Nope. Logic. But you appear to lack that at times too.
And you shift the burden of proof again. No, it is your claim, you need to support it. I did look and could not find any support. Unsupported positive assertions can be treated as if they are false.
No, the subject is Paul's Canadian girlfriend claim. That there were 500 witnesses to the risen And no, it is improper to say "they did travel". Very few people traveled in those days. Yes, some did. Government officials would travel in the empire. Soldiers might travel to war. And traders would travel from port to port. But that was about it. When you know that your crowd is not going to travel it is easy to lie and say "Oh, 500 people saw him, yeah. That's the ticket!"
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No, fact once again. This is an observation. You cannot show that he is reliable. That means that he is not. Once again you try to shift the burden of proof.
Oh my! Epic fail.
No, once again logic. Instead of posting falsehoods about "opinion" where you are effectively admitting that you are wrong you should ask questions when you do not understand something.
No, your own posts condemn you. You are my support.
I know. But it demonstrated that you do not understand the burden of proof.
Yes, exactly. So you do understand how you failed. You are trying to treat magical events as if they were historical.
Thank you for admitting that you are wrong again. My observation is correct because you cannot properly support Paul. Once again, you really should be working on those logic skills.
No, the myth is that Jesus was raised from the dead. And you seem to have forgotten your own mythology. Jesus ascended to heave long before Paul began his anti Christian crusade. According to the mythos Paul only saw "visions of Jesus" aka hallucinations. He never saw Jesus himself he was long gone according to the stories.
Do you not even know the Paul stories? Wow!