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Cartoons Under Fire


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Darkdale said:
For us going into Afghanistan and Iraq. For us stepping in to protect them from the Russians. For us stepping in to protect them from Saddam. For us working hard to create peace between Palestine and Israel, believing in both peoples, and believing in the possibility of peace. For believing in the Arab World, for believing that they are our equals, and believing that they deserve freedom.
They thank you for going to Iraq ???? :eek: :bonk: :banghead3

Say it again please ....


thank you for this ...



World Leader Pretend
The Truth said:

Maybe you prefer the picture of Saddam's mass graves. Maybe you prefer the people enslaved. Maybe you hate Iraqis. *shrugs* It that is the case, I have no desire to talk to you. If you love Iraqis, but just hate Americans - and want to use the victims of war as a reason to enforce that hate, then I have no interest in talking to you. Americans died in Iraq to set a people free and make the world a more peaceful place, to make America more secure. If you are against those aims - then you are an enemy. Plain and simple.


To Save A Lamb
The USA seems to work a little harder on the Israeli side than the Palestinian side. But before I'm labeled an anti-Jew who hates Israel and peace and fluffy kittens (again!) I think that they should share the land as it belongs to everyone and more effort should be put into programs there that teach understanding and tolerance.

You will never get number four. Ever. You say the United States protected us from Saddam? From Usama?

Do you forget who put them in power?

All the death and destruction there certainly isn't help.

Bush said himself that the United States is occupying them. He said himself he can't blame them for being upset about it. If China decided to occupy us to save us from ourselves I doubt any American would be happy about it.

First of all, your average Christian IS responsible for Pat Robertson. Second, Pat Robertson isn't burning down embassies, beating up women and children, or flying planes into buildings.
No, neither is Usama. He's just filling the people's heads with hate and the followers carry out these horrible acts.

Followers are the ones who beat up and murder gays, who blow up abortion clinics, who make death threats against those who think differently.

And why would Christians be responsible for him? He's a nutjob.


To Save A Lamb
And there is such thing as free speech and expression.

They can follow and believe whatever the heck they want as long as no one is hurt.

That goes to followers of all religions.


World Leader Pretend
jamaesi said:
And there is such thing as free speech and expression.

They can follow and believe whatever the heck they want as long as no one is hurt.

That goes to followers of all religions.

Whats your point? Muslims, in greater numbers every day, are engaging in violence. What are we to think?

Anger has turned to Sickness. Sickness has turned to Madness. What's next?


To Save A Lamb
Perhaps you need to look at why there is fanatic Islam?

Colonialism, imperialism (for which we are still suffering today) caused it. The fact that the USA decides to mess with the Middle East whenever it's convient for them and install dictators and crazy men in power and then take them out when it's convient again. And weren't you saying before we need to give thanks to other countries for making a bad situation and then make it even worse?

What are WE to think?


World Leader Pretend
jamaesi said:
Perhaps you need to look at why there is fanatic Islam?

Colonialism, imperialism (for which we are still suffering today) caused it. The fact that the USA decides to mess with the Middle East whenever it's convient for them and install dictators and crazy men in power and then take them out when it's convient again. And weren't you saying before we need to give thanks to other countries for making a bad situation and then make it even worse?

What are WE to think?

Nothing we have done in the Middle East has been convient for us. We don't want to be involved. We begrudge the fact. America doesn't want to make things worse for anyone. We want to make it better, but we also want to keep ourselves safe. We have to walk a tight-rope.


Well-Known Member
Darkdale said:
Well, when Muslims stop the violence and the terror, I'll put some faith in them. Until then, until peaceful Muslims are leading the fight against the violent ones, I'm going to be skeptical. I'm going to encourage the governments of the world to their thing.
Do not let the minority black sheep cloud your judgement. I have faith in you that you will soon be on the majority of Muslim side, fighting for peace on this earth.


World Leader Pretend
greatcalgarian said:
Do not let the minority black sheep cloud your judgement. I have faith in you that you will soon be on the majority of Muslim side, fighting for peace on this earth.

Are they fighting for peace? I can't see any of them? What have they done? Where are their troops? Are they effective? If so, how?


Well-Known Member
jamaesi said:
The USA seems to work a little harder on the Israeli side than the Palestinian side. But before I'm labeled an anti-Jew who hates Israel and peace and fluffy kittens (again!) I think that they should share the land as it belongs to everyone and more effort should be put into programs there that teach understanding and tolerance.
You are so smart, :clap
Some one has already branded me as anti-Israel, pro-terrorist.:biglaugh:


To Save A Lamb
Are they fighting for peace? I can't see any of them? What have they done? Where are their troops? Are they effective? If so, how?
Where are your troops for Sudan, Darkdale?


Well-Known Member
Darkdale said:
Are they fighting for peace? I can't see any of them? What have they done? Where are their troops? Are they effective? If so, how?
You will not find these reported in the Western media. But they are doing it. If you dig hard, for example google 'peace Muslim' you may find more of what these silent majority are doing.:D


Active Member
I must say that I think there is enough 'blame' to go around. Both sides have done things that are offensive and unacceptable to the other side. My question is: When is someone going to come along and say ENOUGH ALREADY. We need to stop this bickering back and forth and find a way to create common ground.

It is only through dialogue among people of good will who are willing to do whatever it takes that peace will be achieved. It is only through respect for others that we can hope to resolve some of these major differences. It is obvious that the political leaders of these countries including the USA are not doing what needs to be done. That means it is up to those of us who wish to create a peaceful world to do what is needed. We must be the ones to start an open and loving dialogue where we can create common cause. We must be willing to seek to empower our similarities. At the same time we must learn to respect our differences and honor one another. I would hope that this forum and others like it would be one place where this work can be started. It may be a small step but it is this type of small step that will create a ripple effect and more and more lives will be touched by the grace of tolerance.

I hope we can start to see some of that here.


To Save A Lamb
Maggie- I'm constantly told whatever I do is not enough, that I am responsible for the actions of the few extremists.

I honestly don't know what to do. What I do now is try to clear up misconceptions about Islam with both Muslims and nonMuslims alike. I speak out against violence whenever I can and support peace. I support aid groups who have programs for teaching tolerance and respect and education. I hope to actually join one later in life.

It's just such a bad situation all around and the arrogance and name-calling and hate from both sides doesn't help one bit.


Well-Known Member
jamaesi said:
Maggie- I'm constantly told whatever I do is not enough, that I am responsible for the actions of the few extremists.

I honestly don't know what to do. What I do now is try to clear up misconceptions about Islam with both Muslims and nonMuslims alike. I speak out against violence whenever I can and support peace. I support aid groups who have programs for teaching tolerance and respect and education. I hope to actually join one later in life.

It's just such a bad situation all around and the arrogance and name-calling and hate from both sides doesn't help one bit.
You are doing great, just keep on doing what you are doing, and peace will gradually increase in this world.:clap

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
jamaesi said:
Maggie- I'm constantly told whatever I do is not enough, that I am responsible for the actions of the few extremists.
The proble, jamaesi, is that we do not seem to see "the actions of a few extremists." What we seem to see is a barbaric and reactionary culture that increasingly presents itself as a threat to civilization.


Well-Known Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
The proble, jamaesi, is that we do not seem to see "the actions of a few extremists." What we seem to see is a barbaric and reactionary culture that increasingly presents itself as a threat to civilization.
What cause or started this barbaric and reactionary culture?
Why is this barbaric and reactionary culture kept increasing in intensity?

I believe what Jamaesi is trying to say is that: this is not CAUSED by Islamic teaching?