Knowing God is real, doesn't necessary make one righteous, that is why belief that God is real is not very useful.
Q: Why was God invented? There's neither objective evidence nor need for Him.
How do you evidence God as an ontological reality?
It seems life doesn't appear from dead non organic material on its own.
How can non-organic matter be "dead?"
It seems life absolutely
did arise from non-organic matter. You need to bone up on your elementary biology.
What other mechanism would you propose, and what evidence do you have for it? [NB: "God" is not a mechanism. He's an agent.]
Jesus was not a communist, for example because he said: "…the laborer is worthy of his wages..." Luke 10:7. Socialists=communists think they have right to take share of other peoples wage.
Jesus is reported to have said all sorts of questionable and inconsistent things. He's generally depicted as a transient cult leader. His band shared everything and kept a common purse. "For each according to his need."
The NT depicts him as some sort of idealistic Hippie, unless confronted; all about peace, love, and equality.
Socialists/Communists believe those who generate wealth should be its beneficiaries. It's
Capitalism, and the owner of the laborer's tools ("means of production") that takes the profit and shares only enough to keep the laborer poor and tied to the job. You've got it all backwards.
Socialist co-ops share the wealth equitably, and all have a say in what the business does and how it's organized.