = c, then a = c

In Revelation 21 it says
"He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new!' Then he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'
He said to me: 'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.'.

So , we go to Revelation 22:6
'The angel said to me, 'These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God who inspires the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.'

Revelation 22:12-16
'Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
'I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.'

There you go.

We call this Logic
Apparently, b depends on a, and c then depends on a. If you can't get "a"/alpha right, how are you going to get "c"/omega right. Omega is the end, and while the "end" may be behind the door (Mt 24:33), Omega still remains behind the door, and the "king" does not rule over the world with a rod of iron (Revelation 19:15) from Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:16) at this time. Logic is a step process with many false analogies along the way. I am the Truth and the Way, does not depend on your soft science and its 267 genders, and its perverted logic.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Apparently, b depends on a, and c then depends on a. If you can't get "a"/alpha right, how are you going to get "c"/omega right. Omega is the end, and while the "end" may be behind the door (Mt 24:33), Omega still remains behind the door, and the "king" does not rule over the world with a rod of iron (Revelation 19:15) from Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:16) at this time. Logic is a step process with many false analogies along the way. I am the Truth and the Way, does not depend on your soft science and its 267 genders, and its perverted logic.
This proves that you are selective on verses in Revelation.

'I am the Truth and the Way' is a claim which you have demonstrated that you don't understand.

James 1:22
'Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.'


Well-Known Member
What rules ?
Explain the rules and differences
Using wiki will not help you.
Rules include the canon accepted, which has been in historical flux within the eastern church. Canon law of the Eastern Orthodox Church - Wikipedia
The Trinity dogma of the East varies from that of the West.
In the East, man is regarded as fully man when he participates in God; in the West, man's nature is believed to be autonomous, sin is viewed as a punishable crime, The Doctrine of the Orthodox Church: The Basic Doctrines

I used wiki to help you, not me. I will also add "orthodoxinfo.com for your information. I don't think it will help, but you never know.


Well-Known Member
This proves that you are selective on verses in Revelation.

'I am the Truth and the Way' is a claim which you have demonstrated that you don't understand.

James 1:22
'Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.'
I am thinking that James also says "faith, if it has no works, is dead". That is not in line with the false gospel of grace, which "Christianity" holds onto. I also think that James does not come within the book of Revelation. The "Word", "Word of God", includes the Law and the prophets. In what way are you a "doer of the Word"? According to James 1;21, one is to put aside "wickedness", which is lawlessness. How are you keeping James 1:21, which precedes James 1;22?
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