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can you remember being born?? i do


snipped by me
...I immediately looked down at my 'hands'...and when i realized i didnt have a body...and i just simply WAS...i thought...o boy...im on earth...this outta be interesting. So i observed the room...to this day i can describe it in detail to my mother...who initially was dumbfounded the first time i mentioned my memory...its very accurate...and very real. I told myself it was a good idea to look out the window...and memorize something...sketch it in my mind...so i would have conformation later or something...so i memorized the opposing windows architecture. Lol. The design of the bricks...i then thought i should search for a clock on the wall....i wanted to make sure i remembered what time i was there apparently...2:45pm. (I was born at 3:12 pm i later found out)...

Interesting how you were able to see all of this despite the fact that a babies eyesight doesn't develop till about 3 to 5 months of age.


Well-Known Member
snipped by me

Interesting how you were able to see all of this despite the fact that a babies eyesight doesn't develop till about 3 to 5 months of age.

Well there's eyesight, it's just very poorly developed, the ability to differentiate shapes and sizes and colors isn't there and more importantly they just won't focus on something that is more than 10 inches from their face. But what's most important is that it's way to much stimulation at birth, so even if you had the memories, you wouldn't be able to accurately pinpoint them, because you have to deal with sounds, smells, tastes, touch, and all your other like 15 senses besides just sight.


Peace be upon you.
Its the first memory i can remember...except...i was only a spirit. I remember all the sudden being consciously aware of my being...and didnt know where i was. I immediately looked down at my 'hands'...and when i realized i didnt have a body...and i just simply WAS...i thought...o boy...im on earth...this outta be interesting. So i observed the room...to this day i can describe it in detail to my mother...who initially was dumbfounded the first time i mentioned my memory...its very accurate...and very real. I told myself it was a good idea to look out the window...and memorize something...sketch it in my mind...so i would have conformation later or something...so i memorized the opposing windows architecture. Lol. The design of the bricks...i then thought i should search for a clock on the wall....i wanted to make sure i remembered what time i was there apparently...2:45pm. (I was born at 3:12 pm i later found out) I finally was 100% sure i was witnessing my mother in a hospital room when i hovered to the ceiling to get a full-on view. And then.....blackness....followed by what seemed to be a fast moving tunnel of light....and i was calmly inside for the ride....moving at what seemed very high speeds...hard to describe it really...but i passed a few images towards the end of the tunnle...like it slowed down just enough for me to make out a man turning the knob on a 50s style tv console...(i have no idea about that one to this day...but. lol.) That was it...thats all i remember...my next memory wasnt until 1 1/2 or so...so im wondering if anyone can relate? And please...if your going to be rude...take it somewhere else...i seriously experienced this...i believe its 100% true so my 'religion' was formed by the fact that i am a spirit...i dont classify my beliefs into one 'religion'...but ive cut and pasted what fit the facts i new...and what branched out of those facts. Im im happy with it so far...so dont bring me down. :) thank you...and sorry if that was long winded. Input please and thank you.

I was calm also...and just to be clear...i only remember being a spirit...not in a body...and apparently noone could see me...but i could view them. I know babies cant see very clearly...but i wasnt using physical eyes to see...however that works...the hospital room plays out clear as day...the tunnel is a little more drifted in and out memory...which explains why its harder to describe...and blackness after that...until about 1 1/2 or 2 years of age.

Peace be on you.
1- A point of view:
Red words suggest that you was granted a verly-early-vision or out-of-body-experience.

2- Unrelated but interesting information about:
The newborn senses of taste and smell
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Its the first memory i can remember...except...i was only a spirit. I remember all the sudden being consciously aware of my being...and didnt know where i was. I immediately looked down at my 'hands'...and when i realized i didnt have a body...and i just simply WAS...i thought...o boy...im on earth...this outta be interesting. So i observed the room...to this day i can describe it in detail to my mother...who initially was dumbfounded the first time i mentioned my memory...its very accurate...and very real. I told myself it was a good idea to look out the window...and memorize something...sketch it in my mind...so i would have conformation later or something...so i memorized the opposing windows architecture. Lol. The design of the bricks...i then thought i should search for a clock on the wall....i wanted to make sure i remembered what time i was there apparently...2:45pm. (I was born at 3:12 pm i later found out) I finally was 100% sure i was witnessing my mother in a hospital room when i hovered to the ceiling to get a full-on view. And then.....blackness....followed by what seemed to be a fast moving tunnel of light....and i was calmly inside for the ride....moving at what seemed very high speeds...hard to describe it really...but i passed a few images towards the end of the tunnle...like it slowed down just enough for me to make out a man turning the knob on a 50s style tv console...(i have no idea about that one to this day...but. lol.) That was it...thats all i remember...my next memory wasnt until 1 1/2 or so...so im wondering if anyone can relate? And please...if your going to be rude...take it somewhere else...i seriously experienced this...i believe its 100% true so my 'religion' was formed by the fact that i am a spirit...i dont classify my beliefs into one 'religion'...but ive cut and pasted what fit the facts i new...and what branched out of those facts. Im im happy with it so far...so dont bring me down. :) thank you...and sorry if that was long winded. Input please and thank you.

I don't remember being born. I do remember a few points of reference, however, lying in a crib reaching for a bottle nipple, having my hand slapped because I was reaching toward what looked like chocolate on the carpet (and turned out to be dog poop), and walking around at a birthday party when my brothers foot was stung by a bee....all around the times when I was 1-2 years old. The last two corroborated by other family members with my memory and my age.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Personally, I cannot remember being born. However, I have conversed with other people who have created memories of being born though. It seems somewhat common to people with a strong desire to feel special.


Premium Member
My earliest memory is, I believe, taking my first breath. The lights were so bright, and I remember I was crying in destress. I was being carried, and then laid against the "chest and neck" of what I presume was my mother. Where I found immediate warmth and comfort and I guess I went to sleep or "felt" safe as that is where the memory ends. A true memory, not making it up.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
My earliest childhood memories are devoid of anything other than sight. Since there was no conceptual fabric to discern what I was seeing, only the image remains. I wasn't even aware of being "me". Later on, before words were attached to the experiences, I was self-conscious enough to know I was about to be put on a very cold scale to weigh me, but again, my sense of self was still very limited. I also remember screaming my lungs out when I got an inoculation which was juxtaposed with the wonder of looking at the beams of the ceiling that seemed so high up - so I was beginning sense spatial relationships. That was all before my first birthday.... ... but no, I have no memories of the birth experience itself.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Thats why I doubt she has those memories at all.

Are you thinking she's lying to us?

and even if she does have "memories" of her birth they are more than likely "created" memories that developed later.

We'll never know for sure. I give it a serious chance of being real as her experience is not unique and there is much evidence such things do occur even though they don't fit a materialist's worldview.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
snipped by me

Interesting how you were able to see all of this despite the fact that a babies eyesight doesn't develop till about 3 to 5 months of age.

She is not saying these visions occurred through a newborn's physical eyeballs

Here's what you snipped out of her statement "except...i was only a spirit."
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
She is not saying these visions occurred through a newborn's physical eyeballs

Here's what you snipped out of her statement "except...i was only a spirit."
I guess that is where I diverge from the OP's writer. I had no sense of self in my earliest memories and am inclined to see this sense of self as being a projection on her part.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Personally, I cannot remember being born. However, I have conversed with other people who have created memories of being born though. It seems somewhat common to people with a strong desire to feel special.

Exactly the kind of put-down she asked to be spared from. This is a debate forum though.

Anyway you can't know it was a created memory unless you ASSUME a materialist worldview. So you're all bluster anyway with your put-down.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
I guess that is where I diverge from the OP's writer. I had no sense of self in my earliest memories and am inclined to see this sense of self as being a projection on her part.

She seems to be describing something different than you. She was describing her experiences as a spirit prior to full and final incarnation in the physical body. You are describing experiences after that point. Both types of experiences are interesting though.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
She seems to be describing something different than you. She was describing her experiences as a spirit prior to full and final incarnation in the physical body.
Yeah, that's the part I'm not buying into. I wouldn't claim she is lying, but rather it is a simple case of projection.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Yeah, that's the part I'm not buying into. I wouldn't claim she is lying, but rather it is a simple case of projection.

Do you not buy into her story in particular or do you not buy into any story of a claimed paranormal and spiritual nature? (nde's, obe, pre-birth, etc. as being super-physical)