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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Fauci stated he didn't fund "gain in function" to congress:
Fauci paid 9 million dollars to Doctors who supported his false narrative:
According to previous CDC director, Fauci suppressed truth.
Fauci said he didn't remember 212 times in Congressional hearings
Your best friend Fauci is a snake
Ok. I listened to the last one about the 1st Amendment and the deposition. To insist that the first amendment right should be imposed upon everyone involved meaning whoever wants to testify whether they understand the science or not is... ridiculous. If you understand the circumstances.


Veteran Member
Jesus preached. Sorry this has become a test of who can read and who cannot. That was not my point and I didn't mean it the way you are taking it. He preached. Some believed him, others did not. I can't say who read and who didn't read. But he preached. He didn't stand there reading the scriptures out loud without commenting on them OR just reading the scriptures. He spoke about them, observed them, and had followers who liked what he was saying and doing. He didn't just read the scriptures but spoke about them and taught them. Hope that helps to clarify my comments.
Yes. We can actually count the number of times Jesus quoted scriptures, and made references to individual people, including Moses.
I took note of a point on our CLM meeting this week. Did you notice it also?

(Luke 11:29-32) 29 When the crowds were massing together, he began to say: “This generation is a wicked generation; it looks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah. 30For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of man be to this generation. 31 The queen of the south will be raised up in the judgment with the men of this generation and will condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon. But look! something more than Solomon is here. 32The men of Nineveh will rise in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it, because they repented at what Jonah preached. But look! something more than Jonah is here.

Jesus certainly did not think Jonah being sent to the Ninevites was a myth. Nor his being swallowed by a big fish.
(Matthew 12:39, 40) 39 In reply he said to them: “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. 40 For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish for three days and three nights, so the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I am sure I said one has to be a follower of Christ to be a Christian - that is, follow his example, and teachings. Where else are these found, outside the Bible?
I think I see the source of the confusion here. It wasn't you I was originally responding to but the other member from post #14 above who had said, "To be a Christian really means to follow Christ as well as learn what the Bible says."

My challenge was to that "learn what the Bible says" comment. He was speaking in response to challenge my saying about those who are not literalists, "They are still Christian however, because being Christian doesn't have anything to do with believing in biblical inerrancy."

So his comment is that to be a Christian, you have to learn, not just Jesus teaching, but all it regarding things like the creation story, the Jewish history, and the like. In other words, in his thinking, is that aside from obvious allegories and the like, in order to be a Christian you need to be a biblical literalist and innerrentist.
If you know, please tell me. I do not know where else you can get them, except the source be the Bible.
You can learn what you need to know about God through nature. You know that the Bible teaches this?
People who cannot read are taught to.
Depends when in history you lived, and where. Depends upon your economic means. And so forth.
If one is blind, what prevents them seeing to read?
Blind people are reading the Bible.
Not if you lived anytime before 100 years ago.
If one cannot understand what they read, they can get help from one who will explain the scriptures... using the scriptures.
Yeah. I've had others tell me what the Bible "really says" before. ;)
My question was... Do you consider these scriptures to have been important to Jesus, and did Jesus consider them important to his followers?
They were important to them because they were part of a culture where it was part of its traditions as Jews. I really don't think they have the same meaning to non-Jews as they did to the Jews whom Jesus was speaking to. The reason it wouldn't is because we didn't grow up in that culture at that time in history. We can learn about it, but it will never be the same to those who grew up within it.
Does it matter? The disciples listened to Jesus, and the apostles... who used the scriptures.
The point being made here, is that they used the scriptures. Why are you making a point about illiteracy?
I had thought you were the one who was saying the learning the Bible was a requirement to be a Christian. Apparently that wasn't you saying it. You simply began responding to my response to his, and I didn't catch the change in person I was talking with.
According to scripture, evidently that is not the case.
According to the Jewish law, parents were to teach their children, at home. Deuteronomy 6:4-6
You believe every household had scrolls? You know the expense that would have been involved in that? They didn't have printing presses nor typewriters. These things were all done by hand by scribes. There was enormous costs and labor behind the production of a single scroll. There was no way every household had them.

I'm pretty certain that they were taught to memorize these things.
Jesus was born to faithful Jewish parents, and they taught him.... from what?
They taught him what they had been taught, word of mouth. Through the traditions and rituals and practices. Cultural programming, in other words. They did not have public education systems with school buses and books and backpacks back then. :)
Persons had scriptures which they both studied, on a daily basis, and used to teach others.
(John 5:39) You are searching the Scriptures . . .
He was addressing the rabbis. Yes, the rabbis had scriptures and were trained how to read them.
(Acts 8:28) . . .he was returning and was sitting in his chariot, reading aloud the prophet Isaiah.
Yes. He was an important official, an Ethiopian Eunuch who most clearly in that position would have been educated and literate, and have access to books, which the average layperson would not have on either count.
(Acts 17:11) . . .they accepted the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.
Yes, they went into a synagogue where they had scrolls. That's not sitting on a coffee table in some layperson's home.
(Acts 18:28) . . .he thoroughly proved the Jews to be wrong, showing them from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ. . .
Yes, Apollos was an educated man and was able to both read and write and had been trained previously in scripture.

This is not what every Jew was like. There was no public education systems back them. They didn't have K-12 schools with a lunch program and phy-ed classes while their parents were working 8-5 jobs. It didn't look anything like 21st century United States of America. ;)
(2 Timothy 3:15) . . .from infancy you have known the holy writings. . .
Sure, children were taught in the synagogues the religious traditions of their culture. This is not the same thing as learning how to read and write and do arithmetic. It was cultural programming.
(2 Timothy 4:13) . . .When you come, bring the cloak I left at Troas with Carpus, and the scrolls, especially the parchments.
If we are to believe this was written by the Apostle Paul (which most modern scholars do not), Paul was an educated Jew. Obviously from his authentic letters we know he could write. So him having scroll would hardly be a surprise. Certain people did, and he would have been one of them, obviously.
This is what you believe?
On what basis, do you believe this?
On the basis of experience and the teachings of scripture itself that affirms that.
Surely, you don't think that scripture supports what you just said.
(Matthew 12:49, 50) 49And extending his hand toward his disciples, he said: “Look! My mother and my brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, that one is my brother and sister and mother.”
Surely I do. Yes, he pointed to those who where there at the moment as an example of what he meant to say to the religious scoffers who didn't think such as these were true followers of the law. They were examples of how not the pious religious followers of the law were children of God, but those whose hearts were softened and did the will of God - regardless of their religious status.

So his very words "whoever does the will of my Father", is not limited to just those he pointed to, but "whoever does". That means non-Jews. That also means, non-Christian religionists. That would mean "whoever does", exactly as he said.
Seriously? "extending his hand toward his disciples".
His disciples are not people who never heard of Jesus and his teachings. Really?

Next verse - 16 . . .This will take place in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news I declare.
Yeah, so? That doesn't change what came before it in anyway at all.

"Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness"​

God will reveal on the day of judgment, that they in fact, without the law, did the things required by the law, for "whosoever does the will of my Father, are my brothers and sisters...". This means they by nature, without preachers, without bible study classes, were in fact children of God.
Millions read the Bible, and "go to church", and they certainly are not Christians. I've said this on numerous occasions.
You've said this as God, have you? :)


Well-Known Member
Ok. I listened to the last one about the 1st Amendment and the deposition. To insist that the first amendment right should be imposed upon everyone involved meaning whoever wants to testify whether they understand the science or not is... ridiculous. If you understand the circumstances.
The guys who really understood the science, which would not include Fauci, testified against Fauci. I kind of think you have your head in the sand if you think Fauci actually did anything but pay people off and the fact he was nothing but an administrator. You seem to have a limited sense about this highest paid federal employee, Fauci, who can't remember anything which might get him into trouble with regarding lying to Congress, to the tune of saying he didn't remember 212 times. The guy changed the definition of "gain in function" after he funded "gain in function" to make Congress think he wasn't lying about funding "gain in function". The "circumstances" were crafted by Fauci, along with W.H.O. who was greatly funded by Bill Gates, in which both predicted the "coming pandemic". Keep in mind, the director of W.H.O. was the choice of Communist China. You seem to be greatly influenced by short highly egotistical guys like Fauci, and the false prophet Paul. And no one imposes 1st Amendment rights. U.S. citizens are simply afforded that right. It is the members of Congress who choose who is to be questioned.


Well-Known Member
Quite frankly, I looked at the Paul/Fauci video and can see that Senator Paul did not give Dr. Fauci a fair conversation, continually interrupting him and overriding him.
Well, I suggest that you listen to the video from the ex CDC director who plainly stated that Fauci's organization funded "gain of function", and there is no way to get a straight answer out of Fauci directly. The emails showed that Fauci supported "gain of function" and funded it as early as 2014. Talking to Fauci is like talking to people on this site. You are rarely going to get a straight answer, and any answer given is crafted to present a narrative which is probably not true. Of course, I would be the exception to that rule.


Veteran Member
I think I see the source of the confusion here. It wasn't you I was originally responding to but the other member from post #14 above who had said, "To be a Christian really means to follow Christ as well as learn what the Bible says."

My challenge was to that "learn what the Bible says" comment. He was speaking in response to challenge my saying about those who are not literalists, "They are still Christian however, because being Christian doesn't have anything to do with believing in biblical inerrancy."

So his comment is that to be a Christian, you have to learn, not just Jesus teaching, but all it regarding things like the creation story, the Jewish history, and the like. In other words, in his thinking, is that aside from obvious allegories and the like, in order to be a Christian you need to be a biblical literalist and innerrentist.

You can learn what you need to know about God through nature. You know that the Bible teaches this?

Depends when in history you lived, and where. Depends upon your economic means. And so forth.

Not if you lived anytime before 100 years ago.

Yeah. I've had others tell me what the Bible "really says" before. ;)

They were important to them because they were part of a culture where it was part of its traditions as Jews. I really don't think they have the same meaning to non-Jews as they did to the Jews whom Jesus was speaking to. The reason it wouldn't is because we didn't grow up in that culture at that time in history. We can learn about it, but it will never be the same to those who grew up within it.

I had thought you were the one who was saying the learning the Bible was a requirement to be a Christian. Apparently that wasn't you saying it. You simply began responding to my response to his, and I didn't catch the change in person I was talking with.

You believe every household had scrolls? You know the expense that would have been involved in that? They didn't have printing presses nor typewriters. These things were all done by hand by scribes. There was enormous costs and labor behind the production of a single scroll. There was no way every household had them.

I'm pretty certain that they were taught to memorize these things.

They taught him what they had been taught, word of mouth. Through the traditions and rituals and practices. Cultural programming, in other words. They did not have public education systems with school buses and books and backpacks back then. :)

He was addressing the rabbis. Yes, the rabbis had scriptures and were trained how to read them.

Yes. He was an important official, an Ethiopian Eunuch who most clearly in that position would have been educated and literate, and have access to books, which the average layperson would not have on either count.

Yes, they went into a synagogue where they had scrolls. That's not sitting on a coffee table in some layperson's home.

Yes, Apollos was an educated man and was able to both read and write and had been trained previously in scripture.

This is not what every Jew was like. There was no public education systems back them. They didn't have K-12 schools with a lunch program and phy-ed classes while their parents were working 8-5 jobs. It didn't look anything like 21st century United States of America. ;)

Sure, children were taught in the synagogues the religious traditions of their culture. This is not the same thing as learning how to read and write and do arithmetic. It was cultural programming.

If we are to believe this was written by the Apostle Paul (which most modern scholars do not), Paul was an educated Jew. Obviously from his authentic letters we know he could write. So him having scroll would hardly be a surprise. Certain people did, and he would have been one of them, obviously.

On the basis of experience and the teachings of scripture itself that affirms that.

Surely I do. Yes, he pointed to those who where there at the moment as an example of what he meant to say to the religious scoffers who didn't think such as these were true followers of the law. They were examples of how not the pious religious followers of the law were children of God, but those whose hearts were softened and did the will of God - regardless of their religious status.

So his very words "whoever does the will of my Father", is not limited to just those he pointed to, but "whoever does". That means non-Jews. That also means, non-Christian religionists. That would mean "whoever does", exactly as he said.

Yeah, so? That doesn't change what came before it in anyway at all.

"Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness"​

God will reveal on the day of judgment, that they in fact, without the law, did the things required by the law, for "whosoever does the will of my Father, are my brothers and sisters...". This means they by nature, without preachers, without bible study classes, were in fact children of God.

You've said this as God, have you? :)
You mean like all you have said above? No. It's scripture, as well as obvious... from scripture. :)


Well-Known Member
Jesus preached. Sorry this has become a test of who can read and who cannot. That was not my point and I didn't mean it the way you are taking it. He preached. Some believed him, others did not. I can't say who read and who didn't read. But he preached. He didn't stand there reading the scriptures out loud without commenting on them OR just reading the scriptures. He spoke about them, observed them, and had followers who liked what he was saying and doing. He didn't just read the scriptures but spoke about them and taught them. Hope that helps to clarify my comments.
Yeshua taught his disciples to preach the "kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Mt 10:7) and heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons. He taught the "kingdom of heaven" in parables (Mt 13:13-15), so that those without ears to hear could not understand. People came to him because he healed the sick and fed the hungry. The Jews heard Scriptures read on every Sabbath. What they lacked was understanding of the Scripture. That is why Yeshua came as a light of understanding for those with ears to hear. As for some followers, like Peter, Peter asked the Lord, what is in it for me (Mt 19:27), and Yeshua said the first shall be last, and of course, Peter was the first disciple chosen.(Mt 10:30). When is the last time you healed the sick or raised the dead, or fed 3000 people from a single basked of fish and loafs. Maybe you have missed something.


Well-Known Member
Nope. I took the vaccine because I believed that it would work. I'm only guessing you did not take the vaccine. ?
Not only did I not take the vaccine, early on, I had to drive 30 miles for groceries or be forced to wear a mask. The local grocery store employees didn't care, but their CEO's in places like Chicago did. I soon learned I did all right going local stores if I simply put the mask around my neck and was thereupon not bothered by anyone and appeared to get extra courtesy from the employees. I hated seeing my neighborhood small kids having to wear masks, but there was nothing that I could do but give them a good example. I drove my bike in front of a Catholic school full of kids in the play yard, and they saw I didn't wear a mask, and they all gave me a thumb's up. In my estimation, kids are smarter than adults. This might be late in the game, but your vaccine did you no good, and may result in long term negative consequences. By the time that becomes apparent, it will be a little late.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The guys who really understood the science, which would not include Fauci, testified against Fauci. I kind of think you have your head in the sand if you think Fauci actually did anything but pay people off and the fact he was nothing but an administrator. You seem to have a limited sense about this highest paid federal employee, Fauci, who can't remember anything which might get him into trouble with regarding lying to Congress, to the tune of saying he didn't remember 212 times. The guy changed the definition of "gain in function" after he funded "gain in function" to make Congress think he wasn't lying about funding "gain in function". The "circumstances" were crafted by Fauci, along with W.H.O. who was greatly funded by Bill Gates, in which both predicted the "coming pandemic". Keep in mind, the director of W.H.O. was the choice of Communist China. You seem to be greatly influenced by short highly egotistical guys like Fauci, and the false prophet Paul. And no one imposes 1st Amendment rights. U.S. citizens are simply afforded that right. It is the members of Congress who choose who is to be questioned.
Science deniers tend to be very poor judges of who was telling the truth when it comes to technical issues.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes. We can actually count the number of times Jesus quoted scriptures, and made references to individual people, including Moses.
I took note of a point on our CLM meeting this week. Did you notice it also?

(Luke 11:29-32) 29 When the crowds were massing together, he began to say: “This generation is a wicked generation; it looks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah. 30For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of man be to this generation. 31 The queen of the south will be raised up in the judgment with the men of this generation and will condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon. But look! something more than Solomon is here. 32The men of Nineveh will rise in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it, because they repented at what Jonah preached. But look! something more than Jonah is here.

Jesus certainly did not think Jonah being sent to the Ninevites was a myth. Nor his being swallowed by a big fish.
(Matthew 12:39, 40) 39 In reply he said to them: “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. 40 For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish for three days and three nights, so the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.
Yes, and I have seen members of churches posting here who actually believe Jesus fell for myths. And they claim to be teachers and go to what is said to be a Christian church. Kind of sad when you think about it. The study was informative and logical.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Not only did I not take the vaccine, early on, I had to drive 30 miles for groceries or be forced to wear a mask. The local grocery store employees didn't care, but their CEO's in places like Chicago did. I soon learned I did all right going local stores if I simply put the mask around my neck and was thereupon not bothered by anyone and appeared to get extra courtesy from the employees. I hated seeing my neighborhood small kids having to wear masks, but there was nothing that I could do but give them a good example. I drove my bike in front of a Catholic school full of kids in the play yard, and they saw I didn't wear a mask, and they all gave me a thumb's up. In my estimation, kids are smarter than adults. This might be late in the game, but your vaccine did you no good, and may result in long term negative consequences. By the time that becomes apparent, it will be a little late.
I did what I thought was right. Glad you're ok.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Not only did I not take the vaccine, early on, I had to drive 30 miles for groceries or be forced to wear a mask. The local grocery store employees didn't care, but their CEO's in places like Chicago did. I soon learned I did all right going local stores if I simply put the mask around my neck and was thereupon not bothered by anyone and appeared to get extra courtesy from the employees. I hated seeing my neighborhood small kids having to wear masks, but there was nothing that I could do but give them a good example. I drove my bike in front of a Catholic school full of kids in the play yard, and they saw I didn't wear a mask, and they all gave me a thumb's up. In my estimation, kids are smarter than adults. This might be late in the game, but your vaccine did you no good, and may result in long term negative consequences. By the time that becomes apparent, it will be a little late.
P.S. I'm not worried.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, I suggest that you listen to the video from the ex CDC director who plainly stated that Fauci's organization funded "gain of function", and there is no way to get a straight answer out of Fauci directly. The emails showed that Fauci supported "gain of function" and funded it as early as 2014. Talking to Fauci is like talking to people on this site. You are rarely going to get a straight answer, and any answer given is crafted to present a narrative which is probably not true. Of course, I would be the exception to that rule.
I heard it. I believe Dr. Fauci did what he thought was right. I took the vaccine because I thought it was the right thing to do. But...only God's kingdom by means of Jesus Christ will set all matters straight. Have a good one.


Well-Known Member
I heard it. I believe Dr. Fauci did what he thought was right. I took the vaccine because I thought it was the right thing to do. But...only God's kingdom by means of Jesus Christ will set all matters straight. Have a good one.
Congress intends to set things "straight". Fauci's decisions were influenced by Big Pharma money going into his pockets, plus on him trying to hold on to his position of power. Your decisions were based on Fauci inspired false information, and your naivete, which may have adverse health effects on you in the future, or even the present. God's kingdom only comes after all the "kingdoms" of Daniel 2:45 and Rev 17:11 have been crushed. That will be after the "fat" "shepherds" will be "destroyed" (Ez 34:1-2 & 16), whereas "shepherd" refers to leaders, of which Fauci is but one. It is like Putin, who had propaganda-based support, until all the Russian sons have been killed, and their mothers want blood from Putin.


Well-Known Member
Science deniers tend to be very poor judges of who was telling the truth when it comes to technical issues.
My original profession of Civil Engineering is based on empirical science. Now on the other hand, liberal art science, such as Philosophy, are based on ever changing hypotheses, which often lead to hellish effects on society. My work in the engineering field was with respect to providing water, transportation, and housing for the public, which actually generally improves the quality of life for everyone and requires a useful nonpolitical science-based education.


Veteran Member
Yes, and I have seen members of churches posting here who actually believe Jesus fell for myths. And they claim to be teachers and go to what is said to be a Christian church. Kind of sad when you think about it. The study was informative and logical.
There is a reason Jesus said "Let them be".
Do you recall that account?

Jesus had just finished using strong words in public. He said, "You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you when he said: ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’” (Matthew 15:7-9)

Then the disciples came and said to him: “Do you know that the Pharisees were stumbled at hearing what you said?” (Matthew 15:12)

In reply Jesus said: “Every plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted. Let them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:13, 14)

Did you notice... Jesus did not try to get them to admit that they were actually being hypocritical, or wrong in their twisting the scriptures. He just let them know, and Brum. Dun wid dat.
If they want to remain blind, "let them be".

So, my encouragement to you, as I have mentioned before, let it go.
If people want to remain in their "comfort zone", just let them be.
Like Jesus, just say what you have to say, and dun wid dat.

It's clear from @Windwalker's posts, that he knows quite well that you were not saying that reading the Bible makes one a Christian, but rather, what every Christian knows... you cannot claim to be Christian if you don't accept what Jesus taught, and Jesus taught the scriptures, from Genesis, to Malachi - from the angel that sinned in the beginning who was identified as the original serpent; through to Adam and Eve who was made from a rib, through to Lot and his wife who turned to salt; through to Moses who led Israel out of Egypt; through to Jonah who was swallowed by a big fish, etc. ...as historical, not allegorical, or myth.
I know that was your point. That's what you were interested in discussing.

However, @Windwalker clearly chose to distract from that, rather than actually discuss it. I only saw a strawman.
So, my friend, let them be.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
However, @Windwalker clearly chose to distract from that, rather than actually discuss it. I only saw a strawman.
So, my friend, let them be.
How hypocritical. You speak of me in the 3rd person, telling this other poster to "let them be", and yet you tag me in the post? :) LOL. That's not letting me be. You called out my name in your post to flag my attention to it. That's pure ego huffing and puffing because you failed to address any of the legitimate points I raised.

I get it that you don't want to address my points. And try to make it look like its' about me instead of your own inability to answer my points. Someone does not need to know about the scriptures, read them, learn them, or have even heard of them, in order to be considered a follower of Jesus, because "Those who do the will of my Father are my brother and sisters". And how that Gentiles who have never heard of the law, by nature do the will of the Father.

You ignored my clear explanations of those scriptural supports. I understand why you did. It makes you not as special as you imagine you are for having the "right understanding of the bible," which you believe makes you one of the chosen few out of the sea of false Christians from the false church. So you'll just brush the dust off your sandals and huff and puff at me to others, making sure I see it of course, in your self-righteous indignation.

Suit yourself. "You have your reward" (Mt. 6:2), since you enjoy flinging scriptures at others like a monkey flings its poo. :)
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Well-Known Member
Suit yourself. "You have your reward" (Mt. 6:2), since you enjoy flinging scriptures at others like a monkey flings its poo.
The "Word of God" (Rev 19:13) carries a two edged sword. What is flung up, comes down. The "scriptures", the message of the "enemy" (Mt 13:25) is without the Spirit of God, and is but a wooden staff without any sharp edge of any kind. Unless of course you want to compare it to a reed. The "Word of God", the Scriptures, on the other hand, is as a metal sword, and it has two "sharp" edges, (Psalms 149:6 & Rev 19:15) to be used against the "heathen"/nations/Gentiles.

Psalms 149:6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;

7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;