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Cardinal Pell and Evolution

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No. If we believe that claim is true, it is possible the same thing has happened to humans and apes, causing similar effect. It is no proof for same parent.
Do you know the odds of that. Add in ERV's and you are at the order of winning the Powerball lottery one hundred times in a row.


Veteran Member
Not necessary, it is possible to get the same thing broken in different cases, by the same method it happened in some case.

The chance of that happening is 1 in trillions upon trillions.
The chance of it being the result of a common ancestor passing on the broken gene to all offspring is.... 1 in 1.

Off-spring inherits DNA from parents.
The same mutation happing twice is ultra-rare. Three times mega-ultra-rare. It only gets exponentially worse the more instances you add to it.

You apparently prefer odds that are even worse then winning the lottery dozens of times in a row as opposed to an explanation where sharing this broken gene is not only probably but even inevitable.

You should question your rationality in this preference.

And that all species evolved to this diversity from single cell is several times more improbable. :D
It is not actually.
But I understand that you would think so, given your baffling and embarassing lack of understanding of the process. You don't even seem to be properly comprehending the implication of the process of reproduction where parents pass on their genes to their children...

It is not the same.

It is. Take ERV's for example.
We share PLENTY of ERV's with the other great apes.
And ERV is the result of a viral infection where it gets inserted into the genome (and subsequently inherited by offspring).
There are ~3000 of viruses which can do this.
In our primate genome, there are about 3 billion possible insertion spots.

Meaning that sharing 1 ERV with another individual WITHOUT sharing ancestry, the chance is 1 in 3000*3 billion.
Sharing 2 such ERV's would be 1 in (3000 * 3 billion) ²
Sharing 3 such ERV's would be 1 in (3000 * 3 billion) ³
Sharing 20 such ERV's would be 1 in (3000 * 3 billion) ^20
And so on.......

With the ERV forming in a common ancestor who then passes it on to offspring and then having those descendants share those ERV's would be...... 1 in 1.

And it is like that with pretty much ALL shared genetic features.

Count them all up. Consider the trillions upon trillions upon gazibillions of lottery wins you require to "handwave" that away.
All the while the probability in context of common ancestry is ... 1 in 1.

This is the level of "absurd" you need to appeal to in order to defend your myths.

It can be seen that offspring is not identical to their parents, there are variations in between certain limits. For example the color and size of people can vary, similarly as with all living things. But we don't see for example mouse turning into a mini whale, which should be possible, if the evolution theory is correct.

No. Hilariously, if we would observe such a thing, evolution theory as presently understood would be disproven.
You might want to read up and inform yourself before making an even bigger fool of yourself.
This is really ridiculous.......

This is why I can believe there was for example one kind of bears and all modern bear "species" are offspring of those.
Hilariously, to believe that, you would have to believe in "super duper evolution on steroids" to account for all these new species in only a few millenia. It would require evolution to work at a rate hundreds of times faster then presently understood and observed.

And off course, as already stated, your ad hoc explanation simply doesn't work..........
You invent this ad hoc nonsense to "explain away" the shared genetic features of bear species.
But the exact same kind of shared genetic features exist between all bears and all other mammals.
On a deeper level still, the exact same kind of shared genetic features exist between all mammals and reptiles.
On a deeper level still, the exact same kind of shared genetic features exist between all mammals / reptiles and vertebrates.
Etc etc etc.

Until we indeed end up with primitive prokaryotes.

You are drawing completely arbitrary lines here which do not exist, do not make sense and which are simply absurd.
And all of it is ad hoc nonsense based on nothing but scientific ignorance and religious bias.


Veteran Member
No. If we believe that claim is true, it is possible the same thing has happened to humans and apes, causing similar effect. It is no proof for same parent.
It would be hilarious to see you use that type of argumentation in a court to dispute you are the biological father of a certain child.

"ow it's just a coincidence that we share that dna. it is not proof of me being the parent".



Premium Member
There is no heat problem, because there was lot of water to cool things down. If you disagree, please explain why do you think there was a problem.
It is basic physics that the energy involved over billions of years of continental drift and metamorphism generating the heat involved would melt the earth. The water would be boiled off and gone from the earth.


Veteran Member
It is basic physics that the energy involved over billions of years of continental drift and metamorphism generating the heat involved would melt the earth. The water would be boiled off and gone from the earth.
Those lacking the rudiments of basic
understanding just wont comprehend
what you are saying.
The shaking alone would churn every
rigid structure ( see all rock formations)
into sand.

Try telling a floodie that antarctic ice
would float away in a world wide flood.

Ive a small collection of wacky " explanations"
for how ice predating any possible flood can be there.

Scientific illiteracy hardly begins to account for
such colossal stupidity.
Last edited:


Premium Member
For me any definition that is logical is ok. In this case I think more important question is, what was the Biblical definition. It seems in Bible "family" is the same as nowadays "species".
Self-serving circular logic to justify an ancient religious agenda without science does not remotely defend your argument. It actually violates the basic concepts of logic. Basically, your argument is '
i believe it's true because I believe it's true.


Premium Member
Those lacking the rudiments of basic
understanding just so that get it.

Try telling a floodie that antarctic ice
would float away in a world wide flood.
Remember according to the Bible ice caps and glacier ice does not exist.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Just walk North through Canada or Asia in the winter or go to Antarctica before they melt.
My Flat Earth resources tell me that the entire coast line of "Antarctica" is patrolled by the UN navy (which on a Flat Earth is about 70,000 km long) and that there is a very tall mountain at the North Pole.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
For me any definition that is logical is ok. In this case I think more important question is, what was the Biblical definition. It seems in Bible "family" is the same as nowadays "species".
That isn't answering the question.

Define family as used in the Bible and explain how it is the same as species used in science. Explain the logic of using a term from a religious text to define species in science.

The Bible isn't a science book and I am unaware that it defines what a species is. It refers to things as kinds, but there is no definition for what that means. It could mean anything. It goes to that logic thing you mentioned.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
For me any definition that is logical is ok. In this case I think more important question is, what was the Biblical definition. It seems in Bible "family" is the same as nowadays "species".
The word family is mentioned about 120 times in the Bible, but I cannot find anything that indicates it is used therein to define species of living things.


Premium Member
Not necessary, it is possible to get the same thing broken in different cases, by the same method it happened in some case.

And that all species evolved to this diversity from single cell is several times more improbable. :D

It is not the same. It can be seen that offspring is not identical to their parents, there are variations in between certain limits. For example the color and size of people can vary, similarly as with all living things. But we don't see for example mouse turning into a mini whale, which should be possible, if the evolution theory is correct. This is why I can believe there was for example one kind of bears and all modern bear "species" are offspring of those.
Your posts have gotten worse and worse with fairy tales that are physically and scientifically impossible.

What background do you have in science to make these outrageous claims? Concerning the physics of energy, the history of the earth requires billions of years for the internal heat of the earth to cause continental drift, metamorphism, and volcanism to cause our earth to be like it is today.

You have not provided an adequate explanation of limestone hundreds if feet thick forming in the manner limestone and coral reefs form today in the Pacific Islands and the Bermuda limestone and coral plateau.

If you have an alternate explanation that passes muster in science.


Premium Member
Sorry, I have no reason to think it would have been a problem. But, I agree that there was heating and without all the water, it would have had a different result.
Based on real physics and science what would be the result?