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Can science prove or disprove the existence of a Spiritual existence? God?


Premium Member
The Higgs boson is not the graviton. ;)

For clarification here is a pic I found of the graviton. :)



Well-Known Member
Can Evolution be tested? has it been? NO.
The Theory of Evolution has ALWAYS and will FOREVER remain an unproven theory, and it isnt even a good one. All so called "evidence" for evolution has been proven a fraud or a hoax. There is absolutely NO evidence for evolution.
It is a herasy that crushes the hope of millions every day, and it is a LIE.



Well-Known Member
That topic is not even open to discussion. IT IS PROVEN, IT GOES ON AS WE SPEAK.

No, it hasn't been proven. What is your best evidence in favor of evolution??? I want to see what you have.

''someone has seen a dog produce a non-dog?''

You're right, no one has seen that, nor has it ever happened, but that's not what evolution is. So the reason why you think evolution did not occur is because you don't actually what evolution is. (And the dudes examples about rats is kind of faulty). You can ask me for some information about evolution I'll do the best I can to teach you.

Now what you have above, people, is the typical answer that an evolutionist will give when a skeptic questions the theory. They accuse you of not knowing evolution is lol. Thats funny. So let me get this straight, are you telling me that the theory of evolution doesn't state that every species of animal that ever lived ALL share a common ancestor??? So, if all dogs came from a wolf, then whatever the wolf came from was not a dog, thus, and animal producing another animal that is different than what it is. That is evolution, but it hasn't bee observed, it is believed by faith. It is a religion, not science.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that speciation has been observed, right?

Of course speciation has been observed, there are different species of cats, but they are still cats. There are different species of dogs, but they are still dogs. That is not the issue, the issue is, when people make it seem as if the dogs of today "evolved" from any kind of animal of yesterday, i.e, a non-dog. That is the issue.


The Lost One
I'll second that, otokage007.


i am that i am said:
Can Evolution be tested? has it been? NO.
The Theory of Evolution has ALWAYS and will FOREVER remain an unproven theory, and it isnt even a good one. All so called "evidence" for evolution has been proven a fraud or a hoax. There is absolutely NO evidence for evolution.
It is a herasy that crushes the hope of millions every day, and it is a LIE.
Good grief. :facepalm:

Yes, it has been tested. The evidences have been tested and verified by other fields of biology.

i am that i am said:
The Dictionary defines science as, " The study of the physical laws and world around us; can be tested."

And evolution is science; and it is called Evolutionary Biology or Evolutionary Science.

Every science, all have theories.

Scientific theory is a valid and best explanation to any natural phenomenon or artificial (man-made, eg. computers, bridge-building, wristwatch) phenomenon.


Well-Known Member
I'll second that, otokage007.


Good grief. :facepalm:

Yes, it has been tested. The evidences have been tested and verified by other fields of biology.

No it hasn't been tested. Science is supposed to be based on what we can test and observed. No one has offered a single test to prove the evolution theory true, nor has anyone observe an animal producing something other than what it is. So basically, it isn't science at all.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen a dog produce a non-dog??? I will wait on your answer before I say anything else...

Have u ever seen an atom? I will wait on your answer before I say anything else...

Just kidding, I won’t fall into such childish games :p

Btw, I have never seen a dog producing a non-dog. But genome of the dog and the wolf, reveal dogs come from gray wolves. Today they are still classified as the same species, but do they look the same to you?

Of course speciation has been observed, there are different species of cats, but they are still cats. There are different species of dogs, but they are still dogs.

I'm the only one that sees just one specie of dog and one specie of cat? :sarcastic

That is not the issue, the issue is, when people make it seem as if the dogs of today "evolved" from any kind of animal of yesterday, i.e, a non-dog. That is the issue.

You can reread the part about gray-wolves :p


The Lost One
call of the wild said:
Have you ever seen a dog produce a non-dog??? I will wait on your answer before I say anything else...
call of the wild said:
Now what you have above, people, is the typical answer that an evolutionist will give when a skeptic questions the theory. They accuse you of not knowing evolution is lol. Thats funny. So let me get this straight, are you telling me that the theory of evolution doesn't state that every species of animal that ever lived ALL share a common ancestor??? So, if all dogs came from a wolf, then whatever the wolf came from was not a dog, thus, and animal producing another animal that is different than what it is. That is evolution, but it hasn't bee observed, it is believed by faith. It is a religion, not science.
Good grief. :facepalm:

I have been doing that :)facepalm:) quite a lot recently, because IGNORANCE never cease to amaze me, especially coming from a bunch of creationists.

Evolution don't simply mean change from one species to another, from a generation or two, unless we talking about virus or bacteria. More complex lifeform may take tens of thousands of generations to see noticeable change.

And evolution doesn't necessarily mean change of entire species, but that of subspecies, where the changes in the physiology are noticeable, but these subspecies can breed and have offspring.

Creationism seemed to be exercise of utter ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Good grief. :facepalm:

I have been doing that :)facepalm:) quite a lot recently, because IGNORANCE never cease to amaze me, especially coming from a bunch of creationists.

Evolution don't simply mean change from one species to another, from a generation or two, unless we talking about virus or bacteria. More complex lifeform may take tens of thousands of generations to see noticeable change.

Right, that is the smoke screen. The argument is, "it takes sooooo much time". It takes millions and millions and billions and billions of years to see a noticable change, right??? Yeah it does take a long time, it takes so long that it didn't happen :D. The fact of the matter is, you were not there to witness any change, so you are relying on the unseen once you interpret these large scale changes to be an act of evolution. You are relying on faith. You are basically saying that no one that is alive today was around to see it happen, nor will anyone alive today be around to see it happen in the future. We are conveniently not ever around when it occurs, yet we are expected to believe that it occurred. Not to mention the fact that there is no evidence of it anyway.

And evolution doesn't necessarily mean change of entire species, but that of subspecies, where the changes in the physiology are noticeable, but these subspecies can breed and have offspring.

Creationism seemed to be exercise of utter ignorance.

Dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, fish produce fish. Until you or anyone else are able to prove or observe otherwise, then you are relying on faith, which is entirely what you claim theists are doing.


Well-Known Member
Have u ever seen an atom? I will wait on your answer before I say anything else...

Just kidding, I won’t fall into such childish games :p


Btw, I have never seen a dog producing a non-dog. But genome of the dog and the wolf, reveal dogs come from gray wolves. Today they are still classified as the same species, but do they look the same to you?

Yeah, they both look like dogs to me. Thats my point, you have all kinds of dogs...big dogs, little dogs, small dogs, tall dogs, hairy dogs, not so hairy dogs......but guess what......they are all DOGS. If the grey wolf was the first dog, then that would mean the origin of the grey wolf would not itself be a dog. You can believe that if you want to, but it isn't science by definition.


Well-Known Member

Yeah, they both look like dogs to me. Thats my point, you have all kinds of dogs...big dogs, little dogs, small dogs, tall dogs, hairy dogs, not so hairy dogs......but guess what......they are all DOGS. If the grey wolf was the first dog, then that would mean the origin of the grey wolf would not itself be a dog. You can believe that if you want to, but it isn't science by definition.

So basicly u are stating that aleles don't exist and natural selection doesn't exist either? Because evolution is inevitable due to the behaviour of genes within populations. If you believe you are made of genes, then u believe in evolution baby, wether u like it or not :p


Woke gremlin
Of course speciation has been observed, there are different species of cats, but they are still cats. There are different species of dogs, but they are still dogs. That is not the issue, the issue is, when people make it seem as if the dogs of today "evolved" from any kind of animal of yesterday, i.e, a non-dog. That is the issue.
And where is that issue in conflict with evolution? You do understand that evolution is a branching tree, right? Everything replicates with variation based on the previous generation. So how does a dog have to produce a "non-dog" before evolution is demonstrated? If such a thing actually happened, it would actually go against what we currently understand about how evolution works. Do you understand the basics of genetic diversification?


The Lost One
call of the wild said:
It takes millions and millions and billions and billions of years to see a noticable change, right???

I was talking about billions of years. Where did I say that?

In fact, I didn't even mention "years" in my post. I wrote "generation".

And I don't just mean "human" generations: I meant generations as to any type of animals.

And it is generation that offspring where it is possible for the newest offspring that exhibited genes that will help them to adapt to the environment better than parents, parents' parents, along the ancestry.

It is through generations that changes may be detectable, not years.

And beside that, people were living a lot shorter life back then, than it is today. Barring accidental death, murders and diseases, the average life span of humans today could be anywhere between 85 to 95. People in the medieval Britain were considered old by 64.

And when you compared many different animals to that of humans, you will see that the generations are shorter for many animals.

Some physiological changes may occur in matter of 5 generations or 100 generations, while other may take 1000 generations or more. The changes really depend on the environment humans or animals were living.

Its dependents on any number of factors: availability of resources, availability of food and water, terrains, climates, etc. If the changes in environment were drastic, then it is quite possible for the species to adapt in shorter number of generations than it normally would.


Active Member
No, it hasn't been proven. What is your best evidence in favor of evolution??? I want to see what you have.

Now what you have above, people, is the typical answer that an evolutionist will give when a skeptic questions the theory. They accuse you of not knowing evolution is lol. Thats funny. So let me get this straight, are you telling me that the theory of evolution doesn't state that every species of animal that ever lived ALL share a common ancestor??? So, if all dogs came from a wolf, then whatever the wolf came from was not a dog, thus, and animal producing another animal that is different than what it is. That is evolution, but it hasn't bee observed, it is believed by faith. It is a religion, not science.

Stop arguing with everyone about evolution. You are blinded by your faith and its very unfortunate. Actually, certain religious scholars now accept evolution. To the contrary, I don't believe ANYTHING by faith. I believe in evolution because THERE ARE MUSEUMS WITH COMPLETE BONE STRUCTURES OF HOMO SAPIENS, ERECTUS, DIFFERENT SPECIES OF ANIMALS, OF MONKEYS, PRIMATES, THATS EVOLUTION. You think all these animals were created independantly by god and we all co-existed and so many species just diseapeared for some reason, you have no clue about what happened on earth my man, educate yourself.


Lizards Rapidly Evolve After Introduction to Island

And like I said, you still have no clue what evolution is. To go from a wolf to a dog takes millions of years with VERY SUTLE changes! A wolf never gave birth to a dog. Evolution does not teach that at all.

Evolution DID occur, however, Darwinism might not be the exact model of how it did.


I have no title.
Either way, you pick and choose from science what you want and reject the rest.

So what is the point of using science in the first place?

Your posting history is compelling evidence that you use science to justify your beliefs where you can and reject science when it disagrees with your beliefs.

Science does NOT "diagree" with Christian beliefs. It actually goes hand in hand in every single way. The Bible is %1000 scientifically accurate; and has always been a few steps ahead science. FOR EXAMPLE:

1. The Bible said the earth is round and is suspended in space:
The earth is round!
You may be surprised to learn that the Bible revealed that the earth is round. Job 26:10, Prov 8:27, Isaiah 40:22, Amos 9:6. Today, we chuckle at the people of the fifteenth century who feared sailing because they thought they would fall over the edge of the flat earth. Yet the Bible revealed the truth in 1000 B.C. 2500 years before man discovered it for himself!
In various verses, the Bible says the earth is round and hangs in space. It took a long time for science to catch up and reach the same conclusions. Copernicus made the discovery in 1475. But the Bible always knew. Here are two related Bible verses that were written more than 2500 years ago, and more than 1000 years before Copernicus:
"It is he that sitteth upon the CIRCLE of the earth..."Isaiah 40:22,KJV). (By the way, the Hebrew language at that time did not have a word for "sphere," only for "circle.") "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing"(Job 26:7, KJV).
The Bible also knew that the life was in the blood. Something George Washington would have LOVED to has known, considering he died from literally draining his blood (which was common practice). People used to believe that if you were sick, it was because you had bad blood. So they would cut you open and drain it from you; which modern doctors know is obviously hog wash. But the bible knew WAY before man did.
"For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said to the children of Israel, You shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whoever eats it shall be cut off." (Leviticus 17:14 KJV)
The list of the Bible's knowledge that it contained before man could go on forever.
Heck, the Bible even symbolically mentions AMERICA in revelations, hundreds of years before America was even discovered!
But how could they have know all of that?
The answer is simple: DIVINE INSPIRATION.

"No amount of experimentation can prove me right; A single experiment can prove me wrong." - ALBERT EINSTEIN