The whole idea of evolution is instilled in all science books nowadays, how can you say that it's not related to biology?
Where in the bl@@dy hell did I say that "evolution" is not related to "biology"?!?!?!?!
I don't know what you have been reading to misunderstand me about evolutionary biology.
All athiests believe in evolution.
That's a silly and very ignorant generalisation.
Practically most of uncles and aunts who migrated to Australia in the 50s & 60s, are and were (most of them past away now) atheists and non-theists Buddhists. They may have been Chinese but they weren't communists. They were shop keepers and cooks, who never studied in university before and are completely science illiterate, so they never accept evolution, because they never studied biology before, therefore didn't know anything about evolution.
And my own parents wouldn't understand what I was talking about, if I was to bring up the subject of evolution or natural selection. They couldn't accept evolution because they had no idea what it is.
And when some of cousins who did study in universities in Melbourne, and are atheists, didn't mean they accept evolution, because most of them didn't study biology. They had mostly studied business, and went into fields of accounting, finance or marketing. They simply weren't interested in discussing subject, like evolution, not because they were against evolution; no, they just didn't understand evolution.
The example, I had given, about my relatives, is they don't accept or reject evolution, because most of them don't bother to learn about the theory of evolution. That's just honest apathetism; they simply just lack interest in learning about evolution, because it is not part of their agenda to accept or follow evolution, but at the same time they don't reject it.
I have friends and know other people in my life, who are atheists, and some atheists may accept evolution, while other don't, because of the education and career paths that they have chosen.
All non-believers in evolution are thiests. Do you see the equation I have put up for you?
Also blatant and ignorant generalisation.
A number of Christians and Jews here (including those who have replied in this thread), do accept evolution to be fact.
Of course, there are others who don't accept.
So you don't know what you are talking, especially your askew idea of an equation.