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Capitalists may have the same mentality as Nazis: that people must be enslaved


Veteran Member
Well, there's some history behind that, too. But at least that was a plan, unlike the devil-may-care way they're running things lately.
To me it looks like the continuation of the Monroe Doctrine - only not restricted to the Americas.


Veteran Member
Are you sharing the profits that they generate for you with them?

Off course I don't. Just like I don't require them to give me money if the company makes a loss.

Or are you just paying them whatever you have to, to keep them around?

They are hired to do a specific job and they get a specific salary in return. The height of that salary is determined by general market forces as to what the value is of the skill set involved and the amount of hours worked.

Are you consulting them and considering their well-being when you make decisions about how the business you own is being run or what it's future will be? Or is their fate basically the same as the furniture?

They are consulted within the bounds of their jobs and responsibilities.
I mean, it's a software company. When we for example have to make a strategic decision on where to go with our product... I'm not going to consult the, say, cleaning lady.

Everyone plays his/her part.
When making architectural software design decisions, the software architects are involved.
When making management decisions, managers are involved.
And off course well-being in general is considered. A motivated, healthy, happy worker is a productive worker. A depressed, unhealthy and unhappy worker ...is not. Nor would such a worker stay loyal to the company. This is rather basic team management stuff.........

When times are tough you'll lay them off work to stay afloat financially

Depends on forecasts. In really tough times, it's better to lay some off today rather then having to close shop next month and put everyone out of work.

, but when times are good will you give them raises and bonuses? Share the good fortune? Or will you just buy yourself a new swimming pool?

Raises and bonuses are given based on performance of the work being done, not on the company result.
No, I don't hand out free money when profits are made. Just like I don't require workers to reimburse salaries when the company makes a loss.
Company profits, more often then not, are reinvested in the company for growth.

But to answer your implicit question: no, I have no qualms at all about giving myself and partners a nice bonus if and when there is a surplus of profit.
We work hard and take all the risks. As said, when the company makes a loss, that money comes out of OUR pockets, not out of the salaries of the employees.
Next to that, in general we work double the hours of the workers. Our job never stops. We are the ones who lay awake at night thinking and worrying about stuff, while the workers tune out at 17h and go and relax - not having to worry if their salary is going to be there, because it will.

When you see your competitors raising their prices for whatever reason, do you raise yours accordingly just because you know you can?

Fully depends on the reason.
If they do it out of greed, then we rejoice because that will just translate into more sales for us.
If on the other hand it is done because other costs are going up, then we will also (and not because the competition does it, but quite simply because we have to offset the additional costs). Like 2 years ago with inflation and the sudden rise in energy prices and what not. It's not like we wanted to raise prices... it's more that we didn't really have a choice.

If your competitors suddenly vanished and you found yourself operating a monopoly in your area would you raise your prices and consider it "just good business" to take advantage of the vacuum?

Depends. In our current business, likely not. Reason being that it would be fairly easy for another competitor to step in after a year or two.
Pricing is a market force of supply and demand. If you are the only one who has a certain skill set available, and it's incredibly hard for others to acquire that skill set, and it's a skill set that is in high demand... then your skill is going to be costly.

This is why a heart surgeon makes big bucks, while a garbage collector doesn't.

If one of your vendors was going out of business and had to sell off his inventory to pay his creditors would you try to buy it for as much less than you usually pay for it as possible? Using his misfortune as your good fortune? After all, it's "just good business", right?

This question doesn't make sense to me. When a company is going out of business and the inventory is sold off in such a way to pay of creditors... then usually it's through some kind of auction that this vendor has no control over. You're talking about bankruptcy then. And on an auction, it goes for whatever people are bidding. Usually this will always be cheaper then "normal" sales.

So if you are asking me if I would buy goods cheaper then otherwise if given the opportunity... off course. Why wouldn't I? Wouldn't you?
Say the local car dealer goes out of business and as part of the bankruptcy their inventory is sold off cheaply... you wouldn't go and buy a new car at half price if given the opportunity? Let's not lie about this and pretend you wouldn't. You very much would. And you would be very pleased with the deal you made.

Are you beginning to see the pattern, here?

The pattern I see is the pattern I usually see in such discussions.
It's a combination of several things.
First, you seem to think this is still the 1900s.
Second, you feel like company owners should share their profits with workers - but I bet you don't feel like workers should also carry their share of losses. You are very silent about that. You only focus on company owners making lots of money.

It tells me you never operated a business. Many people seem to think that owning a company means that you crap money and that everything suddenly magically turns to gold "because the workers to the work for you".

In reality, most business owners see only "black snow" in the first years (meaning: they earn very little or even lose money).
In reality, most business owners work double / triple the hours of their workers.
In reality, most businesses only make money because the owners are good managers and are able to organize the work and processes in such a way that money is being generated. Money doesn't come in simply because one of my programmers is doing what he is hired to do, which is program.

First, someone (me) needs to decide WHAT that dude is going to program and WHY.
Then that program needs to be tested and brought to market. It needs to be sold.
Only then does it generate money. And before the first euro from a customer hopefully comes in, a LOT of costs have been made. All those costs were carried by me.
I pay that programmer without having revenue, hoping it will generate revenue in the future.

If it fails, I'm not getting my money back.

So, to sum up....

I carry all the costs.
I carry all the risks.
I work double the hours of the programmer.

And then you complain that I buy a swimming pool years down the line when I manage to turn it into a successful business.

Are YOU seeing the pattern here?

And if you don't do these things, we both know that your competitors will. Don't we. Putting you at a disadvantage for trying to be more "fare trade" about it.

Nothing you said had anything to do with fair trade.
Having workers share in the profits while only letting the business owner carry the losses is not "fair trade".

Fair trade is paying workers a market conform salary for the skill set involved and providing a healthy and safe work environment.
Whether the software sells 5 times or a bazillion times doesn't make any difference.

Because capitalism is all about greed.

No. Your outlandish idea of how businesses are actually run is.
In the real world, people don't think like that.

Yes, as a business owner I try to make as much money as I can.
How is that different from when I was a worker before? I was also trying to make as much money as I can. Who doesn't?
Do you work for free?

Maximizing profits by exploiting any advantage you can find in every trade you make with anyone else. We call it "fair trade" but in fact it's exploitation in every and any way possible.
There is that word again: "exploiting".
The proper word is "opportunity".
If I see a way to grow my business, why wouldn't I do it?
How is that bad for the workers that the business is doing well?

Say an opportunity comes along that could double revenue. Say that do it "your way" and don't jump on it.
How is that good for the workers? Jumping on it means more job security for them + additional jobs for others.
And if my business is doing well, why shouldn't I earn more money as a result?
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Russia and the United States both supported the Libyan National Army (LNA).

Italy supports the Government of National Accord (GNA).

Therefore Russia with the US are both together and opposing side to Italy.

But they did it with the Russians, no?
This is disinformation, sir.
Russia has never supported the undoing of the Libyan State, or the murder of Gaddafi

And it is squalid that only in Italian you can find videos about Putin condemning the NATO for destroying a prosperous nation like Libya. Like this:

One last thing: Americans will never succeed in destroying the relationship between Russians and Italians. ;)


Active Member
This is disinformation, sir.
Russia has never supported the undoing of the Libyan State, or the murder of Gaddafi

And it is squalid that only in Italian you can find videos about Putin condemning the NATO for destroying a prosperous nation like Libya. Like this:

One last thing: Americans will never succeed in destroying the relationship between Russians and Italians. ;)

All relationships have their ups and downs signora, but never forget who your friends are.


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
All relationships have their ups and downs signora, but never forget who your friends are.

The truth is that all nations should cooperate for peace, and Russians are not our enemies.
They have never done anything against world peace. This war is a territorial controversy that must not compromise world peace.


Veteran Member
Russia is a threat to the greed of billionaire bankers.
So if you believe they are threat, you are probably referring to that. ;)
No, I'm referring to them invading neighbors with armies and threatening the world with nuclear annihilation.
And that's not even including trying to manipulate public opinion and elections in other countries with troll farms overflowing social media with fake news, sabotaging countries with cyber attacks, carrying out assassination missions of the russians seeking refuge in other countries, etc.

Not sure what planet you are living on, but it doesn't sound like it's earth.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
No, I'm referring to them invading neighbors with armies and threatening the world with nuclear annihilation.
And that's not even including trying to manipulate public opinion and elections in other countries with troll farms overflowing social media with fake news, sabotaging countries with cyber attacks, carrying out assassination missions of the russians seeking refuge in other countries, etc.
Those territories belong to the Russian Federation, annexed via referendums.
This us what Italian media say.

Italy is too Russophilic to remain in the EU...don't you agree?
Not sure what planet you are living on, but it doesn't sound like it's earth.