It is probably the most common test of faith, I've known tragedy and pain like most, and also been very lucky. Knowing that loved ones can't be taken for granted, and may face danger, is part of what makes us cherish and protect them. I think we can have neither, like the Jellyfish..
oblivion. But I simply disagree that being all powerful means being able to create right without left, creating relativity without relativity.
How much of that were you
born with? The pain. How much of it is the simple knocks of living and how much were you just born with? My spine is misaligned. It is
unspeakably painful in ways I don't even know how to describe, all the time. That's not hyperbole. It never stops hurting. It was nothing done to me as a child, it was not a fall I took as a teenager doing something stupid, I was just born with a backbone that is not remotely as straight as it ought to be. And it has crippled me.
Nothing I did, nothing I could've been responsible for.
Born sick, and told to be well. Not just that, told to be
to utterly eradicate evil would be to utterly eradicate free will, and hence goodness. Just as compelling somebody to love you, would only destroy any chance of real love
Mestemia handled it rather well I think.
And I would not ask them to love me. I wouldn't care if they even recognized if I existed. They would not exist to feed my own ego.