Its the first memory i can remember...except...i was only a spirit. I remember all the sudden being consciously aware of my being...and didnt know where i was. I immediately looked down at my 'hands'...and when i realized i didnt have a body...and i just simply WAS...i thought...o on earth...this outta be interesting. So i observed the this day i can describe it in detail to my mother...who initially was dumbfounded the first time i mentioned my memory...its very accurate...and very real. I told myself it was a good idea to look out the window...and memorize something...sketch it in my i would have conformation later or i memorized the opposing windows architecture. Lol. The design of the bricks...i then thought i should search for a clock on the wall....i wanted to make sure i remembered what time i was there apparently...2:45pm. (I was born at 3:12 pm i later found out) I finally was 100% sure i was witnessing my mother in a hospital room when i hovered to the ceiling to get a full-on view. And then.....blackness....followed by what seemed to be a fast moving tunnel of light....and i was calmly inside for the ride....moving at what seemed very high speeds...hard to describe it really...but i passed a few images towards the end of the it slowed down just enough for me to make out a man turning the knob on a 50s style tv console...(i have no idea about that one to this day...but. lol.) That was it...thats all i next memory wasnt until 1 1/2 or im wondering if anyone can relate? And please...if your going to be rude...take it somewhere else...i seriously experienced this...i believe its 100% true so my 'religion' was formed by the fact that i am a spirit...i dont classify my beliefs into one 'religion'...but ive cut and pasted what fit the facts i new...and what branched out of those facts. Im im happy with it so dont bring me down. thank you...and sorry if that was long winded. Input please and thank you.