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can God exist in imagination?


Veteran Member
So why would there be a way for anyone else to do so?
And how would you know?
There isn't a way for anyone to know about God except through a Messenger of God who has a twofold nature.
I know because that is in the Writings of Baha'u'llah.

“And since there can be no tie of direct intercourse to bind the one true God with His creation, and no resemblance whatever can exist between the transient and the Eternal, the contingent and the Absolute, He hath ordained that in every age and dispensation a pure and stainless Soul be made manifest in the kingdoms of earth and heaven. Unto this subtle, this mysterious and ethereal Being He hath assigned a twofold nature; the physical, pertaining to the world of matter, and the spiritual, which is born of the substance of God Himself. He hath, moreover, conferred upon Him a double station. The first station, which is related to His innermost reality, representeth Him as One Whose voice is the voice of God Himself.....The second station is the human station, exemplified by the following verses: “I am but a man like you.”” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 66-67


Veteran Member
There isn't a way for anyone to know about God except through a Messenger of God

How do you know this?

I know because that is in the Writings of Baha'u'llah.

“And since there can be no tie of direct intercourse to bind the one true God with His creation, and no resemblance whatever can exist between the transient and the Eternal, the contingent and the Absolute, He hath ordained that in every age and dispensation a pure and stainless Soul be made manifest in the kingdoms of earth and heaven. Unto this subtle, this mysterious and ethereal Being He hath assigned a twofold nature; the physical, pertaining to the world of matter, and the spiritual, which is born of the substance of God Himself. He hath, moreover, conferred upon Him a double station. The first station, which is related to His innermost reality, representeth Him as One Whose voice is the voice of God Himself.....The second station is the human station, exemplified by the following verses: “I am but a man like you.”” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 66-67

That is again just believing someone.


Veteran Member
That's right. We believe people all the time, whenever we put our trust in them.
If you did not trust your doctor, would you do what he says?

I have rational reasons to trust my doctor.
My doctor's knowledge is attained in comprehensible ways.
I too can become a doctor if I enroll in the required courses.

Doctors earned my trust through their qualifications and credentials. Not by mysterious claims of telepathic magic that is otherwise unattainable to me.

Doctors aren't "special" humans with mysterious magical access to things that are otherwise unknowable to us mere "normal" humans.

So this comparison of yours is very invalid.


Veteran Member
I have rational reasons to trust my doctor.
My doctor's knowledge is attained in comprehensible ways.
I too can become a doctor if I enroll in the required courses.

Doctors earned my trust through their qualifications and credentials. Not by mysterious claims of telepathic magic that is otherwise unattainable to me.

Doctors aren't "special" humans with mysterious magical access to things that are otherwise unknowable to us mere "normal" humans.

So this comparison of yours is very invalid.
I have rational reasons to trust the Messenger of God. He has earned my trust just as my doctor has earned my trust. Obviously a Messenger of God has earned my trust differently than my doctor. He earned it by who He was as a person, what He did on His mission, including all the sacrifices he made, and what He wrote. How else could I know who He was?


Veteran Member
I have rational reasons to trust the Messenger of God.
So far, your "reasoning" amounted to nothing more or less then you just believing those who claim to be such. By your own admission.

Simply believing things is not rational reasoning.

He has earned my trust just as my doctor has earned my trust.

I just explained to you how that can not be the case.

Obviously a Messenger of God has earned my trust differently than my doctor.

So different, that it's really not at all.

He earned it by who He was as a person, what He did on His mission, including all the sacrifices he made, and what He wrote. How else could I know who He was?

From that, it doesn't follow at all that his claims are true and accurate.

This is again not rational reasoning.


Veteran Member
So far, your "reasoning" amounted to nothing more or less then you just believing those who claim to be such. By your own admission.

Simply believing things is not rational reasoning.
No, that is not true. I did not "simply believe" in the claim of Baha'u'llah because He made a claim to be a Messenger of God. I checked out the evidence that supports His claim. That is what rational people do, look at the evidence, if they want to believe.
From that, it doesn't follow at all that his claims are true and accurate.

This is again not rational reasoning.
No, it does not follow only from that. We must investigate further of we want to know if all of his claims are true and accurate.
Or you can just assume they are not, it's your choice.

“If a man were to declare, ‘There is a lamp in the next room which gives no light’, one hearer might be satisfied with his report, but a wiser man goes into the room to judge for himself, and behold, when he finds the light shining brilliantly in the lamp, he knows the truth!” Paris Talks, p. 103


Veteran Member
No, that is not true. I did not "simply believe" in the claim of Baha'u'llah because He made a claim to be a Messenger of God. I checked out the evidence that supports His claim. That is what rational people do, look at the evidence, if they want to believe.

The "if they want to believe" part, contradicts the notion of rationality imo.
In any case, what evidence? You previously said that you just believe someone who claims these things. Remember? Post 183. I said "that's just believing someone". You responded with "that's right".

No, it does not follow only from that. We must investigate further

Not even "further". The stuff you mentioned seems to me to be completely irrelevant.

of we want to know if all of his claims are true and accurate.

Now it's "all" of his claims? Each claim falls and stands on their own merrit.
For now, I'm just talking about the claim of the dude being a messenger of some god.

Or you can just assume they are not, it's your choice.

If not rational verifiable evidence can be given in support of claims, then yes that's exactly what I'll do: assume the claims are false for all practical intents and purposes.

Just like I (and likely you to) assume the claims of bigfoot and alien abduction are false.

“If a man were to declare, ‘There is a lamp in the next room which gives no light’, one hearer might be satisfied with his report, but a wiser man goes into the room to judge for himself, and behold, when he finds the light shining brilliantly in the lamp, he knows the truth!” Paris Talks, p. 103

But, to continue with this analogy, you already declared previously that mere humans are unable to enter this room to check for themselves if there is a lamp or not, let alone if it shines.

To continue with this analogy, it's more like a man (= the supposed messenger from god) declaring that there is a lamp in a room, but the key is lost and there are no windows and the door is sealed to withstand nuclear explosions so it's impossible to enter it. So all you can do is just believe the man.


Veteran Member
The "if they want to believe" part, contradicts the notion of rationality imo.
No, it does not contradict the notion of rationality. If atheists want to believe in God then they have to look at the evidence for God. That is the rational thing to do.

If a prosecutor wants to prosecute a case he has to look at the evidence and determine if he has enough evidence to prove the defendant is guilty. Likewise, God cannot be found guilty of existing unless there is enough evidence.
In any case, what evidence? You previously said that you just believe someone who claims these things. Remember? Post 183. I said "that's just believing someone". You responded with "that's right".
I said I believe but I do not believe in claims without evidence to support those claims.

I have presented the evidence on this forum time and again bit atheist just say “that’s not evidence.” If I had nickel for every time I have heard that I’d be filthy rich.
Not even "further". The stuff you mentioned seems to me to be completely irrelevant.
I do not know what you are referring to as stuff I mentioned.
Now it's "all" of his claims? Each claim falls and stands on their own merit.
For now, I'm just talking about the claim of the dude being a messenger of some god.
That can never be proven as a fact but you can prove it to yourself, and that so all that matters because we are each only responsible for ourselves.
If not rational verifiable evidence can be given in support of claims, then yes that's exactly what I'll do: assume the claims are false for all practical intents and purposes.

Just like I (and likely you to) assume the claims of bigfoot and alien abduction are false.
I don’t know how you think anyone could ever verify that a man is a Messenger of God. Think. God cannot ever be verified so how could we verify that a Messenger got messages from God? There are other ways to know and that is what I mean by evidence.
“If a man were to declare, ‘There is a lamp in the next room which gives no light’, one hearer might be satisfied with his report, but a wiser man goes into the room to judge for himself, and behold, when he finds the light shining brilliantly in the lamp, he knows the truth!” Paris Talks, p. 103

But, to continue with this analogy, you already declared previously that mere humans are unable to enter this room to check for themselves if there is a lamp or not, let alone if it shines.
I did not say that. You can go into the room and look at the evidence for Baha’u’llah, the Messenger of God for this age. It’s all over the internet!
To continue with this analogy, it's more like a man (= the supposed messenger from god) declaring that there is a lamp in a room, but the key is lost and there are no windows and the door is sealed to withstand nuclear explosions so it's impossible to enter it. So all you can do is just believe the man.
You are funny, but in all seriousness, it is just the opposite of what you are portraying… There is no need for a key because the door is always open to the public to go in and explore, like the public library... Investigation is not only encourages, it is enjoined.

“The first principle Baha’u’llah urged was the independent investigation of truth. “Each individual,” He said, “is following the faith of his ancestors who themselves are lost in the maze of tradition. Reality is steeped in dogmas and doctrines. If each investigate for himself, he will find that Reality is one; does not admit of multiplicity; is not divisible. All will find the same foundation and all will be at peace.” – Abdu’l-Baha, Star of the West, Volume 3, p. 5.

“Bahá’u’lláh asked no one to accept His statements and His tokens blindly. On the contrary, He put in the very forefront of His teachings emphatic warnings against blind acceptance of authority, and urged all to open their eyes and ears, and use their own judgement, independently and fearlessly, in order to ascertain the truth. He enjoined the fullest investigation and never concealed Himself, offering, as the supreme proofs of His Prophethood, His words and works and their effects in transforming the lives and characters of men.” Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era, p. 8

If you want to know HOW to independently investigate the Truth, you can watch this short video. It is only five minutes long:



Veteran Member
No, it does not contradict the notion of rationality.

It does. Because if you "want to believe", then you go into it with a clear bias and a preferred outcome. And depending on how much you "want" it, this will be tainting your evaluation of claims and evidence.

If atheists want to believe in God then they have to look at the evidence for God. That is the rational thing to do.

The rational thing to do is to simply evaluate claims and the proposed evidence in support of said claim, without "wanting" it to conclude one way or the other.

If a prosecutor wants to prosecute a case he has to look at the evidence and determine if he has enough evidence to prove the defendant is guilty.

This is very different wording.
The correct analogy would be "if a prosecutor wants the defendant to be guilty,..."
Not if "he wants to prosecute a case". A prosecutor should just want justice to be served - regardless if that means the defendant being found guilty or not.

Likewise, God cannot be found guilty of existing unless there is enough evidence.

And with the presumption of innocence, by default god is considered "not guilty" of existing until guilt is sufficiently demonstrated.

I have presented the evidence on this forum time and again bit atheist just say “that’s not evidence.” If I had nickel for every time I have heard that I’d be filthy rich.

Take a hint?

I do not know what you are referring to as stuff I mentioned.

This: who He was as a person, what He did on His mission, including all the sacrifices he made, and what He wrote

None of those things have any bearing on whether or not his claims are true and accurate.
At best, they merely speak to how hard he believes it all himself. Which off course isn't evidence in support of the claims either.

That can never be proven as a fact but you can prove it to yourself, and that so all that matters because we are each only responsible for ourselves.

That's not how proof works. That's how belief works.

I don’t know how you think anyone could ever verify that a man is a Messenger of God.

I don't know either. That's why I'm asking you, as you are claiming that there are such people. I don't need to be able to verify such things because I don't make such claims. You do. So I ask you how you know.

God cannot ever be verified so how could we verify that a Messenger got messages from God?

Think. You're the one who's claiming to be able to know. You're the one who keeps insisting that we don't need to "just believe" such claims and that there is evidence to support it.
Now you say it can't be known or verified. That is in direct contradiction with your claim that we don't need to "just believe" it.

There are other ways to know and that is what I mean by evidence.

Such as?

I did not say that.

Except that you did, in post 181:

There isn't a way for anyone to know about God except through a Messenger of God

God is the lamp in the room, which can't be entered/accessed unless you are a messenger of god, in this analogy. And you can't verify if someone is actually such a messenger or not, per your own admission.

So the only option left, is to just believe that this person was able to access the room and see the lamp.

You can go into the room and look at the evidence for Baha’u’llah, the Messenger of God for this age.

You previously said the opposite.

It’s all over the internet!

50% of the internet is filled with porn. Then there's 45% commercial garbage. 4% propaganda and maybe 1% correct information. (numbers pretty much pulled out of my behind - but you get the point).

So you're going to have to be more specific.

You are funny, but in all seriousness, it is just the opposite of what you are portraying… There is no need for a key because the door is always open to the public to go in and explore, like the public library... Investigation is not only encourages, it is enjoined.

This is in direct contradiction with what you said in post 181.
On the one hand you say that you can't verify it.
When asked "then how do you know?", you say that you have to verify it.
Make up your mind.

If you want to know HOW to independently investigate the Truth, you can watch this short video. It is only five minutes long:

Or you could just tell me and mention the important points.
It sounds like you want me to allow for "special" types of evidence when it concerns god, while such evidence would never be considered sufficient for anything else.

So please, just describe the special methodology in a generic way.
This shouldn't be that hard.


Veteran Member
It does. Because if you "want to believe", then you go into it with a clear bias and a preferred outcome. And depending on how much you "want" it, this will be tainting your evaluation of claims and evidence.
When I said “want to believe” I meant something different from what you think. You are thinking of want as being emotional and I ma thinking of it as a thought process. I meant it in the same sense as you might decide that you “want” to go to college, for example. If you have decided that you want to go to college you apply to get into college and if you have decided you want to believe in God you look at the evidence for God’s existence.
The rational thing to do is to simply evaluate claims and the proposed evidence in support of said claim, without "wanting" it to conclude one way or the other.
That’s right. You should be totally unbiased and just desire to know the truth whatever that ends up being. If there is an emotional attachment to the outcome that will unduly affect the rational thought processes. I think that is what happens with many Christians, because Christianity is a very emotionally-based belief system. Christians want to be loved by God and they want the love of Jesus and they want to be saved and they want get to heaven. My religion is not based upon these emotionally charged beliefs, it is more intellectually-based.
This is very different wording.
The correct analogy would be "if a prosecutor wants the defendant to be guilty,..."
Not if "he wants to prosecute a case". A prosecutor should just want justice to be served - regardless if that means the defendant being found guilty or not.
Again, I did not mean want in the sense you thought I meant it. I meant if a prosecutor intends to prosecute a case he has to look at the evidence and determine if he has enough evidence to prove the defendant is guilty. Since he is the prosecutor and not the attorney for the defense, he will be looking for evidence that proves that the defendant is guilty, that is what prosecutors do.

That’s right, the prosecutor should want justice to be served and a seeker of truth should want to find the truth, regardless of whether he likes that truth or not. One should be open to all the possibilities as otherwise they will be biased in one direction or another.
And with the presumption of innocence, by default god is considered "not guilty" of existing until guilt is sufficiently demonstrated.
That’s right. It has to be sufficiently demonstrated to you that God exists in order for you to believe that God exists.
Take a hint?
That does not mean it is not evidence just because atheists don’t like it. That is highly illogical because it is evidence to other people, just not to you.
This: who He was as a person, what He did on His mission, including all the sacrifices he made, and what He wrote.

None of those things have any bearing on whether or not his claims are true and accurate.
At best, they merely speak to how hard he believes it all himself. Which off course isn't evidence in support of the claims either.
No, they do not speak to how hard he believes it all himself, not at all, at all. This is evidence anyone can look at and verify for themselves, it has nothing to do with what he thinks or feels about Himself.

How do you think you could determine if His claims are true or accurate? If you were a Christian you could confirm those claims by looking at the Bible prophecies and how they were fulfilled by Baha’u’llah, and that is incontrovertible evidence that He was the return of Christ/Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament.

That can never be proven as a fact but you can prove it to yourself, and that so all that matters because we are each only responsible for ourselves.
That's not how proof works. That's how belief works.
No, that is how proof works, because you can only prove it to yourself. If you were logical you’d realize that there will never be any universal proof that a Messenger of God is who He claimed to be because not everyone will ever think the same way as other people think.

Or you can choose to be illogical and believe that everyone will see Jesus and know it is Jesus when Jesus comes floating down from the sky in the clouds. But how would anyone know it was really Jesus returning? I asked that on another thread and not one person could give me a logical answer. One Christian said that Jesus would do miracles and it would be broadcast on TV that Jesus has returned, but why would people believe it? Not everyone would see the miracles and even if they did, not everyone would be impressed. And how could we know it was Jesus and not an alien who could do miracles pretending to be Jesus?

Think. If a man was a Messenger of God, how could you determine that? What would he have to do to demonstrate that?
I don't know either. That's why I'm asking you, as you are claiming that there are such people. I don't need to be able to verify such things because I don't make such claims. You do. So I ask you how you know.
I never said it could be verified to everyone. That a man was a Messenger of God has never has been and it probably never will known to everyone unless God intervenes to make it known to everyone. I believe that in the future everyone will know that Baha’u’llah was a Messenger of God, because that is what Baha’u’llah wrote:

“Warn and acquaint the people, O Servant, with the things We have sent down unto Thee, and let the fear of no one dismay Thee, and be Thou not of them that waver. The day is approaching when God will have exalted His Cause and magnified His testimony in the eyes of all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 248

But that does not help the people living now. They still have to do an independent investigation.
Think. You're the one who's claiming to be able to know. You're the one who keeps insisting that we don't need to "just believe" such claims and that there is evidence to support it.
Now you say it can't be known or verified. That is in direct contradiction with your claim that we don't need to "just believe" it.
I said that we can know if we investigate and look at the evidence for ourselves. It can be known to individuals but it cannot be verified as a fact that everyone will believe, at least not at this time in history.
Some time ago when asked for evidence I posted the claims of Baha’u’llah and the evidence that supports the claims of Baha’u’llah on this thread:

Questions for knowledgeable Bahai / followers of Baha'u'llah
God is the lamp in the room, which can't be entered/accessed unless you are a messenger of god, in this analogy. And you can't verify if someone is actually such a messenger or not, per your own admission.

So the only option left, is to just believe that this person was able to access the room and see the lamp.

Apparently you misunderstood the lamp in the next room analogy. The lamp in the next room is the evidence for the Messenger of God, and anyone can go in that room and look at the evidence because it is readily available on the internet.
You previously said the opposite.

It’s all over the internet!

50% of the internet is filled with porn. Then there's 45% commercial garbage. 4% propaganda and maybe 1% correct information. (numbers pretty much pulled out of my behind - but you get the point).

So you're going to have to be more specific.
That is a very fair point. There is a lot of garbage on the internet so you’d have to know where to look. There is an “official” Baha’i website and there is the Baha’i Reference Library, so that would be the best place to start, if one was at that point in their investigation.

The Baháʼí Faith - Home

The Baha’i Reference Library can be accessed on this website.
You are funny, but in all seriousness, it is just the opposite of what you are portraying… There is no need for a key because the door is always open to the public to go in and explore, like the public library... Investigation is not only encourages, it is enjoined.

This is in direct contradiction with what you said in post 181.
On the one hand you say that you can't verify it.
When asked "then how do you know?", you say that you have to verify it.
Make up your mind.
You can verify it for yourself and then you know.
Or you could just tell me and mention the important points.
It sounds like you want me to allow for "special" types of evidence when it concerns god, while such evidence would never be considered sufficient for anything else.

So please, just describe the special methodology in a generic way.
This shouldn't be that hard.
Actually a while back when I posted this video, CG Didymus made a list of the most important points. Here are the highlights of what the man said in the video:

· He said that nobody should follow religious beliefs just because it was what their family believes or because it is a long held tradition of a certain religion.

· He said our belief should not be something that we heard from another and have to believe on faith but rather it should be something that has been thoroughly examined and has been found to be solid enough to build a foundation of beliefs from. He said that once a person finds a real solid truth they can be completely confident in that truth.

· He said that truth is a truth is a truth so it cannot be contradicted by another truth.

· He said there reality is only one reality and we just need to discover the truth of this reality.

· He said that we should call into question any of the previously beliefs that we held dear.

· He said that we have to take everything we have been taught and put them into a box and call it the box of unproven beliefs, and then we have to carefully examine that belief to see where it came from -- does it makes sense logically, does it agree with other truths, do I have emotions that are informing this belief, a prejudice or past experience?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
By the way ontological argument while probably won't ever convince atheists, has a mystical appeal to believers. It means God can't exist as a mere idea, he can only be witnessed to exist. When we mathematically recall his necessity, it's bewildering, possible existence is not the default, because we can ask why does anything exist as to why not. The why and secret to why things exist, is because Existence is, it's the default, and it's absolute and it's size when understood means it cannot but exist.

This remembrance is what "Al-Samad" points to, that everything is found in God to the absolute amount, he is solidified with all existence and nothing is missing in him. So we know for sure that he is One, cannot be repeated, can't beget himself nor be begotten, by his sheer size.

The math concept will unite all glory, beauty, greatness we see in existence to God.

The Quran repeated Al-Hayu and the secret to why is revealed in Surah Ikhlas/tawheed (chapter 112).


Admiral Obvious
If God is real, unlike other things, he cannot be imagined to exist but only seen to exist. That it is impossible to imagine him as possibly not existing if God is real.

I can imagine myself existing or not existing, but God if real, cannot be imagined not to exist if he is real.

Now the question is when you remember God - what do you see, an impossible thing to exist or the Necessary being that lives and exists. Because there is no between that as proven by Anselm and Descartes.

God if he exists, would a be a proof of himself existing, because he would be the necessary being.

We cannot see God as impossible, in my view, which means he definitely exists and is the Necessary being and we are looking at the Living One.
Best I can tell, the imagination is the ONLY place where god resides....


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Best I can tell, the imagination is the ONLY place where god resides....

But if you understood the necessary component, there is no maybe it exists or doesn't, it exists, but more then that, could not have not existed, it's impossible to imagine it not existing in any possible world.


Admiral Obvious
But if you understood the necessary component, there is no maybe it exists or doesn't, it exists, but more then that, could not have not existed, it's impossible to imagine it not existing in any possible world.
Except it is possible.
And for some, even favourable.

I personally am glad that god exists.
Even if it is only in the imagination.
Cause there are far to many who have flat out stated that were it not for their fear of divine retribution, they would be out raping and stealing, and killing, etc. to their hearts content.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think I am modifying the argument.

There is the following ways of concluding "necessary" trait.

Sheer size (life amount).
Greatness, greater to be necessary then not.
Perfection, it's a perfection to be necessary.
Highness, it's higher and more transcendent to be necessary then not.

The question is "is necessary a logical coherent possibility with respect to existence". I think we all agree it is potentially.

And it would mean God can't exist in imagination but has to be witness to exist in reality, true. This is true. It doesn't mean by defining it, it exists.

But what it does mean, when we recall it, and if God exists, than it's not a mere idea we are looking but the real thing.

So now it's a question of faith - which one to believe. Because if God is real, atheist looks at it, but believe it is not despite it living and being real in his vision. And if Atheists are right, God is not the Necessary being, and there is no necessary being, because it's impossible.

But that leaves us to choose between hard atheism and faith, really, it makes you jump one way or the other.

If God exists, he is necessary, and hence can be seen to exist.
If God doesn't exist, then necessary is an impossible definition with respect to existence.

So either God is real and known to be real or impossible and known to be imagination, but I disproved the maybe God exists but I can't see him thing to be incoherent. If God exists, you are seeing the real thing. So believe in him or believe it's imagination, that's a choice.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Also, I see no evidence and haven't seen any that necessary being should be impossible by definition.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think you have to mathematically understand it.

IT's big that it covers all existence, and nothing can't be found in him in terms of life amount or perfections or greatness.

There is also the view, it's higher to be necessary then not to, from the viewpoint of exaltedness and transcendence.