Interestingly, I CAN make a rock so big I can't lift it. Making it among the things any of us can do that a god can't:
No... what you're describing are *actually* things you can't do. It's the not-lifting that defines the statement. The statement describes a limitation, and a lack.
As soon as it is confirmed that the statement is about something you can't do, then all you're saying is, it's something that the god CAN do.
Per the Christian god, can it be in the presence of evil? I can
I'm not sure that's true. I believe the quote is about evil being in God. And honestly, the same is true for anyone. evil is the shell, the superficial. everyone's inner being is completely good. But some people are completely overwhelmed by that shell, and how it works, and how powerful it is. And then, the more they feed off of that shell, the more constricted they become, and less and less of their inner being is available to recieve goodness.... so they keep feeding off of the shell, off of the superficial... more and more because they cannot feel that goodness anymore. they're too constricted, feeding off the shell, the casing, the vessel. That's how evil works. It's similar to all obsessions, all addictions... that's where those things come from.
all of this is just in theory of course I know you're not a believer. but, what you're saying isn't a contradiction at all.
Do a morally perfect god know what it is to lust? I do.
Of course it does. it knows your emotions, it knows your thoughts, it knows your passions, your talents, flaws, affinties, aversions...
when you lust, it experiences that too.