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Can God have a Son?


Hostis humani generis
Through the logical thinking. We can't say anything without proof.
The only thing logic can point out is math, gravity, etc.

Monotheism vs polytheism is not something which can be proven or considered logical. What you deem as logical for monotheism may appear illogical to a polytheist, and vice-versa. Still, atheists will see the monotheism vs polytheism logic-considered things to both be illogical.

For religion people, scripture is a proof.
Only for people of that religion. If I start showing stuff from the Vedas, or the Bhagavad Gītā, or Gurū Granth Sāhib, or Upaniṣads, or the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, they will not convince you or be proofs to you.

It just simply 'Can God have a Son?'.
Which I answered above, lol.

I don't think God can have a "literal" son. I don't think that many Christians believe, contrary to non-believers claim, that Jesus is the literal offspring of God as in genetically God's. At least, this has not been my experience.


Rogue Theologian
Anyone who ever recited the 'Lord's Prayer' is hooked.

'Our Father'.....

Whose Father?...your Father?...my Father?...brothers are we?

That prayer is a pledge.

The angels heard you when you said it.
So too the Devil.

not nom

Well-Known Member
Maybe this video is only for Abrahamic religion I guess:D

do you mean the two gods who want people to cut their foreskin off and grow beards, or the one that thinks drinking blood and eating flesh is a wonderful way to celebrate the death and resurrection of the one who killed and resurrected himself, loosing *nothing*, which they call sacrifice for the atonement of all sins? you mean the three gods who thinks hair is just too sexy to be seen, or just the one of them who brags he created hell to fill it with people, "just because"?

no, none of that doesn't strike me as someone who has parents, or anyone to care for. I don't even think such a god has a pet. maybe he had one and killed it, and that's why he is mad... that isn't what you want to hear, but you mentioned logic.

A man can write a scripture but it will not be as the same as what was given by God.

sure, it's just that nobody in the world can tell the difference. there are a LOT of books that each claim to have their super special "sign" that they and only they are authentic. those signs range from "nice try" to "hilarious".

so the smugness of each of them annoys me. personally, I do think there is *something*, it's just that every single one of those religions taken by itself, seems to be full of it and ignorant of the others... so my official answer to each of them is "it appears god is wearing a helmet indoors, and so does his son". it's the dude who has his plans foiled by talking snakes after all... "hey god, you made that up, snakes can't even talk!" -- "yeah well that's now, as punishment for talking **** about me" -- "uhhuh. just make sure to keep the helmet on."


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
I don't see why the Abrahamic God couldn't of had a Son. Whether he did or not is for all you guys to duke out.

Perhaps you could paraphrase what you find to be the strongest arguments from the video? My internet hates videos for some reason.


Question Everything
I think the parent/child relationship is based on more than just genetics. There is a lot more to being a parent than getting pregnant.... there are some who have children who I would not call parents (because they abandon their children) and others who have never been pregnant who I would call parents... Real parents are not the ones who give birth to you, they are the ones who teach you, take care of you, inspire you ...


Islam taught me: God is capable of anything and everything => God is capable of having a son
However Islam teaches me that God will never wish for a "son". And thats logical due to God having the greatest wisdom. It wouldn't be wise to create a son.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Islam taught me: God is capable of anything and everything => God is capable of having a son
However Islam teaches me that God will never wish for a "son". And thats logical due to God having the greatest wisdom. It wouldn't be wise to create a son.

Ah... So instead of limiting God, you only claim to know better than God. Is this really an improvement?


Well-Known Member
This is for Abrahamic religion. This man speaking through many point of view of Christian, Islam and Judaism. He don't blindly say' my religion is good' and 'your religion is so wrong'. He speak according to what was written in Bible and Quran.

Abrahamic religions? You mean the "we want to be the real judaism"-religions? I love terms that are invented.

Also I dont really care about the christian or muslim view on the whole matter. Yet you are free to do so.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
This video actually telling that God cannot have Son.
*according to abrahamic religion scripture.
I disagree. I read my Bible every day and there's a helluva lot in there about God's Son...