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Can God have a Son?


Jesus in me
The Bible does Not teach that God literally fathered a Son named Jesus by means of Mary. Rather that God created the heavenly spirit person who was later sent to earth by God to be born to Mary. Because God is the Creator of Jesus, then, in that sense, God is rightly called as Jesus' Father.

-Revelation 3v14 B- Jesus is the beginning of the creation by God.

Jesus is God in the flesh, so He is not a created spirit.

God entered into the womb of Mary and created a conception in which He became the indwelling Spirit. When this child was born He was named Jesus.

If Jesus calls God "Father", doesn't that mean that He is the Son of God?

This does not mean that the Spirit within Jesus is created. It means that the Spirit is identical with God's Spirit which is the beginning of creation. Creation begins with God's spirit taking action to create.



Jesus in me
That's true..
Is it physically or logically impossible? Well, is Almighty God physical?
Ans. -> NO!

So what would "God having a son" logically mean?
Was God born?
Ans. -> NO! He's eternal, which means He has no 'father' or 'mother'..

Which leads us to .. Is God a male or female?
What IS a male & female? Isn't it about procreation? So why should God be either? Doesn't it make more sense that God is neither male or female? I mean .. what does male or female mean in a 'spiritual sense'? ie. God has no physical parts or hormones etc.

The sense in which Jesus (peace be with him), is 'the son of God', surely must be the same sense in which we are ALL 'sons & daughters of God'
ie. He created us .. He's our Father

Jesus did not teach that He was God (or effectively 'a god'), He taught us the Lord's prayer:

'Our Father, whom art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name..

ie. He taught us to worship GOD, not himself!

God is not physical but neither am I and I have fathered a son. The fact that a spirit indwells a physical body means that the spirit can be identified with the fathering process. However God has not done this nor is He likely to do so.

In the physical, God was born. In the spiritual, He has always existed.

In the spiritual state there is no significance but in His relation to men He has always represented Himself as male.

This is incorrect. He is the only begotten of the Father. No one else can make this claim. Adam was created outside the womb so he is not begotten. All other people are begotten of men and women.

This is also incorrect. Jesus did equate Himself with God.


Jesus in me
I asked a Christian pastor, "If God impregnated Mary, doesn't that imply that God has male XY DNA chromosomes and is therefore a male? and even further that God must also be a middle eastern male as opposed to an African male or a South American male?"

The pastor's reply: "Those rules don't apply for God."

That may be true but God is still more likely to go by the biological standards that He created. So it is most likley that God created the XY half to join with the XX half. However it does not require a physcal body for God to perform this creation.

Again, since this is a creation it is not dependent on a physical body and God could have made the XY half Chinese if He wished or He could have used a replica of KIng David's DNA for the XX half.

John Martin

Active Member
Can God have a Son? Yusuf Estes (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube

If you're religious person, I have a question for you. Can God have a Son?
The word 'son' is metaphorical. We project our physical realities as symbols into spiritual realities.
Creation can be called son of God or daughter of God as it comes from God.
In dualistic monotheism( One God and this one God is the creator and human beings are creatures of God) these expressions are considered blasphemous. In non-dualistic monotheism( One God and this one God manifests creation(does not create from nothing). This manifestation feels that it is is not a creature( master-servant relationship) but a son of God or a daughter of God. Jesus Christ had the experience of non-dualistic monotheism. We can have three types of sons or daughters of God. An individual son or daughter of God. A collective son or daughter of God and then the Son of God or the Daughter of God. A son of God is like leaf on the tree. A collective son is a like branch a tree. The Son of God is like the trunk of the tree. There is only one' the Son of God'.
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Question Everything
Sure. For the panentheist, every son is God's son, and every daughter is God's daughter. ^_^

For Christians too:

(New Testament | Luke 3:38)
38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

As Adam was a son of God, it appears that we are all God's literal grandchildren.... we call him "Heavenly Father" because He really is our Father - the Father of our spirits, and the Grandfather of our flesh.


Jesus in me
The word 'son' is metaphorical. We project our physical realities as symbols into spiritual realities.
Creation can be called son of God or daughter of God as it comes from God.
In dualistic monotheism( One God and this one God is the creator and human beings are creatures of God) these expressions are considered blasphemous. In non-dualistic monotheism( One God and this one God manifests creation(does not create from nothing). This manifestation feels that it is is not a creature( master-servant relationship) but a son of God or a daughter of God. Jesus Christ had the experience of non-dualistic monotheism. We can have three types of sons or daughters of God. An individual son or daughter of God. A collective son or daughter of God and then the Son of God or the Daughter of God. A son of God is like leaf on the tree. A collective son is a like branch a tree. The Son of God is like the trunk of the tree. There is only one' the Son of God'.

I believe you are incorrect. The word is not metaphorical but it can be used metaphorically.

I don't see that as likely. Unless you are saying that the spiritual can't experience the physical which then puts the physical in a symbolic category. I think of it more as an image than a symbol. It isn't as though the physical image stands for something else since it stands for the physical.

I don't believe Jesus fits the definition that you previously described. If anything the physical is manifesting God ie. one does not usually hear God audibly speak but in Jesus that happens continually. Or perhaps it is better to say that God manifests hinself through the physical which has always been the case as He commnads the wind and the waves.


Question Everything
I think the confusion comes from defining what it means to be a child of someone -
Is someone a parent because they give birth to you? There are many people who have children whom I would not consider to be parents - and whose children do not call them parents. Consider that pregnancy is the cursed way to have children - Eve was cursed with that in Eden - this to me says that there is a better way to have children than getting pregnant, and that parenthood is created by something much more than what most people commonly associate it with.