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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Well-Known Member
All of it. Unbelief is sin (Romans 14:23)
Romans 14:23 is with respect to eating clean versus unclean, and one must not eat, according to the false prophet Paul, the unclean if it causes "your brother to stumble". Sin is transgression of the law.

1 John 3:4

King James Version

4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.


Well-Known Member
There are differences obviously between the message of the "enemy" and message of God. Yes, we need to know the difference. That requires study and prayer.
If you follow Yeshua's example, it also includes fasting, for which Yeshua fasted 40 days while eating the bread of life. But don't worry, at the "end of the age", the angels will "gather" out the "tares" and throw them into the "furnace of fire", at which time someone will notice their mistakes (Jer 16:19).

Jeremiah 16:19

King James Version

19 O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Congress intends to set things "straight". Fauci's decisions were influenced by Big Pharma money going into his pockets, plus on him trying to hold on to his position of power. Your decisions were based on Fauci inspired false information, and your naivete, which may have adverse health effects on you in the future, or even the present. God's kingdom only comes after all the "kingdoms" of Daniel 2:45 and Rev 17:11 have been crushed. That will be after the "fat" "shepherds" will be "destroyed" (Ez 34:1-2 & 16), whereas "shepherd" refers to leaders, of which Fauci is but one. It is like Putin, who had propaganda-based support, until all the Russian sons have been killed, and their mothers want blood from Putin.
Only God's kingdom under the rulership of Jesus Christ will set all matters straight.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
If you were doing what is "right", you wouldn't be concerned about "plagues" (Rev 18:4).
Lol ok. I don't think God will heal a broken leg now. Or, I might say, give me new teeth. So if I break a leg and things like that I go to a doctor who knows what he's doing. Not a "faith healer "


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There is a reason Jesus said "Let them be".
Do you recall that account?

Jesus had just finished using strong words in public. He said, "You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you when he said: ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’” (Matthew 15:7-9)

Then the disciples came and said to him: “Do you know that the Pharisees were stumbled at hearing what you said?” (Matthew 15:12)

In reply Jesus said: “Every plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted. Let them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:13, 14)

Did you notice... Jesus did not try to get them to admit that they were actually being hypocritical, or wrong in their twisting the scriptures. He just let them know, and Brum. Dun wid dat.
If they want to remain blind, "let them be".

So, my encouragement to you, as I have mentioned before, let it go.
If people want to remain in their "comfort zone", just let them be.
Like Jesus, just say what you have to say, and dun wid dat.

It's clear from @Windwalker's posts, that he knows quite well that you were not saying that reading the Bible makes one a Christian, but rather, what every Christian knows... you cannot claim to be Christian if you don't accept what Jesus taught, and Jesus taught the scriptures, from Genesis, to Malachi - from the angel that sinned in the beginning who was identified as the original serpent; through to Adam and Eve who was made from a rib, through to Lot and his wife who turned to salt; through to Moses who led Israel out of Egypt; through to Jonah who was swallowed by a big fish, etc. ...as historical, not allegorical, or myth.
I know that was your point. That's what you were interested in discussing.

However, @Windwalker clearly chose to distract from that, rather than actually discuss it. I only saw a strawman.
So, my friend, let them be.
Once faced with "facts," we must make a decision.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Romans 14:23 is with respect to eating clean versus unclean, and one must not eat, according to the false prophet Paul, the unclean if it causes "your brother to stumble". Sin is transgression of the law.

1 John 3:4​

King James Version​

4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
I don't think that he cares about context. I even saw him quote mine a verse by chopping the last had off since he did not know what to do with it. It matches the "context" of what he has in his head, but his quotes never match the context of the Bible.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
My original profession of Civil Engineering is based on empirical science. Now on the other hand, liberal art science, such as Philosophy, are based on ever changing hypotheses, which often lead to hellish effects on society. My work in the engineering field was with respect to providing water, transportation, and housing for the public, which actually generally improves the quality of life for everyone and requires a useful nonpolitical science-based education.
So far the reports are that flooding increases because builders keep putting concrete down.


Veteran Member
How hypocritical.
Speak for yourself.

You speak of me in the 3rd person, telling this other poster to "let them be", and yet you tag me in the post? :) LOL.
You feel guilty of something?
You know the Pharisees felt the same way right?

That's not letting me be. You called out my name in your post to flag my attention to it. That's pure ego huffing and puffing because you failed to address any of the legitimate points I raised.
No. It's actually mentioning you. Nothing to do with ego.
Why do you apply to others what you are feeling?

I get it that you don't want to address my points. And try to make it look like its' about me instead of your own inability to answer my points. Someone does not need to know about the scriptures, read them, learn them, or have even heard of them, in order to be considered a follower of Jesus, because "Those who do the will of my Father are my brother and sisters". And how that Gentiles who have never heard of the law, by nature do the will of the Father.
I did address your points you know. I just did not see any reason to repeat myself.
It just goes back and forth... nowhere.

I could have told and showed you that you are taking the scripture out of context, but that would have gone nowhere either.
I spoke to you before, remember. I know when to call it a day. some people don't. They like to argue... endlessly.

You ignored my clear explanations of those scriptural supports.
I did not ignore you explanation. What?
Are you being honest here?

I understand why you did. It makes you not as special as you imagine you are for having the "right understanding of the bible," which you believe makes you one of the chosen few out of the sea of false Christians from the false church. So you'll just brush the dust off your sandals and huff and puff at me to others, making sure I see it of course, in your self-righteous indignation.
No. I do not feel that way at all. So please do not accuse me of things you feel about yourself.
I know that there is only one faith. I know that there is only one path to God, and that one faith is on it.
That's scripture.
This is not about me.
When Jesus said that only those doing the will of his father will enter the kingdom of the heavens, his words stand on their own.
I do not think that those words will change, depending on whether or not someone agrees with me.

I know who are doing God's will today... regardless of what you believe.

Suit yourself. "You have your reward" (Mt. 6:2), since you enjoy flinging scriptures at others like a monkey flings its poo. :)
There is reward for that, in case you don't know.
Flinging scriptures is better than flinging ideas... Oh wait. "You ignored my clear explanations of those scriptural supports."
I guess you enjoy flinging scriptures... as well as ideas, at others like a monkey flings its poo. ;)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
So far the reports are that flooding increases because builders keep putting concrete down.
That can affect run off in areas. That sort of flooding tends to apply downstream of higher density population areas. Water instead of percolating into the ground and moving slowly through the water table can be forced into streams and those local rivers cannot handle it.


Well-Known Member
Romans 14:23 is with respect to eating clean versus unclean, and one must not eat, according to the false prophet Paul, the unclean if it causes "your brother to stumble". Sin is transgression of the law.

1 John 3:4​

King James Version​

4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
Sin is both transgression of Gods law (1 John 3:4) and not believing and obeying Gods Word. *see Romans 14:23; John 3:36; Hebrews 11:6. According to the scripture in Romans 14:23 eating if it is not of faith is sin because "whatsoever is not of faith is sin" Unbelief therefore is sin. That is why it is written in Ephesians 2:8 We are saved by Grace THROUGH FAITH. If we do not have faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) we do not have Gods salvation (John 3:36) and are still in our sins. This faith comes by believing and obeying what Gods Word says (Romans 10:17). You do err not knowing scripture Paul is an Apostle of God and His Words are scripture inspired by God. You are not seriously going to try and argue that unbelief is is not sin now are you? Think your argument through.

Take Care.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I don't think that he cares about context. I even saw him quote mine a verse by chopping the last had off since he did not know what to do with it. It matches the "context" of what he has in his head, but his quotes never match the context of the Bible.
I do indeed care about context which is why I provided context earlier for you in post # 208 linked and post # 510 linked leaving you with no wiggle room that you refuse to respond to proving what you say has no truth in it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
No. It's actually mentioning you. Nothing to do with ego.
You tagged me in your post. That sends a notification to me for me to come and look at it. You had to deliberately put that @ function in front of my name in order for it send me notice. That had everything to do with you wanting my attention to you "ignoring me", which is ironic to say the least. That absolutely is your ego.
I did address your points you know. I just did not see any reason to repeat myself.
You did not address my response to your claim that that verse doesn't apply by you quoting the day of judgement part of that passage. I specifically responded pointing out that that does not affect the meaning I presented whatsoever. You ignored that and restored to poo-flinging instead. That is being dishonest on your part. It's a pure lack of integrity.
I could have told and showed you that you are taking the scripture out of context, but that would have gone nowhere either.
It did go somewhere, and you ignored my showing you your response did not invalidate what I said. Then you started getting personal, which is of course what people do when they know they can't argue their point rationally. They starting flinging poo instead of reasoned thoughts.
I guess you enjoy flinging scriptures... as well as ideas, at others like a monkey flings its poo. ;)
You could prove me wrong by responding to what I answered to those scriptures. Otherwise, this is just your ego trying to save face.

I already know you won't.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I do indeed care about context which is why I provided context earlier for you in post # 208 linked and post # 510 linked leaving you with no wiggle room that you refuse to respond to proving what you say has no truth in it.
No, you won't debate properly since you do lose when you do that. Referring back to old lost arguments of yours is just you admitting that you lost again.

Why are you afraid to debate properly? Do you think that you are fooling anyone here with your tactics? The only one that you may be fooling is yourself.


Veteran Member
You tagged me in your post. That sends a notification to me for me to come and look at it. You had to deliberately put that @ function in front of my name in order for it send me notice. That had everything to do with you wanting my attention to you "ignoring me", which is ironic to say the least. That absolutely is your ego.
No. It's your ego driving you to say this, and turn this into a never ending argument that's all aout you being right.

You did not address my response to your claim that that verse doesn't apply by you quoting the day of judgement part of that passage. I specifically responded pointing out that that does not affect the meaning I presented whatsoever. You ignored that and restored to poo-flinging instead. That is being dishonest on your part. It's a pure lack of integrity.
Telling lies on people is dishonest, and a lack of integrity. I did respond to the points you made. You simply repeated what you thought was a good point, and because I did not argue with you, you feel you did not get to win, so your ego was not fed.
That's what this is all about.

It did go somewhere, and you ignored my showing you your response did not invalidate what I said. Then you started getting personal, which is of course what people do when they know they can't argue their point rationally. They starting flinging poo instead of reasoned thoughts.
You are talking about yourself. I am not surprised you don't see that though.

You could prove me wrong by responding to what I answered to those scriptures. Otherwise, this is just your ego trying to save face.

I already know you won't.
...and there is is. Can you see it now?
I can't miss it. ...but you might have trouble seeing it from that angle.


Well-Known Member
Sin is both transgression of Gods law (1 John 3:4) and not believing and obeying Gods Word. *see Romans 14:23; John 3:36; Hebrews 11:6. According to the scripture in Romans 14:23 eating if it is not of faith is sin because "whatsoever is not of faith is sin" Unbelief therefore is sin. That is why it is written in Ephesians 2:8 We are saved by Grace THROUGH FAITH. If we do not have faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) we do not have Gods salvation (John 3:36) and are still in our sins. This faith comes by believing and obeying what Gods Word says (Romans 10:17). You do err not knowing scripture Paul is an Apostle of God and His Words are scripture inspired by God. You are not seriously going to try and argue that unbelief is is not sin now are you? Think your argument through.

Take Care.
"Unbelief" in what? You believe the message of the "enemy"/"devil" (Mt 13:25-51). Is that "sin"? No, if you do not act on it, because faith in either the message of the devil or of the son of man is only manifested in actions (James 2:20-26). The "devil" has been a sinner from the beginning (1 John 3:8) and if one sins, they are "of the devil". Sin is transgression of the law. If you are eating swine and mice, you are transgressing the law, and according to John, that is your sin actuated by your transgressing the law which was given to Israel. If you are not of Israel, then you remain in your plagues of the nations, and will have to look to Obama for your healing physician. John 3:36 is about entering into "life", not "salvation" which according to Joel 2:31-32 is surviving the "day of the LORD". To enter into "life" one must keep the Commandments according to Yeshua (Mt 19:17). You are a little mixed up. Maybe less "belief" in the false "apostle" Paul might help.

New American Standard Bible Mt 19:17
And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”


Well-Known Member
So far the reports are that flooding increases because builders keep putting concrete down.
Well, then I suggest that you sell your car and start using foot paths. You sound like a Californian. The wind, rain and floods comes to bring the house (Gentile church) down Mt 7:24-27, because that church increases lawlessness, by releasing criminals, abusing children by underpinning cutting of body parts of children, or killing them in the womb, and refusing to acknowledge the difference between men and women. The only reports you should believe in California is that the food, taxes, and energy cost are going to continue to rise along with interest rates and a coming recession, with loss of jobs, and people being evicted from their homes. There is a bright side. With no job, you might lose your car, and have to walk.


Well-Known Member
Lol ok. I don't think God will heal a broken leg now. Or, I might say, give me new teeth. So if I break a leg and things like that I go to a doctor who knows what he's doing. Not a "faith healer "
If you walked with God, you might not have broken a leg. Your pharmaceutical based doctor is only going to treat your symptoms, and not the causes of your ailments, whether or not to swimming with the sharks, or eating highly processed foods, resulting in loss of teeth, high blood pressure, and diabetes. I think you are your own worst enemy. Yeshua cured the blind, raised the dead, caused the lame to walk, and fed the poor. Are you not supposed to do greater things than these, if you "believe". (John 14:12)

Matthew 17:20 English Standard Version 20 He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you