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Can we have different beliefs and still have peace.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Ok I'll try but no money back guarantee! Haha.

The Buddha and Baha'u'llah are different individuals. They taught different truths. When I say truth is one I mean all truth is in harmony. The Buddha taught detachment from the self and so did Baha'u'llah teach that the self is like a prison.

So we have things like this..


103. If one man conquer in battle a thousand times thousand men, and if another conquer himself, he is the greatest of conquerors.


Free thyself from the fetters of this world, and loose thy soul from the prison of self.

I love the part where a true conquerer is not a warlord but Him who can master his own self. That is do profound from the Buddha.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Ok I'll try but no money back guarantee! Haha.

The Buddha and Baha'u'llah are different individuals. They taught different truths. When I say truth is one I mean all truth is in harmony. The Buddha taught detachment from the self and so did Baha'u'llah teach that the self is like a prison.

So we have things like this..


103. If one man conquer in battle a thousand times thousand men, and if another conquer himself, he is the greatest of conquerors.


Free thyself from the fetters of this world, and loose thy soul from the prison of self.

I love the part where a true conquerer is not a warlord but Him who can master his own self. That is do profound from the Buddha.

Given Bahai and Indian Buddhism are both in India, Ill give you penny. Ill give you another one cause Im not versed in Bahaullahs teachings.

Its not Bah' goal Im confused about. All religions that I know what unity and harmony.

What makes Bahai different if there is only one truth?

If different (given its its own faith) what about its claim of one truth be more accurate than a christians claim of one truth?

What would happen if you did not know you had glasses on and you are guessing a realit that doesnt exist outside what you see and experience?

If you havent read the Myth of the Cave and love philosophy, its a good summary of what Im saying. That and of course Plato is an educator too.

Can we have different religions and still have peace?

Sure if all religions, Bahai included, understand one man's one truth/harmony isnt another man's one truth.

Its not wrong. It doesnt cause wars.

What causes wars is trying to make everyones individual one truth into one. Thats a total insult.

Can you see the difference and how wars can come from making people believe one truth of bahai that other religions rightfully disagree with?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I'll try the Christian question first. The main teaching of Christ is to 'love your neighbor' and we believe it is one of many truths Christ taught. Baha'u'llah taught to love humanity which includes ones neighbor so Bahaullah supports Christ and Christ supports Bahaullah. Christians believe in love and so do Baha'is so we are united on that point. And there are many other truths which Christ taught and we Baha'is support.

So the Christians truth of love one another and the Baha'is truth of love humanity compliment each other and constitute the truth to love all people. These truths are really one truth about loving others. We can say they are two truths because spoken by Christ and Baha'u'llah but because they mean the same they are in reality one truth. But if you want we can say they are two truths and I will agree.


Veteran Member
I have the deepest admiration when someone opposes this superiority, exclusiveness 'I am saved you are not rubbish'. It destroys the foundation of civility. Muslims do it Christians do it and other religions do it too saying that everyone is wrong and they are right.

Exactly, it divides people into groups, even more groups when each religion has splinted into sects. Such as the Catholic idea that one must go through them for salvation or the Protestant idea that Catholics are damn because they hate the Catholic Church.

We are all 'infidels' or not 'saved'. What utter nonsense!! Who are these self appointed Gods going around telling us who is superior and who is inferior? It's nonsense and it is better to have no religion at all than to join anyone saying all others are damned except them.

Like I said special snowflake syndrome. It grants a facade of authority that individual believer has a monopoly on truth and they are defacto experts of this truth by merely believing and reading their holy book a lot.

How about 'all humanity are basically good'? How about we are one human family? What's wrong with not feeling superior? - too big a hit for some people's ego I suppose to accept all are fellow human beings.

A problem is some religions never seen people as good but evil or fallen. This becomes a sales pitch in which the person claiming something is wrong with you also has the exact cure for the problem. It is a tactic any good con-artist knows and uses. Toss in the reward and punishment dynamic as people are motivated by both.

Religion must create peace not cause wars.

It would be nice to see but at this time the majority follows religions which are divisive.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Can we have religion and peace?


Not picking on Islam but the Koran does contain 109 verses promoting
violence towards the infidel.
Google it.
Fortunately only radical Islam seems to desire carrying out acts
of violence.
There are about 2.1 BILLION Muslims so obviously only a small
percentage act out violently.
Too many Christians are prone to do the same.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Can we have religion and peace?


Not picking on Islam but the Koran does contain 109 verses promoting
violence towards the infidel.
Google it.
Fortunately only radical Islam seems to desire carrying out acts
of violence.
There are about 2.1 BILLION Muslims so obviously only a small
percentage act out violently.
Too many Christians are prone to do the same.

There is no denying religion decays and dies as we all do. That is why every age religion is renewed. Every religion says that someone will come in the future a Christ, a Buddha etc to renew religion.

We say He has come and His name is Baha'u'llah and He has brought laws and teachings for this age centered around the oneness of all humanity and the oneness of all religion and that deeds not words must govern our beliefs.

But He also said that if religion becomes a source of conflict and wars then it would be better to be without it which many atheists are rightly pointing out.

He said that people who have turned away from religion after seeing violence and disunity have done the right thing.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
We say He has come and His name is Baha'u'llah and He has brought laws and teachings for this age centered around the oneness of all humanity and the oneness of all religion and that deeds not words must govern our beliefs.

I dont mean to be rude just blunt. Muslims disagree with you. Wouldnt you take their disagreements into consideration giving they know more about their faith than you or does your faith honestly believe that its believers and founders are at fault and only Bahaullah knows the one truth in all faiths?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I'll try the Christian question first. The main teaching of Christ is to 'love your neighbor' and we believe it is one of many truths Christ taught. Baha'u'llah taught to love humanity which includes ones neighbor so Bahaullah supports Christ and Christ supports Bahaullah. Christians believe in love and so do Baha'is so we are united on that point. And there are many other truths which Christ taught and we Baha'is support.

So the Christians truth of love one another and the Baha'is truth of love humanity compliment each other and constitute the truth to love all people. These truths are really one truth about loving others. We can say they are two truths because spoken by Christ and Baha'u'llah but because they mean the same they are in reality one truth. But if you want we can say they are two truths and I will agree.

bahaullah didnt teach that love Only comes through the sacraments. Its not isolated love. You have to be baptized and knos jesus is your only lord and savior without bahullah for love to exist in the christian view.

does babuallah teach the christian sacraments is the Only way to find love?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
bahaullah didnt teach that love Only comes through the sacraments. Its not isolated love. You have to be baptized and knos jesus is your only lord and savior without bahullah for love to exist in the christian view.

does babuallah teach the christian sacraments is the Only way to find love?

We believe what the Founders taught as They were the Ones Who brought the original teachings. Over time, the followers changed a lot of them, but we only follow what the Founder taught.

Christ taught love one another and we believe and follow that but He did not teach the sacraments. They are not His Teachings but man made doctrines.
You're right. We must get rid of the kinds of religion that cause terrorism and wars and no religion should be allowed unless it is peaceful.

As for peace by the end if the 20th century. It's not the written words of Abdul-Baha but what a reporter understood Him to have said through a translator.

There is so much complete consistency with written words of Baha'u'llah and Abdul-Baha that no one can find an error anywhere so it's no coincidence that words passed on through both a translator as well as a third part non Bahai reporter do not match with His written words.

In all His Tablets nowhere, not once is ever mentioned peace by the 20th century.

Thanks for your observations and opinions.

Okay but I am confused , it was a very strong Bahai teaching, in Australia at least, pre 2000. After that I asked Bahais about it and I got different answers as time went on ; it is happening .... give it time ..... its all set up .... everything is in place to do that so Abdul Baha is right , its our fault for not doing it ( what the ... ? ) ... to no answer ... and now ... he never said that in the first place .

So what gives here ? I am not trying to grill you or challenge you .... I just want to sort it out as I have been confused by this .

If you could give me the details and the passage and the faulty translation and the real translation it would help to clear my confusion . (now I wondering how much else got translated wrong ? )

Thankyou .
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I dont mean to be rude just blunt. Muslims disagree with you. Wouldnt you take their disagreements into consideration giving they know more about their faith than you or does your faith honestly believe that its believers and founders are at fault and only Bahaullah knows the one truth in all faiths?

We believe that Muhammad is a Messenger of God like the Muslims believe and we believe the Quran is the Word of God like the Muslims believe.

We have a different interpretation of the Quran but so do they amongst themselves. Sunni and Shias have been at war for centuries over the correct interpretation of the Quran, each claiming to possess the only true interpretation.

In the Quran it says one day God will bring the correct interpretation.

Sura 7:53

On the Day (of Judgment) when its interpretations will be revealed, those who had ignored its guidance will confess, saying, "The Messengers of our Lord had certainly come to us with the Truth.

That Day has come and Baha'u'llah has brought the interpretations which will unite and bring peace to all Muslims.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I can't speak for Muslims since both Bahai and Muslim faith come from India. All I can say, though, is Muslim doesn't believe Bahaullah in higher regards and interprets the Quran through the eyes of Bahaullah. Maybe a Muslim can give a better defense. I know Christianity more.

We believe that Muhammad is a Messenger of God like the Muslims believe and we believe the Quran is the Word of God like the Muslims believe.

We have a different interpretation of the Quran but so do they amongst themselves. Sunni and Shias have been at war for centuries over the correct interpretation of the Quran, each claiming to possess the only true interpretation.

In the Quran it says one day God will bring the correct interpretation.

Sura 7:53

On the Day (of Judgment) when its interpretations will be revealed, those who had ignored its guidance will confess, saying, "The Messengers of our Lord had certainly come to us with the Truth.

That Day has come and Baha'u'llah has brought the interpretations which will unite and bring peace to all Muslims.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Okay but I am confused , it was a very strong Bahai teaching, in Australia at least, pre 2000. After that I asked Bahais about it and I got different answers as time went on ; it is happening .... give it time ..... its all set up .... everything is in place to do that so Abdul Baha is right , its our fault for not doing it ( what the ... ? ) ... to no answer ... and now ... he never said that in the first place .

So what gives here ? I am not trying to grill you or challenge you .... I just want to sort it out as I have been confused by this .

If you could give me the details and the passage and the faulty translation and the real translation it would help to clear my confusion . (now I wondering how much else got translated wrong ? )

Thankyou .

I too am in Australia and wondered what happened to universal peace when 2,000 arrived. But I never read the letters below otherwise I would have known what was attributed to Abdul-Baha was not official authenticated scripture but here say.

The Guardian said

"There is also this statement from a letter written in 1946 to an individual believer on behalf of the beloved Guardian by his secretary:

'…All we know is that the Lesser and the Most Great Peace will come—their exact dates we do not know.

So if the Guardian said way back in the 1950's that we 'don't know' when world peace is coming then that means he ignored that statement attributed to Abdul-Baha as He knew it was a just a misunderstanding by the reporter of the translator but Baha'is took it as authentic scripture when the Guardian has warned them not to do so unless they had it in Persian in writing from Abdul-Baha as His translators often were misunderstood and were not always understanding what Abdul-Baha meant.

Sorry about the length but it's important you read these letters many Bahais did not read to clear up your confusion.


The belief that world peace was to occur by the year 2,000 was invented by some Baha'is who relied on heresay from the interpretation by a reporter of the translator, not authenticated scripture.

Here is a letter from the Guardian clearing these matters up using Abdul-Baha in London as an example.

"Regarding "`Abdu'l-Bahá in London": Nothing can be considered scripture for which we do not have an original text. A verbatim record in Persian of His talks would of course be more reliable than one in English, because He was not always accurately interpreted. However such a book is of value, and certainly has its place in our Literature.

(24 October 1947)

So a reporter, a non Baha'i, through a translator, simply got it wrong. And so it also was in Esselmont's Book 'Baha'u'llah and the New Era'. He misunderstood what Abdul-Baha had said.

The original of "Some Answered Questions" in Persian is preserved in the Holy Land; its text was read in full and corrected by Abdu'l-Bahá Himself.

Unfortunately, Abdu'l-Bahá did not read and authenticate all transcripts of His other talks, some of which have been translated into various languages and published. For many of His addresses included in "The Promulgation of Universal Peace" and "Paris Talks", for example, no original authenticated text has yet been found. However, the Guardian allowed such compilations to continue to be used by the friends. In the future each talk will have to be identified and those which are unauthenticated will have to be clearly distinguished from those which form a part of Bahá'í Scripture. This does not mean that the unauthenticated talks will have to cease to be used -- merely that the degree of authenticity of every document will have to be known and understood. (Universal House of Justice 23 March 1987)

And this

Shoghi Effendi in his letter of 27 February 1929 addressed to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada ("The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh: Selected Letters" (Wilmette: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1982), pp. 4-5):

I truly deplore the unfortunate distortions that have resulted in days past from the incapacity of the interpreter to grasp the meaning of `Abdu'l-Bahá, and from his incompetence to render adequately such truths as have been revealed to him by the Master's statements. Much of the confusion that has obscured the understanding of the believers should be attributed to this double error involved in the inexact rendering of an only partially understood statement. Not infrequently has the interpreter even failed to convey the exact purport of the inquirer's specific questions, and, by his deficiency of understanding and expression in conveying the answer of `Abdu'l-Bahá, has been responsible for reports wholly at variance with the true spirit and purpose of the Cause. It was chiefly in view of the misleading nature of the reports of the informal conversations of `Abdu'l-Bahá with visiting pilgrims, that I have insistently urged the believers of the West to regard such statements as merely personal impressions of the sayings of their Master, and to quote and consider as authentic only such translations as are based upon the authenticated text of His recorded utterances in the original tongue.
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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member

I can't agree with Bahai's interpretation of other religions without the religious themselves finding agreement with you. Without their agreement and their interpretation of scripture taken into consideration, there will be different beliefs without peace.

If Bahai wants different religions and still have peace, they have to see religions from the religious perspective not Bahallauh. To do that, you have to follow the tenants of their faith: The Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, et sacraments. Among other things. It's not just love. It's the rituals and practices that makes up that love. That's why we need to accept differences.

Not make everyone see one truth.

It just won't work. That's why there are wars.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
@loverofhumanity I'm erasing my 173 post. But I hope you get my point. I'm pretty strong in my discussions but don't want them to be misinterpreted as debates.

No you're fine. You possess a very enlightened mind and I'm glad you share openly and frankly your views. I don't understand the need to delete as you are not debating but sharing your understanding and that's fine. No need to delete anything.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member

I can't agree with Bahai's interpretation of other religions without the religious themselves finding agreement with you. Without their agreement and their interpretation of scripture taken into consideration, there will be different beliefs without peace.

If Bahai wants different religions and still have peace, they have to see religions from the religious perspective not Bahallauh. To do that, you have to follow the tenants of their faith: The Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, et sacraments. Among other things. It's not just love. It's the rituals and practices that makes up that love. That's why we need to accept differences.

Not make everyone see one truth.

It just won't work. That's why there are wars.

But they are finding agreement with us. It is taking time but Christians are gradually agreeing with Baha'u'llah and His Teachings.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
No you're fine. You possess a very enlightened mind and I'm glad you share openly and frankly your views. I don't understand the need to delete as you are not debating but sharing your understanding and that's fine. No need to delete anything.

I agree with you completely. Believe me, I agree..... :(

:confused: Maybe you've answered this, on a different note.

Why don't you take the consideration of the people who follow the religion and their interpretations of scripture (Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, etc) and ask them how they see one truth rather than Bahaullah?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
But they are finding agreement with us. It is taking time but Christians are gradually agreeing with Baha'u'llah and His Teachings.

I disagree. I guess to compare, I believe one truth has no favorites. Christians are not gradually agreeing with Bah'a'llah anymore than a Christian saying one day every Bahai's will come to Christ.

Once we understand truth has no favorites, then we are one step to having different beliefs and still have peace.

Take Bahaullah, Christ, Muhammad, and Moses out of it, then you will find the message behind all faiths. However, because each faith depends on their practice for the message to exist, peace isn't possible until we accept that, give other religions their own space, without claiming them as part of our own.

That is what I believe. I understand Christian and Muslim belief. I disagree with it and it's logical. I understand what you are saying linguistically. Logically, it's not computing. Until other religious agree with you, I don't see how peace can happen through Bahai' eyes.