I think you need to brush up on some of the facts; you seem to be seriously misinformed. Like one of the reasons we need this reform is to prevent the cost of health care from continuing to skyrocket, as it has been doing without this reform. Like, if you're making $40K per year, your taxes are at their lowest in 50 years, and went down this year. LIke right now you're paying for retarded exorbitant health care for poor people, instead of reasonable health care. But don't let the facts get in the way of your anger. Oh, btw, did you know that this reform will prevent your insurance company from screwing you over if you have coverage?
I only wish I was misinformed. Or able to just live in the dream world liberals seem to. The Congress spouts off how this healthcare bill will actually cut the deficit, cut spending and cut healthcare costs.....HOW? Lemme show you....
Step (1) By forcing everyone to buy insurance. Those who cannot afford it will be subsidized, (exactly as it is in Massachussetts right now...the system there is broken, by the way). Insurance companies are going to raise their premiums to compensate for taking on pre-existing conditions. Or they will simply close their doors.
Step(2) By slashing Medcare in half,....supposedly, this will help pay for this healthcare bill, as they think the majority of people on medicare can actually afford health insurance. Or if they can't, they can be subsidized, like the rest who can't afford it (which will be just about everyone, in a few years...)
Step (3) By slashing public funding to public hospitals who take in a huge amount of non-insured patients, usually illegal immigrants, most of whom come in through the emergency room. They think if they cut that funding by half they will be able to more than pay for the bill....because supposedly these previously un-insured persons will now be covered by the new bill?....WRONG. the majority of those treated are illegal immigrants. How in the hell are they going to become insured? The bill makes no provisions for them, all it does is slash funding for the public hospitals....You thought slashing funding for education was bad, wait till you see the effect of this.
Step (4) this is the real gem...By forcing people who have no insurance to pay a fine. This is their solution. A fine. So, they argue, people will be motivated to go get insurance. Ah, but the inurance companies have changed their methods now, that they are not allowed to 'screw you over', so instead of rejecting someone with a pre-existing condition, they simply charge someone 10 times what they would have before. Or, they simply say "Sorry, we are not taking new clients from that ZIP code." Or, "Sorry we only deal with Company XYZ, we handle no other policies..." The insurance companies will find a loophole. Thats what they do. So for the rest of people who cannot get insurance, who are not employed, there is....
Step(5) They get rolled over into MEDICAID. Which, over half of all doctors turn down. Why? Because Medicaid only pays for about 50-60% of the cost of a procedure. But wait, you say, the government has already provided for that, in this bill. Any difference in reinbursement between Medicare and Medicaid will be paid for by the Federal Government (!!!!)...nevermind how is this going to make things any easier, or the fact that it will pile more red tape on top of an already bureaucratic mess [medicaid], it still will not give Doctors an incentive to take new patients who are using Medicaid as their sole insurance policy. Medicaid turns down procedures, and refuses payment, it makes its money back by going in to hospitals and handing them a thousand cases and demands they justify all of them. If they cannot, the hosital may have to pay all the money back...and there is no statute of limitations, the government can charge a hospital for a procedure they feel was unwarrented years after the fact. It means hospitals' costs for keeping records goes up per patient, if they don't, then they either go out of business or they STOP TAKING MEDICAID PATIENTS. It is that simple.
So.,.. how the freakin hell is this bill supposed to cut spending? Answer: it is not designed to. The people who keep on saying over and over, "Ah its the biggest tax cut in a decade", are liars. That is what they are, bold faced liars.:yes: