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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have stopped discussing things with @Subduction Zone, as all he wants to do is argue and/or try to prove he's right. If someone won't at least give some credence to what another person says, there is no point in having a discussion.
There are others here who claim to believe in God but will not come forward to explain to dear Subduction Zone as to why they believe. I respect him, but there was a time a while ago that I did not believe in God. I was a professional singer in a big prosperous church in NYC and yet did not believe in God. The music was beautiful, I enjoyed being there. But it was not until I sincerely prayed for knowledge that I found God. He let Himself be found by me. Thank you for letting me know how you feel.
P.S. I withdrew any affiliation with churches and synagogue when I began to understand more about God, the Almighty. But thank you for your response.


You are "way off base".

1) the majority of religions claiming to be Christian teach little of what Jesus taught. Actually, they teach primarily from the New Testament, from the gospels that describe Jesus' life to the epistles, which expand on Jesus teaching to Revelation, which describes Jesus in the end times.

2) Those taught in the schools of men and become ministers( pastors) whatever they call themselves, are paid to teach their religious brand of dogma and teach little of what Jesus taught. Most do not bother to learn all that Jesus taught. Oh, I see. You (and you alone), who I doubt has a degree in theology or even attended a Christian college, know more of what Jesus taught then people who devoted their lives to the principles that Christ taught.

3) Most do not bother to learn all that Jesus taught. But you, unlike them, not only know what Jesus taught, but claim to be able to teach what He taught others.

4) You, of course, know all that He taught, but everyone else hasn't a clue.

5) Ones taking the lead in Jesus' real religion, without fail teach EVERY utterance from God to the flock, it never stops. a) You don't have a flock and b) you aren't teaching "every utterance". In fact, b) you don't cite all of John 15:10-14, you take one phrase out of context from one verse. And you criticize others' teaching???

6) One can obey Christ without knowing all that He teaches.

7) Have you memorized the entire Bible? I would guess that you haven't even memorized 1%!

8) Who are you to determine who belongs to Jesus and who doesn't?

9) Here are a couple of things for you to think about. 1) Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, but clearly you don't obey that teaching. 2) Try reading (and learning from) Luke 8:9-14, then come back and post what you learned.
Reality--Few on earth knows what Jesus actually taught correctly.
I don't determine, the bible already has.
Here is a super important teaching from Jesus-Matt 6:33--all true followers know it by heart its so important. Do you have to look it up? 98% of the religions claiming to be Christian do not teach it correctly. One does not want to mess that one up but they did.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Reality--Few on earth knows what Jesus actually taught correctly.
I don't determine, the bible already has.
Here is a super important teaching from Jesus-Matt 6:33--all true followers know it by heart its so important. Do you have to look it up? 98% of the religions claiming to be Christian do not teach it correctly. One does not want to mess that one up but they did.
The best we can do, imo, is to follow him (Jesus). Also, it depends on how we perceive "him," in other words, how do we follow him. Sometimes I think of the journey in the wilderness when the Jews escaped from Egypt. There were many twists and turns before they entered the promised land. God made it clear that He was using Moses despite protests and yet Moses himself was chastised at the end of his life by God. I find this very encouraging to know I'm am on the right path.


The best we can do, imo, is to follow him (Jesus). Also, it depends on how we perceive "him," in other words, how do we follow him. Sometimes I think of the journey in the wilderness when the Jews escaped from Egypt. There were many twists and turns before they entered the promised land. God made it clear that He was using Moses despite protests and yet Moses himself was chastised at the end of his life by God. I find this very encouraging to know I'm am on the right path.
Obeying Jesus puts one on the right path. I see you don't know Matt 6:33, so how can you obey him?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
nah -- while I do not agree with some here about everything they say, all you do so far that I have seen and recall is say, "no, you're wrong, uneducated -- don't know what you're talking about -- etc. and etc." things like that. Sooo -- have a good one.
When you talk about evolution those claims about your are obviously true . Everyone that has tried to help you understand the basics of science agrees with that. Here is a hint, if everyone that understands a topic and can explain it tells you that you have it wrong, the odds are extremely high that you have it wrong.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Reality--Few on earth knows what Jesus actually taught correctly.
I don't determine, the bible already has.
Here is a super important teaching from Jesus-Matt 6:33--all true followers know it by heart its so important. Do you have to look it up? 98% of the religions claiming to be Christian do not teach it correctly. One does not want to mess that one up but they did.
Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Reality--Few on earth knows what Jesus actually taught correctly.
I don't determine, the bible already has.
Here is a super important teaching from Jesus-Matt 6:33--all true followers know it by heart its so important. Do you have to look it up? 98% of the religions claiming to be Christian do not teach it correctly. One does not want to mess that one up but they did.
What is your basis for saying that "98% of the religions claiming to be Christian do not teach it correctly"? Have you surveyed all of Christendom? And what do you mean by "religions claiming to be Christian"? Is your measure of who are Christians and who are not one single, out-of-context verse?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
What do you mean by illustrations? As far as I know, the only requirement to be a Christian is to follow Jesus. Learning what the Bible says is not a requirement. I don't know anywhere in scripture it makes that a condition of being a Christian. Do you? If so, I'm sure a lot of Christians would be in a lot of trouble, considering how little they actually know what it says. ;)
Can you please explain what you mean when you say the only requirement to be a Christian is to follow Jesus. In what manner would you say one would follow Jesus?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes--His righteousness=YHVH(Jehovah) --the ones who do not listen to Jesus teach to seek Jesus' righteousness first, failing all who listen to them.
When Jesus said to seek first God's kingdom and God's righteousness, how do you think that applies to any of us?