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can you remember being born?? i do


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Very skeptical. Looked at the clock? How would you even know what a clock was or how to tell time?

I suspect this is likely the case of a created memory, based on bits of information garnered from the story of her birth.

What would help satisfy my skepticism?

If she told the time of her birth to her parent, among other details, when she was very young (say, 3-5 years old), before she had been told these details.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Interesting how you were able to see all of this despite the fact that a babies eyesight doesn't develop till about 3 to 5 months of age.
Not to encourage this nonsense about memories that couldn't exist, but newborn infants can recognize faces.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
One wonders why OBEs pre-birth would be witnessed with only the human field of view.

I've actually heard this discussed before. People use the term 'see' as it's about the closest thing we can relate it to. I've also heard of 360 degree vision and other differences.


Well-Known Member
My oldest memories come from when I was around a year and a half in age and the only reason I have them is because I could talk at the time. So I had words to explain what I was seeing and even those words weren't terrible accurate.

I still don't get peoples obsession with the existence of a spirit but to each their own.


Premium Member
The first time I remember hearing language was when I was a baby. I remember just momens here and there in the early years but thiis instant my mom was bringing me out of a bath and I was being carried out and laid on the bed. I was crying and crying and I didnt really understand where I was, what happened or why I was crying. Then somone was talking about the crying and my mom was looking at me and said, I think he has water in his ears, then suddenly I stopped cause I was startled that I could understand, I wasnt able to talk could only understand a little. Before and after is just blank until the next thing my conscious managed to capture.


Jesus in me
No. I have no memories of entering this life but I do remember my previous death because it was traumatic.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
So many answers, so little evidence to back it.

Please re-read the OP. The discussion was not intended to be about providing evidence to the RF hard-nosed skeptics. It was about sharing experiences.

Evidence arguments have been done before in other threads.


You were making a mental note to remember things such as the window and clock.

Were you taking visual notes or talking in your mind as we do, unlikely as language is learned.

Strange you new what a clock was, or thought to take mental notes as validation for a later date.

You would be unaware of the existence of everything and would not be thinking to validate it in the future by remembering things unless it did in fact happen like this.

Your soul is experienced, been here before, is aware of clocks and windows due to experiencing them in past lives. Coming into this life you had memories of such things, enough to know what a clock is, then you were born and unlike most we forget all past things before this life.

It has been said victims of alien abduction are remembering their birth, a film on aliens may have triggered a memory of being in a sterile room being probed by strange beings(doctors) they confuse it with an abduction memory rather then birth.


Please re-read the OP. The discussion was not intended to be about providing evidence to the RF hard-nosed skeptics. It was about sharing experiences.

Evidence arguments have been done before in other threads.

In a debate thread.

Let's continue debating experiences without giving evidence. That's possible. :facepalm:


Agnostic Pantheist
In a debate thread.

Let's continue debating experiences without giving evidence. That's possible. :facepalm:
Everything is possible on the internet. Theoretically, you could claim you've been born out of a dung ball which was rolled by a scarab around the entire earth. And even claim victory at the end of a debate which challenged your Egyptologically stinky experience!

This is a *very special* debate thread. :sarcastic Evidence is for sissies.
Its the first memory i can remember...except...i was only a spirit. I remember all the sudden being consciously aware of my being...and didnt know where i was. I immediately looked down at my 'hands'...and when i realized i didnt have a body...and i just simply WAS...i thought...o boy...im on earth...this outta be interesting. So i observed the room...to this day i can describe it in detail to my mother...who initially was dumbfounded the first time i mentioned my memory...its very accurate...and very real. I told myself it was a good idea to look out the window...and memorize something...sketch it in my mind...so i would have conformation later or something...so i memorized the opposing windows architecture. Lol. The design of the bricks...i then thought i should search for a clock on the wall....i wanted to make sure i remembered what time i was there apparently...2:45pm. (I was born at 3:12 pm i later found out) I finally was 100% sure i was witnessing my mother in a hospital room when i hovered to the ceiling to get a full-on view. And then.....blackness....followed by what seemed to be a fast moving tunnel of light....and i was calmly inside for the ride....moving at what seemed very high speeds...hard to describe it really...but i passed a few images towards the end of the tunnle...like it slowed down just enough for me to make out a man turning the knob on a 50s style tv console...(i have no idea about that one to this day...but. lol.) That was it...thats all i remember...my next memory wasnt until 1 1/2 or so...so im wondering if anyone can relate? And please...if your going to be rude...take it somewhere else...i seriously experienced this...i believe its 100% true so my 'religion' was formed by the fact that i am a spirit...i dont classify my beliefs into one 'religion'...but ive cut and pasted what fit the facts i new...and what branched out of those facts. Im im happy with it so far...so dont bring me down. :) thank you...and sorry if that was long winded. Input please and thank you.
This lines up rather well with the idea that we exist prior to putting on our 'earth suits', something of which I've personally become convinced. Cool stuff!! :)

I don't remember being born. I do remember a few points of reference, however, lying in a crib reaching for a bottle nipple, having my hand slapped because I was reaching toward what looked like chocolate on the carpet (and turned out to be dog poop), and walking around at a birthday party when my brothers foot was stung by a bee....all around the times when I was 1-2 years old. The last two corroborated by other family members with my memory and my age.
That's the extent of my earliest memories too; being in the crib, and at least one instance of having my diaper changed. :)



New Member
Its the first memory i can remember...except...i was only a spirit. I remember all the sudden being consciously aware of my being...and didnt know where i was. I immediately looked down at my 'hands'...and when i realized i didnt have a body...and i just simply WAS...i thought...o boy...im on earth...this outta be interesting. So i observed the room...to this day i can describe it in detail to my mother...who initially was dumbfounded the first time i mentioned my memory...its very accurate...and very real. I told myself it was a good idea to look out the window...and memorize something...sketch it in my mind...so i would have conformation later or something...so i memorized the opposing windows architecture. Lol. The design of the bricks...i then thought i should search for a clock on the wall....i wanted to make sure i remembered what time i was there apparently...2:45pm. (I was born at 3:12 pm i later found out) I finally was 100% sure i was witnessing my mother in a hospital room when i hovered to the ceiling to get a full-on view. And then.....blackness....followed by what seemed to be a fast moving tunnel of light....and i was calmly inside for the ride....moving at what seemed very high speeds...hard to describe it really...but i passed a few images towards the end of the tunnle...like it slowed down just enough for me to make out a man turning the knob on a 50s style tv console...(i have no idea about that one to this day...but. lol.) That was it...thats all i remember...my next memory wasnt until 1 1/2 or so...so im wondering if anyone can relate? And please...if your going to be rude...take it somewhere else...i seriously experienced this...i believe its 100% true so my 'religion' was formed by the fact that i am a spirit...i dont classify my beliefs into one 'religion'...but ive cut and pasted what fit the facts i new...and what branched out of those facts. Im im happy with it so far...so dont bring me down. :) thank you...and sorry if that was long winded. Input please and thank you.

Not the first time I have heard these types of claims and not doubting you believe it but clearly not rational or true. Concepts like long term memory are not possible for infants but meh you are arguing for concepts like spirits, earth, mom and an innate sense to remember something specific to quell the skeptical questions and etc etc... and then nothing until your were like one and its just kind of silly I don't know why people hold on to stories like this. I have told really close friends that memories like this are not real and some don't talk to me anymore and some are offended and don't bring it up but a few have eventually agreed. I am not saying you are crazy and you don't believe it happened but clearly it never happened but fiction makes up a large part of who a lot of people are and it is not always bad. Some fiction makes people better people but being a debate forum I think its a ludicrous claim and would have no qualms telling my mother, coworkers, friends etc that not only do I think it is obviously false and a little sad but more so that I personally think it is factually false.


Active Member
So maybe this was put in the wrong place...o well. :) all i know, is that my story is true. You dont have to believe it is true, for it to actually be true. And the reason i hold onto it...is because i knew it was a gift. And if anyone willing to believe it true, could benefit from my experience. I cant remember any past lives...but that seems to be the most logical explaination as to why i would look at the clock.and i was 7 years old when i told my mother about it...and i assure you (although she did not inform me of any information of the birth room she was in) that there is no way she would have possibly remembered the window architecture as i did. I drew a picture of the window for her, and a birds eye view of the layout of the room before i ever started the conversation. That was what was most compelling...i knew, and she hadnt told me anything. Looking at pictures of the hospital, and comparing the window to my drawing of it...is pretty amazing to say the least. So this story is quite non-fictional. Only fictional to those who wish not to believe...and thats okay too. :) i respect your unique opinion.


Active Member
And by 'pictures of the hospital' ...we searched the internet...it wasnt like i had an actual picture available to me at any moment to just imagine it up.