You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
It would be nice it was as easy as that, to be able to change your own mind. Unfortuantely it does not work that way VBeing skeptical is a good thing.
And I am not trying to convert you to anything. I am just debating in a debate forum. But even if I did try to convert you, I would expect you to convert me to theism. This is, at the end of the day, what debating is: make the other think about his/her position.
Since the possible existence of God is a pretty important thing, I am very interested to know if I missed something. If you have something substantial, then I am ready to change my mind. After all, I have no faith whatsoever, so a rational argumentation in favor of God is the only thing that interests me.
We all start from a position of Self and then follow that Self. Arguments only make sense in this subject if he allows them to make sense to you. It would be easy enough to make something physical so everyone knew without a shadow of a doubt, but he has not. So it is something that has to be, as you imply, haas to be gone into deeper. Again, unfotunately, there are many depths of ''deep''. When one picks arguments apart, as I have, they think they have the answer, when in fact, they have the question.Alas, when arguments are challenged and analytically scrutinized, they tend to look like the classical emperor without clothes. Just a bunch of empty words without a clear cut meaning. They just serve the purpose of giving a cozy feeling to anyone who does not take the time to go deep into them, as long as they support his confirmation bias.
Faith comes from the proof within. It is not just hope for something there is no evidence for. No one believes in something they don't know.Leading me to the conclusion that finding rational evidence of God is a waste of time, or an exercise of self assurance.
But why do you look for independent evidence? Is faith not enough?
- viole
And you will have faith or belief in something.... even if you don't know it, otherwise you could not come to a conclusion in the first place.