If I travelled an infinite distance forward, then I must also travel an infinite distance backward, and so won't stop in any finite amount of time. If I travelled a finite distance, it'll take me a finite time to get back. What's the problem?
So where would you STOP? In the analogy I gave, you stopped once you reached me, now you are going backwards the same distance that you came, where would you STOP? If you reached that distance going forward, you should be able to reach the same distance going backwards, but since infinity cant be identified with any specific point, such as "I've reached infinity, and that is it", then you cant possibly know where to stop.
You implied it.
"In an infinitely long past, each event would have to traverse an infinite amount of events to reach ANY event."
You've just quoted me, and based on what I said, it has NOTHING to do with suggesting that the event had a beginning point.
As much as that is coherent at all, it's false. For it to be true, you would have to start a point that is an infinite distance away from the "present," but there is no such point.
What??????? If the past is infinite, then of course the present moment is an infinite distance away from any point of the past. The present moment, as I am typing this, has arrived, so if we go back in time and travel the same duration that it took to reach this "present" moment, what event in time would we arrive at??? In order to do this there would have to be a second point of reference, but with infinity, there IS no second point of reference. So if you can't travel backwards the same distance, you cant travel forward to reach the "present" moment.
Let me repeat that: all points on the road are a finite distance from every other point.
So, if all points on the road are a finite distance, what is the distance between any point on a road, and a point that is an infinite distance away??? What is the distance between those two points?
Assuming each step takes the same amount of time, the house will be done if you wait forever.
What????????? How much time is forever??? And by "forever", we are not talking about it in the context of a figure of speech, we are talking about it as the literal meaning "for all time". But even besides that, with infinity, it doesn't matter how long each step took, how much time you had to build the house, or how many people helped you build the house.
This isn't the same as "never be completed" - it will be completed after an infinite amount of time. If your particular universe has a timeline
longer than that, this can be useful.
You are missing the point!!!! Can you count to infinity??? The answer is obviously no, so if you cant count to infinity and reach a "last number", how on earth can you reach an infinite amount of time and finish building the house, a house at which it will take an infinite number of steps to build???
However, if each step takes less and less time (say, half that of the previous step) then the infinite house can be completed in finite time, despite being infinite.
So if you couldn't complete the building in an infinite amount of time, how could you complete it in less time??
Answers you do not want to hear are still answers.
You are right, a person can offer as many cockamany answers as he/she likes, but the answer will rise or fall on its own merit.
There are no points which are an infinite distance away.
So, the distance from eternal past to this present moment is finite??? SO, how long did it take for the eternal past to reach this present moment??? How long?? I really would like an answer to this.