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Can good people go to hell?


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member

I don't understand your reply. The answer is one bit of information, or maybe two.

Let's simplify things. Let us call x = 100 - 99.999999 (ad infinitum)

You said x and x/2 are both greater than zero. Noted.

My point is: is x/2 smaller than x? [yes/no/maybe] ;)


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Dividing by two did not change the value of (infinity) - are we agreed there? So, something infinitely small (that is definitively not zero), divided by two is still infinitely small... and definitively not zero. In essence, to be truly infinitely small, no operation of division actually changes the value.

Both results of your above two examples are (literally) infinitesimally small and simultaneously infinitesimally greater than zero. So what is your point?

My point is to get an answer from you, since you seem so certain.

If x = 100 - 99.999999 ( ad infinitum), is x/2 smaller than x?


- viole

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
I don't understand your reply. The answer is one bit of information, or maybe two.

Let's simplify things. Let us call x = 100 - 99.999999 (ad infinitum)

You said x and x/2 are both greater than zero. Noted.

My point is: is x/2 smaller than x? [yes/no/maybe] ;)


- viole
I don't believe it is, no. To claim something as truly infinitely small, the value can't be changed by dividing it further. "Further" is an impossibility - akin to stating that you can somehow "reach infinity". It is the same as taking infinity to the infinity power. This is still infinity. It is not greater than infinity.

Now that I have answered several of your questions, I'm pretty sure the tally stands at:

me - several
you - zero

So - please answer (if you have the time, of course - I understand you must be extremely busy) my original question about dividing a line segment in half, taking one half and dividing that in half - doing so for eternity - do you reach a point at which that line segment has exactly ZERO length? Yes or no?


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I don't believe it is, no. To claim something as truly infinitely small, the value can't be changed by dividing it further. "Further" is an impossibility - akin to stating that you can somehow "reach infinity". It is the same as taking infinity to the infinity power. This is still infinity. It is not greater than infinity.

Now that I have answered several of your questions, I'm pretty sure the tally stands at:

me - several
you - zero

So - please answer (if you have the time, of course - I understand you must be extremely busy) my original question about dividing a line segment in half, taking one half and dividing that in half - doing so for eternity - do you reach a point at which that line segment has exactly ZERO length? Yes or no?

Let's keep it simple. I understand your hurry to divert the conversation, but we are not finished yet.

So, you do not believe that x/2 is smaller than x? Do you believe x/2 is bigger than x? Or are they are equal?

Btw, do you think that math statements require belief?


- viole
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A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
Let's keep it simple. I understand your hurry to divert the conversation, but we are not finished yet.

So, you do not believe that x/2 is smaller than x? Do you believe x/2 is bigger than x?

Btw, do you think that math statements require belief?


- viole
Since you blatantly refused to answer my questions (when I already answered the question above - with a "no", x/2 is not smaller than "x" - note, again, that I ALREADY ANSWERED in my reply previous to your drivel quoted above), I'm done talking to you. You don't get to ask me any more questions. Or, rather, you can, but you won't be getting a reply. You could even insult my mother to an INFINITE degree, and I wouldn't reply. And, as much as I can't believe how fervently you are trying to be "audacious" - the score still stands.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Since you blatantly refused to answer my questions (when I already answered the question above - with a "no", x/2 is not smaller than "x" - note, again, that I ALREADY ANSWERED in my reply previous to your drivel quoted above), I'm done talking to you. You don't get to ask me any more questions. Or, rather, you can, but you won't be getting a reply. You could even insult my mother to an INFINITE degree, and I wouldn't reply. And, as much as I can't believe how fervently you are trying to be "audacious" - the score still stands.

I will answer all your questions when we are finished. I hope you are not into diverting conservations like creationists do when they are in a corner, as they usually are.

So, do you believe, think or whatever, that x = x/2?

I ask because you can divide both members of an equation by a number greater than zero while keeping the equation valid. Like any third grader knows.

What would you get in this case if you divide x = x/2 by x (greater than zero)?

I tell you what: 1 = 1/2, which is an absurdity as big as your original claim.


- viole
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The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Well, if you read John 3:16-18 you will find out who will be saved and who will not.

Following commandments isn't enough. You need to do something to rid yourself of sin entirely. Only Jesus can do that.
So there are a number of heroes suffering in hell while cowards and others who just happened to believe that made it to heaven?

And this is...justice?


Well-Known Member
So there are a number of heroes suffering in hell

Millions upon millions if you go by faith-based salvation model.

Jonas Salk cured Polio and gave the vaccine to the world FOR FREE.

Jonas never swore allegiance to Jesus since he was a Jew.

Jonas saved billions of children from suffering from Polio.

Jonas burns in Hell.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Millions upon millions if you go by faith-based salvation model.

Jonas Salk cured Polio and gave the vaccine to the world FOR FREE.

Jonas never swore allegiance to Jesus since he was a Jew.

Jonas saved billions of children from suffering from Polio.

Jonas burns in Hell.
You're an atheist, but what you want of pagan beliefs, at least ours tend to meet out reward & punishment based on services rendered rather than some retarded game of "were you right?"


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Well. if you booked a flight to Venus you might expereince Hell for a few moments... otherwise, no, not so much.


Well-Known Member
at least ours tend to meet out reward & punishment based on services rendered rather than some retarded game of "were you right?"

Christians I find are split down the middle between purely "faith based" salvation model, and models that involve "works."

Even though I find the whole idea of eternal punishment a steaming load of horsepoo, I can theoretically accept any reward/punishment model that grades people on their actions. It "makes sense" to punish someone, for example, for doing bad things to others and to reward someone for doing "good" things. This is how we function in society.

"Works based" models are infinitely more acceptable to me than "Faith based" models. Faith based salvation is perhaps the most unfair, immoral, and downright evil idea I can imagine.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I understand that it is your view that the Bible doesn't teach this and you have supported your argument rather well with your chosen passages but there are many others who would refute your POV using passages of their own Rusra02. Whether or not you agree is almost beside the point as the Bible does, indeed, teach that there is one faith and those who don't adhere to that faith will never achieve Nirvana, enlightenment, heaven.. pick your term. And also, people are told in the Bible that certain things will result in death and hell. Revelations 21; 8. Matthew 13; 50 and 25; 46. 2nd Peter 2; 4 and so on. These passages clearly indicate that those who don't live up to what God demands will end up in hell. There is no doubt in the reading. How then, do you justify that?
Revelation 21:8 says; "But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death."
Revelation was written with signs or symbols, such as a "fiery colored dragon with seven heads", and a "wild beast with seven heads". (Revelation 12:3, 13:1) Often these symbols are explained, as is the lake of fire. The same verse says the "lake of fire "means the second death" or everlasting destruction. Revelation 20:14 reports that "death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire." Obviously, death and hell cannot be literally thrown anywhere, but they can be eliminated and thus destroyed forever. This is why I do not believe Revelation 21:8 supports eternal torment in a literal lake of fire.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Some good people do go to hell - here's the evidence, see, Ghandi is there!



Well-Known Member
Sin is in the mind. It is basically an imaginary cure. What happened to enjoying life to the fullest without that sin crap?

Your definition of 'sin' is a bit confusing to me. Perhaps if you told me what you think 'sin' is....and what should be done about those who commit them? As for me, I believe that 'sin' is a deliberate choice to do something you honestly believe to be wrong.

Depending upon the sort of Satanist you are, I imagine that there are some acts that you would consider 'sinful,' aren't there?